Overview of axis-specific parameters
The axis parameter overview is sorted into a 4-column table.
- Column 1 contains the unambiguous identifier of the axis parameter called the “ID” which consists of the prefix “P-AXIS” and a unique 5-digit number,
e.g. P-AXIS-00001. - Column 2 represents the data structure which defines the parameters,
e.g. getriebe[i].slope_profil.
The structure is a categorisation aid and is described in the following section. - Column 3 contains the “parameter” with its exact description,
e.g. a_beschl. The important thing is that “structure”+”parameter” always belong together and must therefore be configured in exactly the same way in the axis parameter list,
e.g. getriebe[i].slope_profil.a_beschl. - Column 4 contains the “functionality” in a summarised term/short description,
e.g. dynamic variable for non-linear slope.
ID | Structure | Parameter | Functionality/short description |
getriebe[i].slope_profil. | a_beschl | Acceleration at machining feed (non-linear slope) | |
getriebe[i].slope_profil. | a_brems | Deceleration at machining feed (non-linear slope) | |
getriebe[i].dynamik. | a_emergency | Deceleration for an emergency stop | |
getriebe[i].slope_profil. | a_grenz | Acceleration at rapid movement (non-linear slope) | |
getriebe[i].slope_profil. | a_grenz_stufe_1 | Acceleration of step 1 in rapid mode (linear slope) | |
getriebe[i].slope_profil. | a_grenz_stufe_2 | Acceleration of step 2 in rapid mode (linear slope) | |
getriebe[i].beschl_kennlinie. | a_konst | Constant acceleration in the range n<ngrenz | |
getriebe[i].dynamik. | a_max | Maximum permissible axis acceleration | |
handbetrieb.hb. | a_max | Maximum acceleration for manual operation without parallel interpolation | |
getriebe[i].beschl_kennlinie. | a_min | Minimum acceleration which may not be undershot. | |
getriebe[i].slope_profil. | a_stufe_1 | Acceleration of step 1 (linear slope) | |
getriebe[i].slope_profil. | a_stufe_2 | Acceleration of step 2 (linear slope) | |
getriebe[i].dynamik. | a_trans_weight | Weighting of acceleration at motion block transition | |
kenngr. | abs_pos_gueltig | Identification code for absolute path measurement system | |
kenngr. | achs_mode | Axis operation mode | |
kopf. | achs_nr | Logical axis number | |
kenngr. | achs_typ | Axis type (linear axis, rotary axes, spindle) | |
P-AXIS-00019 | antr.sercos. | antr_adr | Drive address (SERCOS) |
kenngr. | antr_typ | Drive type | |
lr_param. | anwahl_losekomp | Selection of backlash compensation | |
kenngr. | anzeige | Activation of display function | |
getriebe[i].slope_profil. | a_feedh | Dynamic variable for linear slope | |
handbetrieb.hr. | aufl[i] | Handwheel resolutions | |
getriebe[i].beschl_kennlinie. | b1 | Parameter of the a(n) polynomial (B1) | |
getriebe[i].beschl_kennlinie. | b2 | Parameter of the a(n) polynomial (B2) | |
getriebe[i].beschl_kennlinie. | b3 | Parameter of the a(n) polynomial (B3) | |
getriebe[i]. | vb_max_red_zone | Maximum permissible axis velocity in security zone | |
kenngr. | beweg_richt | Definition of preferred direction of spindle rotation | |
P-AXIS-00036 | lr_hw[i]. | cam_direct_access | Access to cam signals |
P-AXIS-00037 | lr_hw[i]. | cam_hw_id_string | Name of hardware |
lr_hw[i]. | cam_level | Level of cam signals | |
P-AXIS-00039 | lr_hw[i]. | cam_mask | Bit variable for cam signals |
kopf. | clone_of | Mapping of parameters of an existing axis for default configuration | |
P-AXIS-00041 | lr_hw[i]. | cntr_channel | Channel identifier for counter |
P-AXIS-00042 | lr_hw[i]. | cntr_hw_id_string | Name of counter hardware |
kenngr. | coll_check_ax_nr | Monitoring of axis collision: Logical axis number | |
kenngr. | coll_decelerate_chan | Monitoring of axis collision: Stopping in all channels during drive faults | |
kenngr. | coll_offset | Monitoring of axis collision: Security distance | |
handbetrieb.default. | control_element | Logical control element number | |
lr_param. | crosscomp | Activation of cross compensation | |
lr_hw[i]. | da_channel | D/A-channel number | |
lr_hw[i]. | da_hw_id_string | Name of D/A-hardware | |
antr.simu. | daempfung_n | Axis simulation attenuation (numerator) | |
antr.simu. | daempfung_z | Axis simulation attenuation (numerator) | |
kenngr. | def_cax_gear_st | Default gear step number for C-axis mode | |
getriebe[i].slope_profil. | a_feedh | Deceleration at feedhold (non-linear slope) | |
getriebe[i]. | default_lr_hw_nbr | Number of selected hardware specific parameter set of the gear step | |
kenngr. | diff_pos_tracking | Tracking mode: Maximum difference after deactivation | |
lr_hw[i]. | drift_wert | Value of drift compensation | |
kenngr. | durchm_prog_abs | Diameter programming absolute | |
kenngr. | durchm_prog_rel | Diameter programming relative | |
kenngr. | echtzeit_bit_nr | SERCOS status/define control bit for measurement | |
antr.simu. | eigenfrequenz_n | Axis simulation natural frequency (numerator) | |
antr.simu. | eigenfrequenz_z | Axis simulation natural frequency (numerator) | |
P-AXIS-00063 | antr.sercos. | eval_calc_slot | Time slot calculation (SERCOS) |
kenngr. | fast_from_cam | Slow / fast movement down from cam | |
antr.profibus. | feinaufloesung | Factor for calculation of the position values (PROFIDRIVE) | |
filter[i]. | fg_f0 | Characteristic frequency of the axis-specific command value filter | |
P-AXIS-00068 | antr.sercos.ident[i]. | file | Filename (SERCOS) |
handbetrieb.hr. | filter_zeit | Filter time constant for hand wheel increments | |
kenngr. | gantry_ax_nr | Axis number of the master axis | |
kenngr. | gantry_max_diff_reset_locked | Non resettable path distance between master- and slave axis | |
kenngr. | gantry_max_diff_resetable | Resettable path distance | |
kenngr. | gantry_offset | Static offset between master and slave axis | |
kenngr. | gantry_slave_no_homing | Suppress homing for gantry slave axis | |
kenngr. | gantry_vb_korr | Velocity of correction for compensation of gantry difference | |
handbetrieb.jog. | geschw[i] | Incremental jog velocities | |
handbetrieb.tipp. | geschw[i] | Velocity for the continuous jog mode | |
getriebe[i]. | getr_schalt_pos | Gear change position | |
kenngr. | getriebe_stufe | Default gear step number | |
filter[i]. | guete | Bandwidth of axis specific command value filter | |
getriebe[i].slope_profil. | tr_feedh | Ramp time at feedhold (non-linear slope) | |
handbetrieb.ipo. | hb_proz_a_max | Acceleration part of manual operation with parallel interpolation | |
handbetrieb.ipo. | hb_proz_v_max | Velocity part of manual operation with parallel interpolation | |
kenngr. | homing_without_zero_pulse | Homing only with cam (without zero pulse) | |
kenngr. | red_speed_zone_pos | Upper limit of security zone 1 | |
kenngr. | hub_messtaster | Probe stroke for measurement types 2 and 4 | |
antr.sercos.at[i]. | ident_len | Length of ID (SERCOS) | |
antr.sercos.mdt[i]. | ident_len | Length of ID (SERCOS) | |
antr.sercos.at[i]. | ident_nr | AT ID number (SERCOS) | |
antr.sercos.mdt[i]. | ident_nr | MDT ID number (SERCOS) | |
kenngr. | in_add_interface | Activation of (additional) interface for loading application-specific command values | |
getriebe[i]. | incr_per_rev | Position controller increments per revolution | |
kenngr. | red_speed_zone_neg | Lower limit of security zone 1 | |
handbetrieb.ipo. | ipo_proz_a_max | Acceleration part of interpolation | |
handbetrieb.ipo. | ipo_proz_v_max | Velocity part of interpolation | |
antr.simu. | ist_gleich_soll | Set actual position equal to command position for drive simulation | |
kenngr. | red_speed_zone_2_pos | Upper limit of security zone 2 | |
kenngr. | kasto_achse | Activation of edge banding | |
getriebe[i]. | kv | Proportional factor kv for P-positional control | |
P-AXIS-00100 | antr.sercos.ident[i]. | laenge | Length of ID (SERCOS) |
kopf. | link_to | Linking an interpolator output to a specific physical axis | |
P-AXIS-00102 | antr.sercos.ident[i]. | liste | ID as list (SERCOS) |
getriebe[i]. | lose | Size of backlash | |
kenngr. | red_speed_zone_2_neg | Lower limit of security zone 2 | |
lr_hw[i]. | mask_mess_1 | SERCOS-status bit for measurement | |
kenngr. | max_diff_soll_ist | Maximum permissible position difference when setting the enables of the drive controller | |
kenngr. | max_vb_override | Maximum permissible velocity override | |
kopf. | mds_ident | Enable the reconfiguration of axis machine data | |
meas_simu. | meas_simu_mode | Methods for measurement simulation | |
kenngr. | mess_neg_flanke | Probing signal edge | |
kenngr. | mess_offset | Measurement travel offset for measurement type 2 | |
kenngr. | mess_signal_achs_steuer | Measurement signal via axis specific control bit mask | |
kenngr. | mess_signal_sercos | Measurement with SERCOS drives | |
kenngr. | mess_signal_taster | Measurement signal from hardware interface | |
kenngr. | messachse | Define axis as measurement axis | |
P-AXIS-00119 | antr.sercos.ident[i]. | mod | Modifier of ID (SERCOS) |
lr_param. | mod_komp | Activation of modulo compensation | |
antr. | mode_act_pos | Handling of drive actual position | |
antr. | mode_cmd_pos | Handling of drive command position | |
getriebe[i]. | modulo_fehler | Error in modulo circle | |
getriebe[i]. | modulo_umdreh | Number of rotations in case of modulo error compensation | |
getriebe[i]. | moduloo | Upper modulo limit | |
getriebe[i]. | modulou | Lower modulo limit | |
getriebe[i]. | multi_gain_n | Adapting the drive command value to the drive format (denominator) | |
getriebe[i]. | multi_gain_z | Adaptation of command value of drive to the drive format (numerator) | |
getriebe[i].beschl_kennlinie. | n_grenz | Limit speed of the acceleration curve | |
antr.sercos.at[i]. | nc_ref | Assigning the input process data to CNC-internal characteristics (SERCOS) | |
antr.sercos.mdt[i]. | nc_ref | Assigning the output process data to CNC-internal characteristics (SERCOS) | |
P-AXIS-00134 | antr.sercos.ident[i]. | nr | SERCOS-Ident-No (SERCOS) |
getriebe[i]. | nummer | Gear step number | |
lr_hw[i]. | nummer | Identifier for hardware specific parameter set | |
handbetrieb. | offsetgrenze_neg | Relative negative offset limit in manual mode | |
handbetrieb. | offsetgrenze_pos | Relative positive offset limit in manual mode | |
handbetrieb.default. | operation_mode | Operation mode of manual mode | |
filter[i]. | order | Order of axis specific command value filter | |
kenngr. | out_add_interface | Activation of (additional) interface for loading of command and actual values | |
meas_simu. | parameter1 | Setting parameter 1 for measurement simulation | |
meas_simu. | parameter2 | Setting parameter 2 for measurement simulation | |
meas_simu. | parameter3 | Setting parameter 3 for measurement simulation | |
meas_simu. | parameter4 | Setting parameter 4 for measurement simulation | |
P-AXIS-00150 | antr.sercos.ident[i]. | phase | Phase for ID-processing (SERCOS) |
getriebe[i]. | pos_einschw_zeit | Maximum permissible settling time for exact stop window | |
getriebe[i]. | pos_refpkt | Position of the reference point | |
filter[i]. | prototype | Characteristic of axis specific command value filter | |
getriebe[i].dynamik. | r_trans_weight | Dynamic variable for non-linear slope | |
getriebe[i]. | rapid_speed_red | Safety zone monitoring | |
kenngr. | ref_ohne_nocken | Homing without cam | |
kenngr. | ref_ohne_rev | Homing without reverting | |
kenngr. | ref_richt | Preferred direction of axis for homing | |
getriebe[i]. | reverse | Reverse of sign for setpoint and actual value | |
antr.sercos. | ring_nr | Ring number (SERCOS) | |
antr.simu. | rpf_weg_bis_nip | Tool path up to zero pulse during homing simulation | |
antr.profibus. | s_ls_limit | Slave-life sign limit (PROFIDRIVE) | |
filter[i]. | share_percent | Signal share of axis specific command value filter | |
vorsteuer. | shift_time | Time offset of feed forward control setpoints | |
getriebe[i]. | slep_abw | Remaining deviation for non-linear position lag monitoring | |
getriebe[i]. | slep_dyn | Factor for dynamic position lag monitoring | |
getriebe[i]. | slep_max | Maximum position lag | |
getriebe[i]. | slep_min | Minimum position lag | |
getriebe[i]. | slep_time_const | Time constant for position lag monitoring | |
getriebe[i]. | slep_ueberw_typ | Type of position lag monitoring | |
P-AXIS-00173 | antr.sercos.times. | slkn | Slave identifier |
lr_param. | crosscomp2 | Activation of plane compensation | |
lr_param. | ssfk | Activation of SSFK | |
lr_param. | suppress_pos_lag_error | Suppression of position lag | |
kenngr. | swe_neg | Negative software limit switch | |
kenngr. | swe_pos | Positive software limit switch | |
kenngr. | swe_toleranz | Tolerance range for software limit switch | |
P-AXIS-00180 | antr.sercos.times. | t1 | Transmission moment of drive telegram |
P-AXIS-00181 | antr.sercos.times. | t1min | Earliest transmission moment for drive telegrams |
P-AXIS-00182 | antr.sercos.times. | t2 | Transmission moment of MDT |
P-AXIS-00183 | antr.sercos.times. | t3 | Validation moment for command values |
P-AXIS-00184 | antr.sercos.times. | t4 | Latch moment of actual values |
P-AXIS-00185 | antr.sercos.times. | t4min | Latch moment of actual values |
P-AXIS-00186 | antr.sercos.times. | tatat | Transmitter recovery time |
P-AXIS-00187 | antr.sercos.times. | tatmt | Switch over moment between transmission and reception |
antr.sercos. | telegramm_typ | Telegram type (SERCOS) | |
kenngr. | tendenz_pruef | Activation of tendency test | |
vorsteuer. | timeconst_cmd_filter | Time constant low-pass filter position lag | |
antr. | nbr_delay_cycles | Delay between command value and actual value | |
P-AXIS-00192 | antr.sercos.times. | tmtsg | Processing time for command values |
P-AXIS-00193 | antr.sercos.times. | tmtsy | Recovery time in slave |
antr.simu. | totzeit | Dead time for drive simulation | |
getriebe[i].slope_profil. | tr_beschl_ab | Ramp time for acceleration down-gradation (non-linear slope) | |
getriebe[i].slope_profil. | tr_beschl_zu | Ramp time for acceleration up-gradation (non-linear slope) | |
getriebe[i].slope_profil. | tr_brems_ab | Ramp time for deceleration down-gradation (non-linear slope) | |
getriebe[i].slope_profil. | tr_brems_zu | Ramp time for deceleration up-gradation (non-linear slope) | |
getriebe[i].dynamik. | tr_geom | Geometric ramp time | |
getriebe[i].slope_profil. | tr_grenz | Ramp time at rapid movement (non-linear slope) | |
getriebe[i].dynamik. | tr_min | Minimum permissible ramp time | |
getriebe[i].beschl_kennlinie. | typ | Type of the characteristic acceleration curve | |
P-AXIS-00203 | antr.sercos.ident[i]. | type | Type of ID (SERCOS) |
filter[i]. | type | Type of axis specific command value filter | |
antr. | v_reso_denom | Velocity normalisation (denominator) | |
antr. | v_reso_num | Normalisation of command velocity (numerator) | |
antr. | v_time_base | Time base for normalisation of velocity | |
kenngr. | vb_corr_tracking | Tracking mode: Maximum feed of compensation movement after deselection | |
getriebe[i]. | vb_eilgang | Rapid traverse velocity | |
handbetrieb.tipp. | vb_eilgang | Rapid mode velocity for continuous jog mode | |
getriebe[i].slope_profil. | vb_grenz_stufe_1_2 | Changeover speed in rapid mode (linear slope) | |
getriebe[i].dynamik. | vb_max | Maximum permissible axis velocity | |
handbetrieb.hb. | vb_max | Maximum velocity for manual operation without parallel interpolation | |
getriebe[i]. | vb_max_red | Reduced maximum speed with active G01 | |
kenngr. | vb_messen | Measurement speed for measurement type 2 | |
getriebe[i]. | vb_min_null | Limit for spindle speed 'zero' | |
kenngr. | vb_prozent | Speed-value attained - tolerance band | |
getriebe[i]. | vb_reflow | Slow velocity for exact detection of reference position | |
getriebe[i]. | vb_refmax | Fast velocity for detection of reference cam | |
getriebe[i]. | vb_regelgrenze | Limiting velocity for the measurement system | |
getriebe[i].slope_profil. | vb_stufe_1_2 | Changeover speed (linear slope) | |
vorsteuer. | vorsteuerung | Feedforward control mode | |
kenngr. | vorz_richtung | Restriction of direction of spindle rotation | |
vorsteuer. | vs_a_faktor | Numerator equivalent time constant for feedforward control of acceleration | |
vorsteuer. | vs_a_nenner | Denominator equivalent time constant for feedforward control of acceleration | |
vorsteuer. | vs_v_faktor | Numerator weighting factor for feedforward control | |
vorsteuer. | vs_v_nenner | Denominator weighting factor for feedforward control | |
lr_hw[i]. | vz_istw | Sign reversal of actual value | |
lr_hw[i]. | vz_stellgr | Sign reversal of command value | |
handbetrieb.jog. | weg[i] | Jog incremental widths | |
getriebe[i]. | wegaufn | Distance resolution of measurement (denominator) | |
getriebe[i]. | wegaufz | Distance resolution of measurement (numerator) | |
P-AXIS-00235 | antr.sercos.ident[]. | wert | Value of ID (SERCOS) |
getriebe[i]. | window | Position window for exact stop | |
getriebe[i]. | wsi_meldung | Definition of traverse distance between lubrication pulses | |
antr.simu. | zeitkonstante_n | Sampling time constant for axis simulation (numerator) | |
antr.simu. | zeitkonstante_z | Sampling time constant for axis simulation (numerator) | |
getriebe[i].beschl_kennlinie. | a_max | Maximum acceleration for acceleration curve of type 3 | |
getriebe[i].beschl_kennlinie. | n1 | Speed limit 1 for acceleration curve of type 3 | |
getriebe[i].beschl_kennlinie. | n2 | Speed limit 2 for acceleration curve of type 3 | |
lr_param. | n_backlash_cyc | Distribution of the backlash on multiple cycles | |
getriebe[i].dyn_kv. | dyn_kv_active | Activation of dynamic kv adjustment | |
getriebe[i].dyn_kv. | kv1 | Parameter of dynamic kv adjustment (kv1) | |
getriebe[i].dyn_kv. | v1 | Parameter of dynamic kv adjustment (v1) | |
getriebe[i].dyn_kv. | kv2 | Parameter of dynamic kv adjustment (kv2) | |
getriebe[i].dyn_kv. | v2 | Parameter of dynamic kv adjustment (v2) | |
kenngr. | gantry_diff_check_without_homing | Gantry difference monitoring before homing | |
kenngr. | configure_sai | Configuration of a SAI axis for PLCopen | |
kenngr. | auto_call_ax | Requesting of a SAI axis at RESET | |
kenngr. | consider_total_brake_dist | Moving to a target position after reversal of direction for PLCopen | |
kenngr. | gantry_synchronous_slave_homing | Drive-controlled homing of gantry axis (SERCOS) | |
kenngr. | cnc_controlled_stop_after_error | CNC-controlled error reaction for gantry axes | |
vorsteuer. | default_active | Permanent activation of feedforward control | |
vorsteuer. | global_disable | Permanent deactivation of feedforward control | |
kenngr. | probing_signal_via_plc | Measurement signal via HLI Control Unit | |
kenngr. | tracking_offset_remain | Tracking mode: Keep position offset after tracking | |
handbetrieb.hb. | a_feedh | Feedhold acceleration for manual operation without parallel interpolation | |
antr.profibus. | velocity_command_control | Activation of velocity command interface (PROFIDRIVE) | |
kenngr. | gantry_deskew_trigger | Edge detection GantryOn signal | |
kenngr. | coll_moving_dir_inverted | Monitoring of axis collision: Inverting of moving directions | |
kenngr. | coll_zero_position_offset | Monitoring of axis collision: Offset of zero positions | |
antr.sercos. | op_mode_for_velocity_control | Operation mode for velocity control (SERCOS) | |
antr. | velocity_position_control_on | Velocity limit for switching to speed-controlled mode | |
antr. | velocity_position_control_off | Velocity limit for switching back to position control | |
kenngr. | coll_use_a_emergency | Monitoring of axis collision: Effective deceleration | |
getriebe[i]. | vb_not_referenced | Maximum velocity for unreferenced axes | |
kenngr. | meas_signal_drive | Measurement signal from drive | |
getriebe[i]. | slope_type | Effective acceleration profile | |
lr_param. | temp_comp | Selection of temperature compensation | |
lr_param. | temp_comp_position_0 | Parameterisation of temperature compensation (Basic position) | |
lr_param. | temp_comp_offset_0 | Parameterisation of temperature compensation (Offset) | |
lr_param. | temp_comp_coefficient | Parameterisation of temperature compensation (Geometrical pitch) | |
lr_param. | temp_comp_n_cycles | Distribution of the temperature compensation on several cycles | |
lr_param. | field_bus_allows_optimized_schedule | Optimized bus access | |
kenngr. | prog_move_requires_homing | Lock moving of unreferenced axes | |
kenngr. | set_refpos_mode | Modes for setting the homing position | |
kenngr. | set_refpos_offset | Offset to the homing position | |
getriebe[i].slope_profil. | d_grenz_stufe_1 | Deceleration of step 1 in rapid mode (linear slope) | |
getriebe[i].slope_profil. | d_grenz_stufe_2 | Deceleration of step 2 in rapid mode (linear slope) | |
getriebe[i].slope_profil. | d_stufe_1 | Deceleration of step 1 (linear slope) | |
getriebe[i].slope_profil. | d_stufe_2 | Deceleration of step 2 (linear slope) | |
kenngr. | gantry_max_homing_dist | Maximum path for a gantry slave axis during homing | |
getriebe[i]. | a_ref | Acceleration during homing | |
getriebe[i]. | tr_ref | Ramp time during homing | |
kenngr. | disable_super_imposed | Switching off superimposed interpolator for PLCopen | |
cam_gear. | is_master | Define axis as camming / gearing master | |
cam_gear. | v_diff_percent | Velocity tolerance range for camming / gearing | |
cam_gear. | time_in_window | Minimum time in tolerance range for speed synchronisation for camming / gearing | |
cam_gear. | time_out_in_window | Maximum time for velocity synchronisation for camming / gearing | |
getriebe[i].dynamik. | a_w_max | Maximum acceleration at weighting | |
getriebe[i].dynamik. | tr_w_min | Minimum ramp time at weighting | |
kenngr. | homing_overflow_evaluation | Selection of the homing method 'Evaluation of encoder overflow' | |
antr.canopen. | probing_input_number | Number of probing input (CANopen) | |
lr_hw[i]. | encoder_range | Encoder value range for EtherCAT drives | |
kopf. | log_achs_name | Default name of an axis | |
getriebe[i]. | max_reference_position_offset | Gantry monitoring during drive controlled homing | |
kenngr. or kenngr.homing. | homing_type | Homing type | |
cam_gear. | mv_type | Average value filter for current master velocity for camming / gearing | |
cam_gear. | mv_nbr_cycles | Number of scanning cycles for average value filter for camming / gearing | |
cam_gear. | delay_time | Delay time on gearing with current master velocity for camming / gearing | |
cam_gear. | v_max_slave | Maximum commanded velocity for slave axis for camming / gearing | |
cam_gear. | a_max_slave | Maximum commanded acceleration for slave axis for camming / gearing | |
cam_gear. | v_phasing | Velocity for phase synchronisation for camming / gearing | |
cam_gear. | a_phasing | Acceleration for phase synchronisation for camming / gearing | |
cam_gear. | d_phasing | Deceleration for phase synchronisation for camming / gearing | |
cam_gear. | keep_coupling_on_lr_error | Coupling behaviour on error from position control for camming / gearing | |
cam_gear. | keep_coupling_on_fe_drop | Coupling behaviour on feed enable drop for camming / gearing | |
getriebe[i]. | vb_monitor | Velocity limit during active monitoring of current velocity | |
kenngr. | enable_speed_monitoring | Activation of speed monitoring | |
kenngr. | enable_feed_enable | Activation of feed enable via PLC | |
getriebe[i]. | vb_torq_limit_max | Speed monitoring during torque limitation | |
antr.profibus. | read_abs_pos_from_drive | Reading absolute position from drive (PROFIDRIVE) | |
antr.profibus. | p1042 | Shift factor for G1_XIST1 (PROFIDRIVE) | |
antr.profibus. | p1043 | Offset factor for absolute value in G1_XIST2 (PROFIDRIVE) | |
antr.profibus. | read_abs_pos_mode | Calculation mode for actual position (PROFIDRIVE) | |
filter[i]. | enable | Activate the axis-specific command value filter (for standard filters) | |
antr. | operation_mode | Positioning operation mode of an axis | |
antr. | reference_cam_signal | Input interface for reference cam signal | |
kenngr. | in_add_interface_pos_as_offset | Handling the loaded position command values as offset | |
lr_param. | incr_quant | Quantisation of the measuring system increments | |
getriebe[i]. | torque_offset | Torque offset | |
antr. | torque_scale_num | Numerator scaling factor for torque | |
antr. | torque_scale_denom | Denominator scaling factor for torque | |
kenngr. | pos_corr_drive_enable | Relieve position difference when enabling drive controller | |
lr_param. | distance_control_on | Enabling of distance control (spindle with touch probe) | |
kenngr. | ref_cam_is_limit_switch | Use of hardware limit switch as reference switch | |
kenngr. | meas_signal_fixed_stop | Measurement with motion to a fixed stop | |
kenngr. | fixed_stop_pos_lag_limit | Limit for position lag during movement to a fixed stop | |
kenngr. | fixed_stop_nbr_cycles | Number of position control cycles during movement to a fixed stop | |
getriebe[i].homing. | torq_move_velocity | Velocity during homing to a fixed stop | |
getriebe[i].homing. | torq_move_acceleration | Acceleration during homing to a fixed stop | |
getriebe[i].homing. | torq_move_jerk | Jerk during homing to a fixed stop | |
antr.profibus. | abs_pos_revolutions | Number of detectable motor revolutions (PROFIDRIVE) | |
vorsteuer. | jerk_fact_num | Numerator of scaling factor for jerk feedforward | |
vorsteuer. | jerk_fact_denom | Denominator of scaling factor for jerk feedforward | |
getriebe[i].dynamik. | j_trans_c0 | Jerk at block transition (non-tangent continuous block transitions) | |
getriebe[i].dynamik. | j_trans_c1 | Jerk at block transition (tangent continuous block transitions) | |
antr.profibus. | read_abs_pos_offset | Offset to the read absolute position of the drive (PROFIDRIVE) | |
getriebe[i].homing. | torq_move_torque_limit | Torque limit value during homing to a fixed stop | |
getriebe[i].homing. | torq_detect_torque_limit | Torque limit for detection during homing to a fixed stop | |
kenngr.homing. | torq_min_distance | Minimum distance during homing to a fixed stop | |
kenngr.homing. | torq_max_distance | Maximum distance during homing to a fixed stop | |
kenngr.homing. | torq_homing_dir | Direction during homing to a fixed stop | |
kenngr.homing. | torq_detect_velocity_limit | Velocity limit value during homing to a fixed stop | |
kenngr.homing. | torq_retraction_distance | Retraction distance during homing to a fixed stop | |
kenngr.homing. | torq_homing_position | Reference position during homing to a fixed stop | |
kenngr.homing. | torq_detect_time | Minimum time during homing to a fixed stop | |
kenngr. | filter_position_window | Tolerance window for axis filter | |
antr.profibus. | disable_auto_tracking | Automatic follow up mode for disabled drive (PROFIDRIVE) | |
antr. | edge_banding_input_nbr | Number of the latch input used for edge banding | |
antr. | encoder_overflow_offset | Shifting of encoder overflow | |
antr. | encoder_bit_range | Number of bits for evaluation of encoder overflow | |
kenngr. | pos_corr_ignore_feedhold | Ignore feedhold at position correction after drive enable | |
filter[i]. | time_constant | Time constant of axis specific command value filter | |
antr. | ignore_unknown_telegram_elements | Ramp time during maximum acceleration for manual operation without parallel interpolation | |
handbetrieb.hb. | tr | Ramp time during maximum acceleration for manual operation without parallel interpolation | |
handbetrieb.hb. | tr_feedh | Ramp time at feedhold for manual operation without parallel interpolation | |
vorsteuer. | timeconst_sym_filter | Time constant of command position filter for feedforward balancing | |
antr. | feed_const_num | Encoder resolution via feed constant (numerator) | |
antr. | feed_const_denom | Encoder resolution via feed constant (denominator) | |
antr.canopen. | zero_pulse_input_number | Number of digital input for latching zero pulse (CANopen) | |
handbetrieb.ipo. | hb_v_max_track | Velocity during position correction | |
handbetrieb.ipo. | hb_a_max_track | Acceleration during position correction | |
antr. | plc_watchdog_disable_drive_delay_time | Maximum time delay for disabling drive after a PLC watchdog error | |
trafo.command_pos. | enable | Activation of axis specific command value transformation | |
trafo.command_pos. | id | Transformation ID of axis specific command value transformation | |
trafo.command_pos. | param[i] | Transformation parameters of axis specific command value transformation | |
trafo.actual_pos.input[i]. | nr | Additional input axes of axis specific actual value transformation | |
antr. | ethercat_master_name | Name of the EtherCAT master process | |
antr.dse. | brake_open_delay_time | Time delay for brake opening | |
antr.dse. | brake_open_time | Brake opening time | |
antr.dse. | brake_close_premature_time | Brake premature time | |
cam_gear. | j_phasing | Jerk for phase synchronisation for camming / gearing | |
cam_gear. | j_vel_sync | Jerk for velocity synchronisation for camming / gearing | |
kenngr. | keep_tp_over_reset | Abortion of measuring order at reset | |
antr.profibus. | drive_velocity_base_value | Velocity scaling factor (PROFIDRIVE) | |
trafo.actual_pos. | enable | Activation of axis specific actual value transformation | |
trafo.actual_pos. | id | Transformation ID of axis specific actual value transformation | |
trafo.actual_pos. | param[i] | Transformation parameters of axis specific actual value transformation | |
kenngr.multi_link[i]. | lead_axis | Logical axis number of lead or master axis | |
kenngr.multi_link[i]. | factor_numerator | Numerator of gear coupling factor | |
kenngr.multi_link[i]. | factor_denominator | Denominator of gear coupling factor | |
antr.sercos. | drive_supports_cnc_homing | Drive supported execution of the CNC based homing (SERCOS) | |
antr.sercos. | cnc_homing_rt_bit_layout | Assignment of control and status bits for CNC based homing (SERCOS) | |
antr. | cnc_homing_encoder | Encoder, used for CNC controlled homing (SERCOS) | |
vorsteuer. | velocity_delay_time | Delay time for velocity feedforward | |
vorsteuer. | acceleration_delay_time | Delay time for acceleration feedforward | |
getriebe[i]. | load | Load inertia | |
antr. | acc_reference_value | Reference value for converting torque values to the motor format. | |
kenngr. | gantry_slave_relative_homing | Home gantry slave axis relative to encoder overflow | |
getriebe[i].dynamik. | a_overload_max | Maximum permissible exceeding of acceleration | |
getriebe[i]. | pos_control_deadband | Position controller dead band | |
antr.function[i]. | id | Name of drive functions in NC program | |
antr.function[i]. | commu | Type of communication with drive controller | |
antr.function[i]. | wr_ident[j] | Name of the parameter or telegram element | |
antr.function[i]. | data_type | Data type of the data to be transmitted | |
antr.function[i]. | startup_value | Value of data element after start-up of control | |
antr.function[i]. | scaling_type | Scaling of the data to be transmitted | |
antr. | abs_pos_offset | Offset between drive position and CNC position for absolute encoders | |
lr_hw[i]. | zero_pulse_search_max_dist | Maximum distance for zero pulse search | |
antr. | encoder_coarsening_factor | Factor to coarse encoder resolution | |
antr. | permissible_telegram_failures | EtherCAT-Fieldbus: Number of permissible telegram failures | |
lr_param. | dyn_monitoring_v_err | Error level for permissible axis velocity for dynamic monitoring function in the position controller | |
antr.function[i]. | min_limit | Minimum permissible output value | |
antr.function[i]. | max_limit | Maximum permissible output value | |
antr. | dc_brake_control_bit | Bit number for control of a DC brake | |
antr.sercos. | evaluate_drive_follows_cmd | Evaluation of SERCOS state bit drive follows command (SERCOS) | |
kenngr. | homing_max_movement_dist | Maximum distance during homing | |
kenngr.distc. | n_cycles | Distance control - filtering of sensor values | |
kenngr.distc. | max_deviation (old: max_abweichung) | Distance control - maximum position offset | |
kenngr.distc. | v_max | Distance control - maximum velocity | |
kenngr.distc. | a_max | Distance control - maximum acceleration | |
kenngr.distc. | max_act_value_change (old: max_istw_sprung) | Distance control - maximum velocity change of measured distance | |
kenngr.distc. | ref_offset | Distance control - reference point offset for measuring system | |
kenngr.distc. | max_pos | Distance control - upper limit for measuring system | |
kenngr.distc. | min_pos | Distance control - lower limit for measuring system | |
kenngr.distc. | tolerance | Distance control - tolerance band for limits | |
lr_hw[i]. | encoder_resolution_num | Numerator distance resolution of the additive sensor measuring system | |
lr_hw[i]. | encoder_resolution_denom | Denominator distance resolution of the additive sensor measuring system | |
lr_hw[i]. | mode_act_pos | Handling of the additive sensor values | |
antr.reference_check. | bit_nr | Bit number of signal 'Drive is referenced' during reference monitoring | |
antr.reference_check. | element_name | Element name of signal 'Drive is referenced' during reference monitoring | |
kenngr. | cax_output_with_generated_nc_block | Interpolation of tracked axes in inserted TRC blocks | |
kenngr.distc. | check_sw_limit_switch | Distance control - consideration of offset in software limit switch monitoring | |
antr.function[i]. | mask | Writing of drive values by bit mask | |
antr. | probing_input_nbr | Number of probing input in drive | |
dynamic_weighting. | enable | Activation of dynamic weighting | |
dynamic_weighting.param[i]. | path_limit | Path distance limit (dynamic weighting) | |
dynamic_weighting.param[i]. | velocity_fact | Weighting factor for rapid feed velocity (dynamic weighting) | |
dynamic_weighting.param[i]. | acceleration_fact | Weighting factor for rapid feed acceleration (dynamic weighting) | |
dynamic_weighting.param[i]. | ramp_time_fact | Weighting factor for rapid feed ramp time (dynamic weighting) | |
kenngr. | recalc_link_main_input_position | Forward mapping of drive position | |
cam_gear. | fact_a_max_correction | Permissible acceleration of master actual position for camming / gearing | |
kenngr. | in_add_interface_filter_time | Time constant of the PT2-Filter for the additive command value interface | |
kenngr. | dyn_monitoring_v_warn | Warning level for velocity for dynamic monitoring | |
kenngr. | dyn_monitoring_v_err | Error level for velocity for dynamic monitoring | |
kenngr. | dyn_monitoring_a_warn | Warning level for acceleration for dynamic monitoring | |
kenngr. | dyn_monitoring_a_err | Error level for acceleration for dynamic monitoring | |
kenngr. | dyn_monitoring_j_warn | Warning level for jerk for dynamic monitoring | |
kenngr. | dyn_monitoring_j_err | Error level for jerk for dynamic monitoring | |
kenngr. | gantry_independent_set_refpos | Behaviour on setting the homing position | |
handbetrieb.default. | after_g200_g201 | Setting of default values after G200 or G201 | |
antr.profibus.encoder[i]. | read_abs_pos_from_drive | Reading the encoder's absolute position out of the drive for additive encoder (PROFIDRIVE) | |
antr.profibus.encoder[i]. | read_abs_pos_mode | Calculation mode for encoder actual position for additive encoder (PROFIDRIVE) | |
antr.profibus.encoder[i]. | abs_position_offset | Offset from the read absolute position of the encoder for additive encoder (PROFIDRIVE) | |
antr.profibus.encoder[i]. | shift_abs_pos | Offset factor for absolute value in GX_XIST2 for additive encoder (PROFIDRIVE) | |
antr.profibus.encoder[i]. | shift_xist1 | Offset factor for GX_XIST1 for additive encoder (PROFIDRIVE) | |
P-AXIS-00452 | antr.profibus.encoder[i]. | abs_pos_offset_crc | CRC checksum for P-AXIS-00449 for additive encoder (PROFIDRIVE) |
lr_param. | allow_comp_movement_while_feedhold | Treatment of axis movement from axis compensation while active feedhold | |
kenngr. | no_stop_by_channel_reset | Suppress stop of spindle axis during channel reset | |
antr.canopen. | f_probe_status_inverse_edge | Swap evaluation of probe status word (0x60B9) with respect to positive and negative edge | |
kenngr. | enable_single_axis | Enable PLCopen interface of a channel axis | |
kenngr. | set_in_pos_at_pos_corr | Setting of 'in position' for position controller generated axis movements | |
antr. | add_movement_range | Mechanical movement distance outside the software limit switches | |
kenngr. | recalc_input_position_absolute | Forward mapping of drive position with absolute coordinates | |
kenngr. | activate_coupled_axes_homing_check | Homing check for coupled axes | |
antr.profibus. | suppress_life_sign_warning | Suppress ‘slave life sign’ warning (PROFIDRIVE) | |
antr.canopen. | cyclic_position_op_mode | Operation mode for drive position control (CANopen) | |
antr.canopen. | cyclic_velocity_op_mode | Operation mode for drive velocity control (CANopen) | |
lr_param. | prog_movement_requires_compensations | Monitoring of effectiveness of axis compensations in automatic mode | |
antr. | use_drive_following_error | Use of position lag calculated in drive | |
kenngr. | probing_offset | Measurement travel offset for all measurement types | |
getriebe[i]. | in_position_window_rapid | Position window for rapid movements | |
kenngr. | check_spindle_speed_in_tool_range | Checking commanded spindle speed versus permissible tool speed limits | |
antr.canopen.in[i]. | nc_ref | Assign the input process data item to CNC-internal nomenclature | |
antr.canopen.in[i]. | memory_ident | Memory name of input process data item | |
antr.canopen.out[i]. | nc_ref | Assign the output process data item to CNC-internal nomenclature | |
antr.canopen.out[i]. | memory_ident | Memory name of output process data item | |
antr.terminal. | stepper_motor_reduce_torque | Torque reduction at standstill | |
lr_param. | temp_comp_manual_activation | Manual activation of the temperature compensation | |
kenngr. | auto_release_of_axis_link | Enabling of IPO-LR interface after axis release | |
antr. | reset_timeout | Maximum time for drive reset | |
kenngr. | oscillation_collision_check_mode | Collision monitoring during oscillation | |
kenngr. | copy_master_gantry_coupling_to_slave | Copy HLI gantry master axis coupling to slave | |
kenngr. | probe_actuation_time_delay | Actuation time delay of measuring probe | |
getriebe[i]. | pos_lag_mon_error_delay_time | Delayed generation of position lag error message | |
kenngr. | enable_decouple | Enable decoupling of the drive of an axis for PLCopen | |
kenngr. | inverse_rotation_direction | Inversion of spindle rotation direction for spindle M-functions M3/M4 | |
kenngr. | indp_override_mode | Velocity override mode to select active override interface | |
handbetrieb. | acs_limit_neg | Absolute negative ACS movement limit in manual mode | |
handbetrieb. | acs_limit_pos | Absolute positive ACS movement limit in manual mode | |
kenngr. | shift_offset_zero_pulse_activation | Delayed activation of zero pulse logic | |
getriebe[i]. | integral_time | Integral time Tn for I-position control | |
getriebe[i]. | integral_limit | Control value limit of I position controller | |
lr_param. | i_control_on_delay | Switch on delay for I-positional control | |
lr_param. | i_control_output_clear_disable | Clear Integrator if drive is switched off | |
kenngr. | in_add_interface_init_on_enable | Reinitialisation of additional position interface after enable | |
kenngr.distc. | mode_dist_use_both_encoder | Distance control option: coupling of distance sensor and motor encoder | |
kenngr.distc. | use_adaptive_acceleration | Distance control option: Adaptive weighting of acceleration | |
kenngr.distc. | a_min | Distance control - minimum acceleration | |
getriebe[i]. | vb_max_red_zone_2 | Maximum permissible axis velocity in security zone 2 | |
kenngr.distc. | dist_error_a_min | Distance control - minimum distance error | |
kenngr.distc. | dist_error_a_max | Distance control - maximum distance error | |
kenngr.distc. | low_pass_filter_enable | Distance control option: Low-pass filter | |
kenngr.distc. | low_pass_filter_order | Distance control - filter order | |
kenngr.distc. | low_pass_filter_fg_f0 | Distance control - filter cut-off frequency | |
kenngr.distc. | optimized_scheduling | Distance control option: dead time reduction | |
customer. | val[i] | Free user-defined values | |
getriebe[i]. | gear_fact_num | Gearbox ratio numerator | |
getriebe[i]. | gear_fact_denom | Gear ratio denominator | |
kenngr. | delay_filter_only_position | Delay filter acts only on command positions | |
vorsteuer. | feedforward_v_add_num | Numerator weighting factor for velocity feedforward | |
vorsteuer. | feedforward_v_add_denom | Denominator weighting factor for velocity feedforward | |
kenngr.measure. | signal | Measurement methods | |
kenngr.measure. | input | Number of probing input | |
kenngr.measure. | edge | Probing signal edge | |
antr. | revolution_monitoring_use_act_velocity | Use actual speed for speed monitoring | |
lr_param. | check_pos_command_limit | Activation of limit switch monitoring of the positive limit switch. | |
lr_param. | check_neg_command_limit | Activation of limit switch monitoring of the negative limit switch. | |
lr_param. | frict_comp | Activation of friction compensation | |
kenngr. | spindle_m19_output_standard | Output time M19 for positioning the spindle | |
antr. | no_probe_state_support | Drive without support for probing state | |
lr_param.vol_comp. | s_limit | Maximum permissible correction value (volumetric compensation) | |
lr_param.vol_comp. | v_limit | Maximum permissible velocity (volumetric compensation) | |
antr. | use_encoder_submask | Activate evaluation of encoder position with additional mask. | |
antr. | drive_encoder_modulo_range | Drive encoder modulo range | |
handbetrieb. | feedhold_mode | Effect of feedhold control signals in manual mode | |
handbetrieb.jog. | rapid_velocity | Rapid mode velocity for jog mode | |
lr_hw[i]. | move_from_cam_max_dist | Maximum distance when moving from the reference cam | |
getriebe[i]. | position_settling_time | Maximum permissible position settling time for exact stop window | |
kenngr.distc. | v_weight_down | Distance control - weighting factor for velocity of lowering movement | |
kenngr.distc. | a_weight_down | Distance control - weighting factor for acceleration of lowering movement | |
kenngr. | vendor_id | Select specific manufacturer-specific procedures for drive controllers | |
kenngr. | device_id | Select specific device-specific procedures for drive controllers | |
antr. | position_lag_drive_disable | Disable drive controller on position lag error | |
kenngr. | no_unhome_on_resolution_change | Axis remains referenced after resolution change | |
kenngr.measure. | input_edge_banding | Probing input for edge banding | |
kenngr. | indp_feedhold_mode | Feedhold mode to select the active feedhold interface | |
handbetrieb.hb. | d_max | Maximum delay for manual operation without parallel interpolation | |
antr. | bus_error_drive_disable | Disabling drive controller in case of field bus error | |
handbetrieb.hb. | a_max_red | Reduced maximum acceleration for manual operation without parallel interpolation | |
antr.profibus. | add_movement_range | Mechanical axis motion path beyond the software limit switches (PROFIDRIVE) | |
vorsteuer | jerk_delay_time | Delay time for jerk feedforward | |
kenngr. | allow_dir_change_at_stop | Suppressing reversal of speed at stop | |
kenngr. | swe_behaviour | Behaviour of software limit switches | |
kenngr. | conv_sync_optim | Selecting the process for monitoring the workspace of throughfeed machines | |
kenngr. | feedhold_deceleration_mode | Effective deceleration value with feedhold | |
getriebe[i]. | modulo_calculation | Switching modulo calculation range off / on | |
cam_gear. | error_stop_master | Error response of the master axis on camming or gearing | |
cam_gear. | error_stop_slave | Error response of the slave axis on camming or gearing | |
vorsteuer | feedforward_without_delay | Output of velocity feedforward control value without IPO-LR delay | |
lr_hw[i]. | delay_tracking | Delay reading of actual position after field bus start | |
vib_guard | damping | Damping factor of natural frequency | |
vib_guard | mode | Vibration Guard mode | |
filter_fir | enable | Enable axis-specific FIR filter | |
antr.addroffs | output | Address offset output | |
kenngr.measure.probe[i]. | input | Number of the drive-specific probing input assigned to the keyword PROBE0 or PROBE1 in the command #MEAS[INPUT=..] | |
kenngr | write_reference_position_to_drive | Transfer reference position for drive-controlled homing to the drive | |
filter_fir | fcut | Cut-off frequency of the FIR filter | |
filter_fir | type | Type of axis-specific FIR filter | |
filter_fir | order | Order of axis-specific FIR filter | |
vib_guard | active | Activating the Vibration Guard | |
vib_guard | freq | Machine natural frequency | |
filter_fir | share | FIR filter share factor | |
filter_fir | order_time | Order of axis-specific FIR filter in time | |
filter_fir | quality | FIR filter quality | |
antr.canopen. | zero_pulse_latch_neg_edge | Zero pulse search for negative edge of zero pulse signal for CANopen drives | |
conv_sync. | enable_filter | Actual position value filter for the master axis (throughfeed machining) | |
conv_sync. | type_pos_filter | Type of the actual position value filter of the master axis (throughfeed machining) | |
conv_sync. | order_pos_filter | Order of the actual position value filter of the master axis (throughfeed machining) | |
conv_sync. | order_v_filter | Order of the actual speed value filter of the master axis (throughfeed machining) | |
conv_sync. | order_post_v_filter | Order of the subsequent actual velocity filter in the case of feedhold on the master axis (throughfeed machining) | |
conv_sync. | order_v_filter_dyn | Order of the actual speed filter in the case of feedhold on the master axis (throughfeed machining) | |
conv_sync. | delay_time | Delay time between master and slave axes (throughfeed machining) | |
error_filter[i]. | reason | Cause of error (filtering of axis error messages) | |
error_filter[i]. | action | Error action (filtering of axis error messages) | |
error_filter[i]. | conditional_activation | Conditional activation (filtering of axis error messages) | |
error_filter[i]. | conditional_action | Conditional action (filtering of axis error messages) | |
error_filter[i]. | conditional_param | Conditional filter activation (filtering of axis error messages) | |
error_filter[i]. | conditional_output | Output of additional error information (filtering of axis error messages) | |
antr.canopen.in[i]. | signal_nr | Signal ID in (CANopen) | |
antr.canopen.in[i]. | signal_len | Length of process data item in (CANopen) | |
antr.canopen.out[i]. | signal_nr | Signal ID out (CANopen) | |
antr.canopen.out[i]. | signal_len | Length of process data item out (CANopen) | |
antr.sercos.probe_1 | element_name | Name process data item 'enable probe 1' | |
antr.sercos.probe_1 | bit_nr | Bit number of process data item 'enable probe 1' | |
antr.sercos.probe_1 | element_name | Name of process data item 'meas value latched probe 1' | |
antr.sercos.probe_1 | bit_nr | Bit number of process data item 'value latched probe 1' | |
antr.sercos.probe_1 | element_name | Name of process data item 'probe 1 actuated' | |
antr.sercos.probe_1 | bit_nr | Bit number of process data item 'probe 1 actuated' | |
antr.sercos.probe_2 | element_name | Name process data item 'enable probe 2' | |
antr.sercos.probe_2 | bit_nr | Bit number of process data item 'enable probe 2' | |
antr.sercos.probe_2 | element_name | Name of process data item 'meas value latched probe 2' | |
antr.sercos.probe_2 | bit_nr | Bit number of process data item 'value latched probe 2' | |
antr.sercos.probe_2 | element_name | Name of process data item 'probe 2 actuated' | |
antr.sercos.probe_2 | bit_nr | Bit number of process data item 'probe 2 actuated' | |
antr.sercos.probing | element_name | Name of process data item 'start measurement command' | |
antr.sercos.probing | bit_nr | Bit number of process data item 'start measurement command' | |
antr.canopen. | zero_pulse_trigger_source | Select the trigger source for zero pulse search by the drive parameter 0x60D0 | |
antr.canopen. | probing_trigger_source | Select the trigger source for probing by the drive parameter 0x60D0 | |
P-AXIS-00703 | kenngr. | gantry_on_with_drive_enable | Clearing the gantry difference when drive is enabled |
kenngr. | gantry_on_mode | Conditions for clearing the gantry difference | |
kenngr. | swe_check | Switching software limit monitoring off / on | |
antr.addroffs | input | Address offset input | |
conv_sync. | is_master | Definition of the master axis of conveyor belt synchronisation | |
antr.add_ready_for_operation. | bit_nr | Bit number of additional information for calculation of HLI signal 'power_state_r' | |
antr.add_ready_for_operation. | inverted | Inverting 'Ready for Power' signal | |
antr.add_ready_for_operation. | element_name | Element name of additional information for calculation of HLI signal 'power_state_r' | |
antr.fixed_stop. | pos_lag_limit | Position lag limit to detect the fixed stop | |
antr.fixed_stop. | window | Monitoring window for the fixed stop | |
antr.fixed_stop. | nbr_cycles | Number of position controller cycles to detect the fixed stop | |
antr.fixed_stop. | error_on_abort | Error output on abort by reset | |
antr.fixed_stop. | error_not_detected | Error message if fixed stop is not detected | |
antr.fixed_stop. | warning_reset_while_detected | Warning message on reset and detected fixed stop | |
antr.fixed_stop. | max_torque | Motor torque at maximum axis acceleration | |
antr.fixed_stop. | drive_ident[i].id | CNC-internal identifier for the drive object | |
antr.fixed_stop. | drive_ident[i].commu | Type of communication with drive controller | |
antr.fixed_stop. | drive_ident[i].wr_ident | Name of the drive object in the driver amplifier | |
antr.fixed_stop. | drive_ident[i].data_type | Data type of the data to be transmitted | |
antr.fixed_stop. | drive_ident[i].data_type | Default value of data element after controller start-up | |
antr.fixed_stop. | drive_ident[i].scaling_type | Scaling type of the data element | |
antr.fixed_stop. | drive_ident[i].max_limit | Maximum permissible output value | |
antr.fixed_stop. | drive_ident[i].min_limit | Minimum permissible output value | |
antr.fixed_stop. | drive_ident[i].mask | Writing/reading drive values by bit mask | |
antr.fixed_stop. | drive_ident[i].scaling_factor | Scaling factor | |
antr.fixed_stop. | drive_ident[i].active_value | Value of data element during Move to fixed stop | |
antr.fixed_stop. | drive_ident[i].use_startup_value | Use of default value | |
antr.fixed_stop. | drive_ident[i].rd_ident | Name of the drive object to be read in the driver amplifier | |
lr_param.add_interface. | enable | Enable additional interface | |
lr_param.add_interface. | pos_as_offset | Handling the loaded position command values as offset | |
lr_param.add_interface. | init_on_enable | Reinitialisation of additional position interface after enable | |
lr_param.add_interface.filter[i]. | enable | Enable the additional interface filter | |
lr_param.add_interface.filter[i] | order | Order of the additional interface filter | |
lr_param.add_interface.filter[i] | prototype | Characteristic of the additional interface filter | |
lr_param.add_interface.filter[i] | type | Type of the additional interface filter | |
lr_param.add_interface.filter[i] | fg_f0 | Frequency range of the additional interface filter | |
lr_param.add_interface.filter[i] | guete | Bandwidth of the additional interface filter | |
lr_param.add_interface.filter[i] | share_percent | Signal share of the additional interface filter | |
lr_param.add_interface.filter[i] | time_constant | Time constant of the additional interface filter | |
lr_param.ext_comp. | warn_limit | External compensation - warning limit | |
lr_param.ext_comp. | err_limit | External compensation - error limit | |
lr_param.ext_comp. | max_a | External compensation – max. acceleration | |
lr_param.improved_position_control.stage[i].filter | order | Order of bandpass filter | |
lr_param.improved_position_control.stage[i].filter | fg_f0 | Damped frequency | |
lr_param.improved_position_control.stage[i].filter. | q_factor | Quality factor of the bandpass filter | |
lr_param.improved_position_control.stage[i]. | mode | Mode for the “Improved Position Control” function | |
lr_param.improved_position_control.stage[i]. | weight_fact_num | Mode for the “Improved Position Control” function | |
lr_param.improved_position_control.stage[i]. | weight_fact_denom | Weighting factor denominator | |
lr_param.improved_position_control.stage[i].filter. | damping | Damping the simulated mechanical vibration | |
lr_param.improved_position_control. | v_add_max_fact | Factor for the maximum permissible additive velocity | |
lr_param.improved_position_control. | enable | Activating the Improved Position Control function | |
kenngr.distc. | kp | Distance control - weighting of output values | |
getriebe[]. | a_pos_corr_tracking | Acceleration for back-interpolation after tracking mode | |
lr_param. | restore_axis_position | Position control | |
antr.fixed_stop. | quick_stop_after_detection | Quick stop after detecting the fixed stop | |
antr.fixed_stop. | error_missing_drive_releases | Error reaction for missing drive releases | |
kenngr.distc. | i_tn | Distance control: Integral action time of PID controller | |
kenngr.distc. | d_tv | Distance control: Derivative action time of PID controller | |
antr.sai_op_mode_change. | feed_forward_v_weighting | Weighting of velocity feedforward control | |
antr.sai_op_mode_change. | v_velocity_control_on | Velocity limit for switching to speed-controlled mode | |
antr.sai_op_mode_change. | v_position_control_on | Velocity limit for switching back to position control | |
antr.fixed_stop.detect. | pos_lag_limit | Position lag limit for fixed stop detection | |
antr.fixed_stop.detect. | min_time | Minimum time for fixed stop detection | |
antr.fixed_stop.detect. | start_distance | Minimum path to activate fixed stop detection | |
antr.fixed_stop.detect. | start_distance_per_mille | Minimum path for fixed stop detection | |
antr.fixed_stop.detect. | max_delta_position_window | Maximum position change for fixed stop detection | |
kenngr.measure.fixed_stop_detect. | pos_lag_limit | Measuring travel to fixed stop | |
kenngr.measure.fixed_stop_detect. | min_time | Measuring travel to fixed stop | |
kenngr.measure.fixed_stop_detect. | start_distance | Measuring travel to fixed stop | |
kenngr.measure.fixed_stop_detect. | start_distance_per_mille | Measuring travel to fixed stop | |
kenngr.measure.fixed_stop_detect. | max_delta_position_window | Measuring travel to fixed stop | |
antr. | velocity_monitoring_use_act_velocity | Actual speed for speed monitoring | |
kenngr. | filter_position_window_feedhold | Tolerance window for axis filter after feedhold | |
kenngr.distc. | filter_type | Distance control - smoothing filter type | |
kenngr.distc. | kalman_sigma | Distance control - uncertainty of measured values | |
kenngr.distc. | smoothing_factor | Distance control - smoothing factor | |
P-AXIS-00785 | customer. | string[] | User-specific character string |
kenngr. | dynamic_limits_with_tool_gear | Dynamic limits with tool gear | |
kenngr. | v_limit_delay_time | Delay time for error message suppression with spindle tool revolution monitoring | |
kenngr. | v_limit_delay_max_velocity | Limit velocity for delay with spindle tool revolution monitoring | |
lr_param. | crosstalk | Activate crosstalk compensation | |
kenngr. | drive_simulation | Switch over drive type to simulation | |
antr.simu. | use_initial_position | Use initial position for simulation drive | |
antr.simu. | initial_position | Initial position for simulation drive | |
getriebe[]. | torque | Maximum axis torque | |
kenngr. | homing_without_drive_enable | Allow drive-controlled homing without controller enable | |
getriebe[]. | first_friction_model_coefficient | First coefficient of the friction model | |
antr.sercos. | delay_display_cmd_pos | Delay of display command values | |
kenngr. | ref_on_limit_switch_with_tracking | Referencing to limit switch with tracking | |
kenngr. | bit_range_comand_value | Number of bits for command value | |
antr.fixed_stop.detect. | detect_velocity_limit | Velocity limit for fixed stop detection | |
antr.fixed_stop.detect. | detect_torque_limit | Torque limit for fixed stop detection | |
kenngr.homing. | torq_detect_pos_lag_limit | Position lag limit during homing to a fixed stop | |
kenngr.homing. | torq_detect_torque_limit | Residual torque during homing to a fixed stop | |
antr.fixed_stop.drive_ident[i]. | default_ident | Use default parameterisation of drive objects | |
kenngr.homing. | torq_distance_to_block | Distance to fixed stop for simulation | |
antr. | main_encoder | Signal for main encoder | |
antr. | secondary_encoder | Signal for secondary encoder | |
lr_param. | suppress_reference_lost_error | Suppress error message on lost reference |