Maximum permissible axis velocity in security zone (P-AXIS-00030)


Maximum permissible axis velocity in security zone


The parameter defines the maximum permissible axis velocity inside the security zones 1 and 2 if the control signal is active.

Activation for security zone 1 is executed by the “Reduced velocity in zone 1“ control unit. This security zone is limited by the position limits given by P-AXIS-00093 and P-AXIS-00085.

Activation for security zone 2 is executed by the “Reduced velocity in zone 2“ control unit. This security zone is limited by the position limits given by P-AXIS-00105 and P-AXIS-00097.



Data type


Data range

0 = P.AXIS-00030 = P-AXIS-00212

Axis types

T, R


T: µm/s

R: 0.001°/s

Default value


drive types.



When P-AXIS-00503 is 0 (default), this parameter is always effective for both zones.

Maximum permissible axis velocity in security zone (P-AXIS-00030) 1:
Parameters of permissible axis velocities inside the security zone 1
Maximum permissible axis velocity in security zone (P-AXIS-00030) 2:
Parameters of permissible axis velocities inside the second security zone

Remark on active acceleration during the deceleration phase:

The effective acceleration during deceleration depends on the following factors:

If the axis is outside the zone at the time of signal activation, the axis decelerates at the acceleration value of P-AXIS-00004 . If the axis is inside the zone, the axis decelerates at the acceleration value of P-AXIS-00024 .