Ramp time at feedhold (P-AXIS-00360)
P-AXIS-00360 | Ramp time at feedhold for manual operation without parallel interpolation | |
Description | The parameter defines the ramp time during active feedhold for manual operation mode. | |
Parameter | handbetrieb.hb.tr_feedh | |
Data type | UNS32 | |
Data range | P-AXIS-00201 = tr_feedh = MAX(UNS32) | |
Axis types | T, R | |
Dimension | T: µs | R: µs |
Default value | 0 | |
Drive types | ---- | |
Remarks | P-AXIS-00259 is output and P-AXIS-00360 is only used if parameter P-CHAN-00097 in the channel parameter list is assigned the value 1. |