Factor for dynamic position lag monitoring (P-AXIS-00167)
P-AXIS-00167 | Factor for dynamic position lag monitoring | |
Parameter | getriebe[i].slep_dyn | |
Description | For standard and non-linear position lag monitoring the following is valid: The factor determines the time constant of an estimation filter for the dynamic position lag monitoring in the position controller. This parameter must be determined empirically. | |
Data range | 700 = slep_dyn = 1024 | |
Description | Linear position lag monitoring: The parameter defines the slope within the estimation of the dynamic position lag using the following equation:
Non linear position lag monitoring: The factor determines the time constant of an estimation filter for the dynamic position lag monitoring in the position controller. This parameter must be determined empirically. | |
Data range | 0 = slep_dyn = 1024 | |
Data type | SGN16 | |
Axis types | T, R, S | |
Dimension | T: ---- | R,S: ---- |
Default value | 1000 | |
Drive types | ---- | |
Remarks | CAUTION: The position lag monitoring is disabled if the parameter has the value = '1024'. |