Effective deceleration value with feedhold (P-AXIS-00556)
P-AXIS-00556 | Effective deceleration value with feedhold | |
Description | This parameter is used to select the effective deceleration when feedhold is active for spindles and independent axes. With spindles, the acceleration/deceleration values are always parameterised under the parameters for the jerk-limited slope profile. The effect on single axes in the channel is dependent on P-CHAN-00097. | |
Parameter | kenngr.feedhold_deceleration_mode | |
Data type | STRING | |
Data range | DEFAULT_DECELERATION: Deceleration takes place at the default deceleration value (defaults). Related parameters: - P-AXIS-00282, P-AXIS-00283, step-shaped profile - P-AXIS-00002, jerk-limited profile
FEEDHOLD_DECELERATION: Deceleration takes place at the feedhold deceleration value. Related parameters: - P-AXIS-00024, step-shaped profile - P-AXIS-00053, jerk-limited profile
MIN_TOOL_ACC_FEEDHOLD_DECELERATION: This value is only effective with spindle axes. Deceleration takes place at the minimum of the maximum permissible acceleration of the active tool and the feedhold deceleration. Related parameters: - P-TOOL-00015, P-AXIS-00053 | |
Axis types | T, R | |
Dimension | T: ---- | R: ---- |
Default value | DEFAULT_DECELERATION: | |
Drive types | ---- | |
Remarks | The term single axes here comprises the functions with single axis interpolators. This includes independent axes and manual mode axes. If there is no spindle axis, this axis-specific parameter is only effective if the channel-specific parameter P-CHAN-00097 is set to 0. |