Core functions
In plastics machines, an axis must perform a variety of elementary motion tasks, such as multi-stage PTP movements, pressure control, homing, and so on. Usually, these motion commands are independent of each other and the axis performs only one motion command at a time. TwinCAT 3 Plastic Technology Functions implements and encapsulates each of these motion tasks in a separate FB called a Corefunction.
The Corefunctions were defined in a standardized format. The base axis defined in TwinCAT 3 Plastic Technology Functions provides the common Corefunctions. By deriving a specific axis, the user can also replace or supplement the function of a Corefunction without influencing the behavior of other Corefunctions. This makes the TwinCAT 3 Plastic Technology Functions flexible and easy to customize.
- Embedding core functions in an axis
- The basics of core functions (FB_CoreFunction)
- Commanded core functions (FB_CorefunctionFeedback)
- Actuals
- ActualsActuator
- ActualsHydraulics
- ActualsNc
- AutoIdent
- Camming
- DirectOutput
- DisableSoftEnd
- ExternalGenerating
- Estop
- Homing
- Jog
- Limiting
- MotionParams
- MotionSetpoints
- Power
- PressureControl
- Ptp
- PtpLookUp
- Reset
- SetPosition
- Stop
- TeachPosition
- TeachUpdate
- ToolAdaption
- Transformation
- Tuning
- VelocityFeed