![]() | Exclusive function for hydraulic axes This core function is only available for hydraulic axis types. |

This core function is used to display a compilation of actual values of the axis. It is an extension of Actuals and extends the range of its parent element by adding specific values for hydraulic axes.
Like all derivatives of Actuals, this Corefunction belongs to the group of permanently active Corefunction.
FUNCTION_BLOCK FB_HydraulicActuals EXTENDS FB_MotionActuals
Name | Type | Access | Description |
Acceleration | LREAL | Get | The current actual acceleration. |
OilPressureA | LREAL | Get | The current actual pressure on the A-side of the cylinder. |
OilPressureB | LREAL | Get | The current actual pressure on the B-side of the cylinder. |
ValveFeedback | LREAL | Get | The current feedback value (slider actual position) of the valve. |
ValveOutput | LREAL | Get | The current output value (slider set position) for the valve. |
DynamicsExceeded | BOOL | Get, Set | TRUE if the dynamic limits of the axis were exceeded during a currently active camming. This signal is only deleted when camming is stopped. |
Jerk | LREAL | Get | The current actual jerk. |
Position | LREAL | Get | The current actual position. |
ProcessValue | LREAL | Get, Set | The current actual process value. |
RawAxisPosition | LREAL | Get | The unconverted current actual position. |
SetEvent | BOOL | Get, Set | Reserved. |
Velocity | LREAL | Get | The current actual velocity. |
![]() | The terms A and B The terms A and B are used in the definition of the hydraulics library, i.e. the side of the cylinder that makes the axis move in positive direction is regarded as the A side. |
![]() | Sometimes no feedback Not all types of proportional valves support this kind of feedback. |
Type | Description |
I_MotionActuals | Standard interface on FB_MotionActuals. |
I_HydraulicActuals | Standard interface on FB_HydraulicActuals. |
// Get specific interface I_AxisHydraulicBase from general interface I_AxisBase
IF __QUERYINTERFACE(iAxisBase, iAxisHydraulic) THEN
bClampingForceReached := iAxisHydraulic.ActualsHydraulic.OilPressureA > fClampingPressure;
// interface is not set to an instance of FB_AxisHydraulicBase
bIncompatible := TRUE
Development environment | Target platform | PLC libraries to include |
TwinCAT v3.1.4024.35 | PC or CX (x64, x86) | Tc3_PlasticFunctions v3.12.4.26 or higher Tc3_PlasticHydraulic v3.12.4.26 or higher |