
This Corefunction is used to display a range of parameter values for a motion unit.
![]() | Support of the parameters depends on the technology Some parameters are only available for specific drive technologies. Please note the comments in the "Choice" column! |
![]() | Function is asynchronous An implementation of runtime switching via this function block must always take the state of the function block into account. A written parameter does not become active immediately.
![]() | Axes must be disabled Some parameters cannot be written while an axis is enabled. |
FUNCTION_BLOCK FB_MotionParams EXTENDS FB_Corefunction
Name | Type | Access | Selection | Description |
I_ActuatorParamsH | Get | Access to parameters for the base position of an actuator. | ||
I_ActuatorParamsH | Get | Access to parameters for the working position of an actuator. | ||
AsymTargeting | BOOL | Get, Set | TRUE if the parameters for the target approach are direction-dependent. Otherwise, the parameters for the negative direction are ignored and the parameters for the positive direction are used regardless of the direction. | |
AutoBrakeCalculation | BOOL | Get, Set | TRUE if the braking distance is determined automatically. | |
AxisIsNc | BOOL | Get | / | TRUE, if the axis is operated with TwinCAT NC. |
BrakeDistanceM | LREAL | Get, Set | The braking distance time in negative direction. See also AsymTargeting. | |
BrakeDistanceP | LREAL | Get, Set | The braking distance time in positive direction. | |
CreepDistanceM | LREAL | Get, Set | The creep distance in negative direction. See also AsymTargeting. | |
CreepDistanceP | LREAL | Get, Set | The creep distance in positive direction. | |
CreepSpeedM | LREAL | Get, Set | The creep speed in negative direction. | |
CreepSpeedP | LREAL | Get, Set | The creep speed in positive direction. | |
CycleTime | LREAL | Get | / | The cycle time of the task in which the real-time functions of the axis are executed. |
DriveIsCoE | BOOL | Get | / | TRUE, if the axis has a CoE interface. |
DriveIsServo | BOOL | Get | / | TRUE if the axis is a servo drive. |
DriveIsSimulated | BOOL | Get | / | TRUE if the drive of the axis is simulated. |
DriveIsSoE | BOOL | Get | / | TRUE, if the axis has a SoE interface. |
DriveReversed | BOOL | Get, Set | TRUE if the drive of the axis is inverted. | |
DriveType | UDINT | Get | / | A numeric identifier for the type of the connected drive. |
EncoderInterpolation | LREAL | Get, Set | The divider for the encoder evaluation. It specifies the number of increments corresponding to the distance specified by EncoderWeighting. | |
EncoderIsAnalog | BOOL | Get | / | TRUE if the encoder of the axis uses an analog input. |
EncoderIsSimulated | BOOL | Get | / | TRUE if the encoder of the axis is simulated. |
EncoderMask | UDINT | Get | / | Encoder mask for encoder value overflow |
EncoderMode | UDINT | Get | / | Operation mode of the encoder |
EncoderReversed | BOOL | Get, Set | TRUE if the encoder / feedback of the axis is inverted. | |
EncoderType | UDINT | Get | / | A numeric identifier for the type of the connected encoder. |
EncoderWeighting | LREAL | Get, Set | The factor for encoder evaluation. It specifies the distance corresponding to a number of increments specified by EncoderInterpolation. | |
EncoderZeroShift | LREAL | Get, Set | The zero offset shift of the encoder. | |
HasAutoLimiting | BOOL | Get | / | TRUE if the axis uses an internal automatic limiting function. |
LagControlled | BOOL | Get | / | TRUE if the axis has a position controller. |
LagCtrlKp | LREAL | Get, Set | The kP factor of the position controller. | |
LagFilter | LREAL | Get, Set | The filter time of the lag error monitoring. | |
LagLimit | LREAL | Get, Set | The threshold value of the lag error monitoring. | |
LagMonitored | BOOL | Get, Set | TRUE, if the lag error monitoring of the axis is active. | |
MaxAccApplication | LREAL | Get, Set | An additional restriction on acceleration. | |
MaxAcceleration | LREAL | Get, Set | The maximum permissible acceleration. | |
MaxDecApplication | LREAL | Get, Set | An additional limitation of the deceleration. | |
MaxDeceleration | LREAL | Get, Set | The maximum permissible deceleration. | |
MaxJerk | LREAL | Get, Set | The maximum permissible jerk. | |
MaxVeloApplication | LREAL | Get, Set | An additional velocity restriction. | |
MaxVeloSystem | LREAL | Get, Set | The maximum velocity of the axis. | |
MinVeloApplication | LREAL | Get, Set | The minimum velocity of the axis. | |
Persist | BOOL | Get, Set | Enables the persistent saving of parameter write operations of this function block on the target system. | |
ScalingOilPressure | LREAL | Get, Set | The scaling factor for the actual pressure acquisition. | |
SoftEndMax | LREAL | Get, Set | The maximum software limit switch. | |
SoftEndMaxEna | BOOL | Get, Set | Enable for the maximum software limit switch. | |
SoftEndMaxSystem | LREAL | Get, Set | For the load side of transforming axes: The converted maximum software limit switch of the drive side. For the drive side of transforming axes: The converted maximum software limit switch of the load side. For non-transforming axes: A copy of the maximum software limit switch. | |
SoftEndMin | LREAL | Get, Set | The minimum software limit switch. | |
SoftEndMinEna | BOOL | Get, Set | Enable for the minimum software limit switch. | |
SoftEndMinSystem | LREAL | Get, Set | For the load side of transforming axes: The converted minimum software limit switch of the drive side. For the drive side of transforming axes: The converted minimum software limit switch of the load side. For non-transforming axes: A copy of the minimum software limit switch. | |
Valid | BOOL | Get | / | TRUE if all parameters are valid. |
VeloMonitored | BOOL | Get, Set | TRUE if the velocity monitoring of the axis is active. | |
VeloLagLimit | LREAL | Get, Set | The tolerance window for triggering velocity monitoring. | |
BusyState | BOOL | Get | / | TRUE, if the function block writes changed parameters. |
ReadyState | BOOL | Get | / | TRUE if the function block has loaded all parameters at least once. |
HasTorqueLimiting1 | BOOL | Get | Obsolete | Returns the value of HasAutoLimiting. |
MinVeloJog1 | LREAL | Get, Set | Obsolete | Returns the value of MinVeloApplication. |
TF5810 Hydraulic Positioning | |
TF5000 NC PTP | |
TF8560 Inverter Axis | |
TF8560 Linear Actuator |
Type | Description |
I_Corefunction | Standard interface on FB_Corefunction. |
I_MotionParams | Standard interface on FB_MotionParams. |
iAxisBase.MotionParams.SoftEndMax := fAxisStroke;
Development environment | Target platform | PLC libraries to include |
TwinCAT v3.1.4024.56 | PC or CX (x64, x86) | Tc3_PlasticFunctions (>= v12.8.2.0) |