Industrial PC
Fieldbus Components
Drive Technology
Servo drive
AX8000 | Multi-axis servo system
AX5000 | Digital Compact Servo Drive
AX5000 | Digital Compact Servo Drive 1. generation - Operating instructions
AX5000 | Digital Compact Servo Drives - System manual hardware 2
AX5000 | Digital compact servo drives - Function description
AX5000 | Digital compact servo drives - IDN-Description
AX5000 | Digital compact servo drives - Diagnostic Messages
Documentation notes
Introduction to the diagnostic system
Parameter channel diagnostics
Device Diagnostics
CCD0, Leaving positive limit switch
CCD1, Leaving negative limit switch
CD40, Clear warning: Overload internal brake resistor
CD41, Clear warning: Overload external brake resistor
CD42, Clear warning: Over-temperature amplifier
CD43, Clear warning: Under-voltage DC link
CD46, Clear warning: U_mains too high
CD47, Clear warning: U_mains too low
D000, ESC state: Init
D001, ESC state: PreOp
D002, ESC state: Boot
D003, ESC state: SafeOp
D005, ESC state: Op
D006, ESC state: invalid
D010, Axis state machine: Control section not ready
D011, Axis state machine: Control section ready
D012, Axis state machine: Control and power section ready
D013, Axis state machine: Axis in operation
D014, Axis state machine: Axis halt
D015, Axis state machine: Axis error
D019, Axis state machine: Invalid state
D101, Hardware enable not active.
D102, Safety card active, AX5000 in the safe condition
D180, SCI communication Control<->Front unit: Frame error
D181, SCI communication Control<->Front unit: Parity error
D182, SCI communication Control<->Front unit: RX-Data missing
D183, SCI communication Control<->Front unit: SCI error
D184, SCI communication Control<->Front unit: Timeout error
D185, SCI communication Control<->Front unit: Checksum error
D186, SCI communication Control<->Front unit: Byte count error
D187, SCI communication Control<->Front unit: Command denied
D188, SCI communication Control<->Front unit: Wrong command
D189, SCI communication Control<->Front unit: Command error
D18A, SCI communication Control<->Front unit: Timeout error
D18B, SCI communication Control<->Front unit: RX data error
D18C, SCI communication Control<->Front unit: Wrong channel
D18D, SCI communication Control<->Front unit: Buffer overflow
D18E, SCI communication Front<->Control unit: Frame error
D18F, SCI communication Front<->Control unit: Parity error
D190, SCI communication Front<->Control unit: Wrong checksum
D191, SCI communication Front<->Control unit: Timeout error
D192, SCI communication Front<->Control unit: Response timeout error
D193, SCI communication Front<->Control unit: Buffer overflow
D194, SCI communication Control<->Front unit: SCI reset called
D195, SCI communication Control<->Front unit: Byte count error
D196, SCI communication Control<->Front unit: Buffer overflow
D1B0, SCI communication Control - Option card: Frame error
D1B1, SCI communication Control - Option card: Parity error
D1B2, SCI communication Control - Option card: RX-Data missing
D1B3, SCI communication Control - Option card: SCI error
D1B4, SCI communication Control - Option card: Timeout error
D1B5, SCI communication Control - Option card: Checksum error
D1B6, SCI communication Control - Option card: Byte count error
D1B7, SCI communication Control - Option card: Command denied
D1B8, SCI communication Control - Option card: Wrong command
D1B9, SCI communication Control - Option card: Command error
D1BA, SCI communication Control - Option card: Timeout error
D1BB, SCI communication Control - Option card: RX data error
D1BC, SCI communication Control - Option card: Wrong channel
D1BD, SCI communication Control - Option card: Buffer overflow
D1BE, SCI communication Front<->Control unit: Frame error
D1BF, SCI communication Front<->Control unit: Parity error
D1C0, SCI communication Front<->Control unit: Wrong checksum
D1C1, SCI communication Front<->Control unit: Timeout error
D1C2, SCI communication Front<->Control unit: Response timeout error
D1C3, SCI communication Front<->Control unit: Buffer overflow
D1C4, SCI communication Control - Option card: SCI reset called
D1C5, SCI communication Control - Option card: Byte count error
D1C6, SCI communication Control - Option card: Buffer overflow
D200, Firmware update successful!
D300, Format error counters in e2prom successful!
D400, ESC: PLL timeout
D401, ESC: Io-Sync timeout
D402, Info procedure command: state change
D403, ESC state machine: State change active
D404, ESC state machine: Error flag not cleared
D500, External ADC: Reference voltage invalid
D780, Feedback Parameter Channel EnDat: CRC error
D781, Feedback Parameter Channel EnDat: Mode CRC error
D782, Feedback Parameter Channel EnDat: Timeout encoder response
D783, Feedback Parameter Channel EnDat: Timeout encoder response
D784, Feedback Parameter Channel EnDat: Wrong response
D786, Feedback Parameter Channel EnDat: Encoder not ready
D787, Feedback Parameter Channel EnDat: Formatting OEM memory
D808, Feedback Parameter Channel Hiperface: Wrong analog channel
D820, Feedback (EnDat2.2): Invalid diagnostic data
D821, Feedback (EnDat2.2): Invalid diagnostic data
DC30, I2C communication: Save error ID 1
DC31, I2C communication: Save error ID 2
DC32, I2C communication: Save parameter
DC33, I2C communication: Save operation time 1
DC34, I2C communication: Save operation time 2
DC35, I2C communication: Read, Wrong byte count
DC36, I2C communication: Read, No response
DC37, I2C communication: Read, No acknowledge
DC38, I2C communication: Write, Wrong byte count
DC39, I2C communication: Write, No response
DC3A, I2C communication: Different operation time
DC3B, I2C communication: Job buffer full
DC3C, I2C communication: No safety hardware
DC3D, I2C communication: No option hardware
DC3E, I2C communication: Device operation time overflow
DC3F, I2C communication: Channel operation time overflow
DCB0, LCD: Wrong ESC state
DCB1, LCD: Wrong axis state
DCB2, LCD: Unknown cyclic job
DCB3, LCD: Unknown job
DCB4, LCD: Unknown state
DCB5, LCD: Unknown state
DCB6, LCD: Unknown state
DCB7, LCD: Unknown state
DCB8, LCD: Unknown menu state
DCB9, LCD: Interface error
DCBA, LCD: Invalid state
DCBB, LCD: Communication error
DD42, Power management: DC link current in limit
DD44, Power management: Chopper IGBT for DC link interface X02 not ready for operation
DD80, Control unit: Main loop time exceeded
DD81, Control unit: End of stack reached
DD82, Front unit: Main loop time exceeded
DD83, Front unit: End of stack reached
DD90, Front unit, build drive system: Timeout reached
DFFF, Debug firmware, replace "As soon as possible"!
E15F, Process data mapping: Could not add the function pointer to the lookup table.
E160, Process data mapping: Mapping code of IDN %s could not be copied.
E290, High-priority processes cannot be processed
E300, The IO-Watchdog has been disabled!!!! (User mode debugging!)
E581, External Periphery - Control card: Reading the ESC-eeprom failed
ECD0, Positive limit switch warning.
ECD1, Negative limit switch warning.
ECD2, Amplifier overload utilisation warning.
ED00, Motor over-temperature
ED01, Overload - motor
ED40, Overload - Internal brake resistor
ED41, Overload - External brake resistor
ED42, Over-temperature - Amplifier
ED43, Under-voltage - DC link
ED46, U_mains too high
ED47, U_mains too low
ED60, Feedback - Warning bit set
ED61, Feedback battery warning
F010, Firmware-Download: Flash error
F011, Firmware-Download: Flash error
F012, Firmware-Download: Flash error
F013, Firmware-Download: Flash error
F014, Firmware-Download: Flash error
F015, Firmware-Download: Flash error
F016, Firmware-Download: Flash error
F017, Firmware-Download: Flash error
F018, Firmware-Download: Flash error
F019, Firmware-Download: Flash error
F01A, Firmware-Download: Flash error
F01B, Firmware-Download: Flash error
F01C, Firmware-Download: Flash error
F01D, Firmware-Download: Flash error
F01E, Firmware-Download: Flash error
F030, Firmware-Download: Invalid file name
F032, Firmware download: Firmware file does not match the device
F033, Firmware-Download: Firmware file is defective
F040, Firmware-Download: Firmware file is defective
F041, Firmware-Download: Firmware file is defective
F042, Firmware-Download: Firmware file is defective
F043, Firmware-Download: Read of the hardware IDs failed.
F044, Firmware-Download: Firmware file is wrong or defective
F045, Firmware-Download: Firmware file is defective
F046, Firmware-Download: Firmware file is defective
F047, Firmware-Download: Firmware file is defective
F048, Firmware-Download: Hardware is defective
F049, Firmware-Download: Hardware is defective
F04A, Firmware-Download: Hardware is defective
F04B, Firmware-Download: Firmware file is defective
F04C, Firmware-Download: Firmware file is defective
F04D, Firmware-Download: Firmware file is defective
F04E, Firmware-Download: Firmware file is defective
F04F, Firmware-Download: Wrong TwinCAT version
F050, Firmware-Download: Firmware file is defective
F051, Firmware-Download: Firmware file is defective
F052, Firmware-Download: Firmware file is defective
F053, Firmware-Download: Firmware file is defective
F054, Firmware-Download: Firmware file is defective
F055, Firmware-Download: Firmware file is defective
F056, Firmware-Download: Firmware file is wrong or defective
F057, Firmware-Download: Firmware file is defective
F058, Firmware-Download: Firmware file is defective
F059, Firmware-Download: Firmware file is defective
F060, Firmware download: Firmware file is defective
F061, Firmware download: Hardware is defective
F062, Firmware download: Hardware is defective
F063, Firmware download: Firmware file or device is defective
F064, Firmware download: Firmware file or device is defective
F065, Firmware download: Firmware file is wrong
F066, Firmware download: Firmware file or device is defective
F067, Firmware download: Internal configuration error
F068, Firmware download: Bootloader update required.
F06A, Firmware download: Control unit eeprom not accessible.
F06B, Firmware download: Front unit eeprom not accessible.
F06C, Firmware download: Driver unit eeprom not accessible.
F06D, Firmware download: Power unit eeprom not accessible.
F06E, Firmware download: Safety unit eeprom not accessible.
F06F, Firmware download: Safety unit eeprom not accessible.
F070, Firmware download: Firmware index for the control unit don't match
F071, Firmware download: Firmware index for the front unit don't match
F072, Firmware download: Firmware index for the driver unit don't match
F073, Firmware download: Firmware index for the power unit don't match
F074, Firmware download: Firmware index for the safety unit don't match
F075, Firmware download: Firmware index for the option unit don't match
F076, Firmware download: Firmware index for the control unit can't be read
F077, Firmware download: Firmware index for the front unit can't be read
F078, Firmware download: Firmware index for the driver unit can't be read
F079, Firmware download: Firmware index for the power unit can't be read
F07A, Firmware download: Firmware index for the safety unit can't be read
F07B, Firmware download: Firmware index for the option unit can't be read
F090, Firmware download: FPGA error option unit
F091, Firmware download: FPGA error option unit
F092, Firmware download: FPGA error option unit
F093, Firmware download: FPGA error option unit
F094, Firmware download: FPGA error option unit
F095, Firmware download: FPGA error option unit
F096, Firmware download: FPGA error option unit
F0A0, FPGA error: configuration could not be loaded
F0A1, FPGA error: Configuration file is missing
F0A2, FPGA error: Loading of the configuration failed.
F0B0, Serial Flash error
F0B1, Serial flash error
F0B2, Serial flash error
F0B3, Serial flash error
F0B4, Serial flash error
F0B5, Serial flash error
F0B6, Serial flash error
F0B7, Serial flash error
F0B8, Serial flash error
F0B9, Serial flash error: Bootloader defective
F0BA, Serial flash error: Internal firmware file is defective
F0BB, Serial flash error: Internal system data file not found
F0BC, Serial flash error: Internal system data file is defective
F0BD, Serial flash error: Initialization failed
F0BE, Serial flash error: Processing failed
F0BF, Serial flash error: Write error
F0C0, Serial flash error: Diagnostics file not found
F0C1, Serial flash error: Internal error
F100, Axis state machine: Communication error
F101, Axis state machine: Initialize error
F102, Axis state machine: Loss of the hardware enable
F103, Axis state machine: Got no timer
F104, Axis state machine: NC error handling - Timeout
F105, Axis state machine: Maximum drive off delay time elapsed
F106, Axis state machine: No motor configured
F107, Axis state machine: Current control not ready to enable
F108, Axis state machine: Velocity control not ready
F109, Axis state machine: Position control not ready
F10A, Axis state machine: Wake and Shake not idle
F10B, Axis State Machine: Wake and Shake command failed
F10C, Axis State Machine: Not possible to enable
F10D, Axis State Machine: Not possible to enable
F10E, Axis State Machine: The motor connection check failed.
F10F, Axis State Machine: The configured error propagation input isn't active.
F110, Axis State Machine: The motor management isn't ready to enable. E.g. P-0-0093 is zero.
F11F, The advanced parametrization introduced with firmware version 2.10 is required.
F120, Command "Motor and feedback check": Timeout
F121, Command "Motor and feedback check": No hardware enable
F122, Command "Motor and feedback check": Current controller is not ready to enable.
F123, Command "Motor and feedback check" failed
F124, Reset-Command: Got no timer
F125, Reset-Command: Got no timer
F126, Reset-Command: Initialization failed
F127, Reset-Command: Feedback DSP - timeout
F128, Reset-Command: One or more of the pending errors is not resettable
F129, Reset-Command: Reset is not executable
F12A, Error reaction "Torque off" forced
F12B, Error reaction "Shorted coils brake" forced
F12C, Error reaction "Open loop ramp" forced
F12D, Error reaction "Closed loop ramp" forced
F12E, Error reaction "NC-Handling" forced
F12F, Command "Motor and feedback connection check": No enable permission from the safety option
F130, Command "Wake and Shake": Timeout
F131, Command "Reset": Feedback initialization failed
F132, Command "Reset": Not possible - Internal hardware error
F133, Command "Reset": Not possible - Drive is still enabled
F134, Command "Reset": Restart of the modulo calculation failed.
F135, Parameter Set Switching: Activation of the parameter set 0 failed.
F136, Parameter Set Switching: Switching to parameter set x failed.
F137, Parameter Set Switching: Feature not available
F138, Parameter Set Switching: Axis is in operation, switching not possible.
F139, Parameter Set Switching: Internal error.
F13A, Parameter Set Switching: Switching to parameter set x not possible.
F13B, Reset of the option card failed.
F13C, Reset command - Timeout
F13E, Feedback error forced
F13F, Creation of the position interpolator failed
F140, Build drive system: Failed
F141, Build drive system: Timeout
F142, Initialization of the current controller failed
F143, Initialization of the velocity controller failed
F144, Initialization of the position controller failed
F145, Initialization of the feedback failed
F146, Build drive system: Failed
F147, Build drive system: Memory error Front card
F148, Build drive system: Unknown feedback system
F149, Build drive system: Front card - Internal error
F14A, Build drive system: Unknown feedback system
F14B, Build drive system: Memory error Control card
F14C, Build drive system: Memory error Front card
F14D, System memory deallocation: Feedback termination failed
F14E, System memory deallocation: Command error
F14F, System memory deallocation: Command error
F150, Initialization of the feedback: Internal error
F151, Initialization of the feedback: Timeout
F152, Initialization of the feedback: Command failed
F153, Initialization of the feedback: No option card found
F154, Build drive system: Memory error option card
F155, Build drive system: Option card - Unknown feedback system
F156, Build drive system: Option card - Internal error
F157, Build drive system: Option card - Unknown feedback system
F158, System memory deallocation: Front card - Internal error
F159, System memory deallocation: Option card - Internal error
F15A, Feedback error: Plug connector combination invalid
F15B, Feedback error: No OCT support.
F15F, No control loops allocated. Calibration mode active.
F160, Process data mapping: Internal error
F161, Process data mapping: AT - S-0-0016
F162, Process data mapping: AT - S-0-0016
F163, Process data mapping: AT - Memory problem
F164, Process data mapping: Internal error
F165, Process data mapping: AT - Too many IDNs
F166, Process data mapping: MDT - S-0-0024
F167, Process data mapping: MDT - S-0-0024
F168, Process data mapping: MDT - Memory problem
F169, Process data mapping: Internal error
F16A, Process data mapping: MDT - Too many IDNs
F16B, Process data mapping: AT-list, double listed entry found
F16C, Process data mapping: MDT-list, double listed entry found
F16D, Process data mapping: Internal error
F16E, Process data mapping: Calculation of the AT-List shift times failed
F16F, Process data mapping: Calculation of the MDT-List shift times failed
F17F, Command "Reset": The feedback serial number check failed.
F180, Internal communication: SCI - Control card to front card
F183, Feedback (general): Commutation feedback is not feedback 1
F184, Feedback "general": Commutation feedback is not feedback 2
F185, Internal communication: SCI - Control card to front card
F186, Internal communication: SCI - Control card to front card
F187, Internal communication: SCI - Control card to front card
F188, Internal communication: SCI - Control card to front card
F189, Internal communication: SCI - Control card to front card
F18A, Internal communication: SCI - Control card to front card
F18B, Internal communication: SCI - Control card to front card
F18C, Internal communication: SCI - Front card to control card
F18D, Internal communication: SCI - Front card to control card
F18E, Internal communication: SCI - Front card to control card
F18F, Internal communication: SCI - Front card to control card
F190, Internal communication: SPI - Control card to front card
F191, Internal communication: SPI - Control card to front card
F192, Internal communication: SPI - Control card to front card
F193, Internal communication: SPI - Control card to front card
F194, Internal communication: SPI - Front card to Control card
F195, Internal communication: SPI - Front card to Control card
F196, Internal communication: SPI - Front card to Control card
F197, Internal communication: SPI - Front card to Control card
F198, Internal communication: SPI - Control card to front card
F199, Internal communication: SPI - Control card to front card
F19A, Internal communication: SPI - Control card to front card
F19B, Internal communication: SPI - Control card to front card
F19C, Internal communication: SPI - Control card to front card
F19D, Internal communication: SPI - Control card to front card
F19E, Internal communication: SPI - Control card to front card
F1A0, Internal communication: SCI - Control card to front card
F1A1, Internal communication: SCI - Control card to front card
F1B0, Communication Control - Option unit: Initialization failed.
F1B1, Option slot card: Commutation feedback not supported.
F1B2, Option slot card: Additional feedback not feedback 2.
F1B5, Internal communication: SCI - Control card to option card
F1B6, Internal communication: SCI - Control card to option card
F1B7, Internal communication: SCI - Control card to option card
F1B8, Internal communication: SCI - Control card to option card
F1B9, Internal communication: SCI - Control card to option card
F1BA, Internal communication: SCI - Control card to option card
F1BB, Internal communication: SCI - Control card to option card
F1BC, Internal communication: SPI - Control card to option card
F1BD, Internal communication: SPI - Control card to option card
F1D0, Internal communication: SCI - Control card to option card
F1D1, Internal communication: The feedback unit don't supports the requested action.
F290, Cycle time exceeded: High priority process
F291, Cycle time exceeded: Low priority process
F292, Internal task scheduler error
F2A0, Commutation error
F2A1, Over-current error motor, measuring limit reached (X13 / X23).
F2A2, Processing unit periphery: Initialization failed
F2A3, Current controller: Internal use failed
F2A4, Internal error
F2A5, Internal error
F2A7, Torque off triggered from "shorted coils brake" or "DC brake"
F2A8, Commutation error (sensorless control)
F2A9, Timeout error (sensorless control)
F2AA, Only rotatory SM sensorless (FOC) supported
F2AB, Collision detected.
F2E1, Velocity Control: Control deviation monitoring failed
F320, Overtravel limit exceeded.
F321, Excessive position deviation
F323, Parameter error
F324, Excessive position command value deviation.
F325, Following distance calculation limit exceeded.
F326, Additional position deviation monitoring
F330, Position control - Interpolator error
F331, Position control - Interpolator error
F332, Position control - Interpolator error
F333, Position control - Interpolator error
F340, Position offset invalid
F341, Position offset: No position offset existing
F342, Position offset: Offset can't be activated. Modulo calculation is active.
F343, Position offset: No position offset existing
F344, Position offset: The position offset change is greater than the modulo value.
F348, Drive memory commutation offset: The feedback don't match.
F349, Drive memory commutation offset: No saved offset existing.
F34A, Drive memory commutation offset: No valid saved offset existing
F350, Modulo Calculation: No saved data could be loaded.
F351, Modulo Calculation: Initialization data invalid.
F352, Modulo Calculation: No saved data available.
F353, Modulo Calculation: Saving of the initialization data failed.
F354, Modulo Calculation: Saving of the modulo data failed.
F355, Modulo Calculation: The absolute range of encoder 1 is too small.
F356, Modulo Calculation: The absolute range of encoder 2 is too small.
F357, Modulo Calculation: Initialization failed because the feedback position is invalid.
F360, Initialization of the device: failed
F361, Initialization of the device: failed
F362, Initialization of the device: Failed - Firmware checksum
F363, Initialization of the device: Failed - Firmware checksum
F3A0, Device initialization: Invalid state
F3A1, Device initialization: Invalid state
F3A3, Front card state machine: Feedback DSP failed
F3A4, Device initialization: Option card - Feedback DSP failed
F3A5, Device initialization: Option card - FPGA test failed
F3A6, Device initialization: Serial flash, firmware info not readable
F3A7, Device initialization: Serial flash, boot loader info not readable
F3A8, Device initialization: Serial flash, directory not readable
F3A9, The initialization of the HpfDSL-Fpga failed.
F3AA, Explicit Device Identification: Write of the data failed.
F3AB, Explicit Device Identification: Write of the data failed.
F3C0, Error management: Invalid value in P-0-0350
F3C1, Error management: Internal error
F3C2, Error management: Command error
F3C3, Error management: Command error
F3C4, Error management: Initialization failed
F3C5, Error management: Got no timer
F3D0, Propagated error received, react with "Torque off".
F3D1, Propagated error received, react with "Shorted coils brake".
F3D2, Propagated error received, react with "Open loop ramp".
F3D3, Propagated error received, react with "Closed loop ramp".
F3D4, Propagated error received, react with "Gantry brake".
F401, EtherCAT slave controller: Internal test failed
F402, EtherCAT slave controller: Invalid syncmanager start address
F403, EtherCAT slave controller: Syncmanager address range
F404, EtherCAT slave controller: Syncmanager size
F405, EtherCAT slave controller: Syncmanager parameter
F406, EtherCAT slave controller: Syncmanager internal error
F407, EtherCAT slave controller (MDT): Syncmanager parameter
F408, EtherCAT slave controller (AT): Syncmanager parameter
F409, Distributed clocks: Sync0 - Cycle time
F410, Distributed clocks: Sync0 - Not enabled
F411, Distributed clocks: Sync0 - Impulse length
F412, Distributed clocks: Sync1 - Cycle time
F413, Distributed clocks: Sync1 - Not enabled
F414, Distributed clocks: hardware sync
F415, Distributed clocks: Process data synchronization lost
F416, Distributed clocks: Local DC-time calculation failed
F417, Distributed clocks: PLL sync lost
F420, EtherCAT slave controller: Invalid port configuration
F440, Dynamic SyncManager: IO-Cycle counter error
F441, Dynamic SyncManager: Required SyncManager not enabled.
F4A0, SoE Communication: Reset command failed
F4A1, SoE Communication: Internal error
F4A2, SoE Communication: Internal error
F4A3, SoE Communication: Internal error
F4A4, SoE Communication: Internal error
F4A5, SoE Communication: Parameter error
F4A6, SoE Communication: Drive notification failed
F4A7, SoE Communication: Internal error
F4A8, SoE Communication: Internal error
F4A9, SoE Communication: Internal error
F4AA, SoE Communication: Internal error
F4AB, Invalid rated current
F500, Internal error.
F503, Internal communication error
F504, A/D converter: Reference voltage invalid
F505, Firmware: Analysis of the A/D-Converter defective
F506, Internal communication error
F508, Firmware: Unknown nominal current.
F50A, A/D-Converter: DC-Link - measuring error
F50B, A/D-Converter: DC-Link - measuring error
F50C, A/D-Converter: DC-Link - Measuring error
F50D, A/D-Converter: DC-Link - Measuring error
F50E, A/D-Converter: Measuring error - U_mains
F50F, A/D-Converter: Measuring error - Module temperature
F510, A/D-Converter: Not ready to enable
F511, Voltage calibration failed
F580, External Periphery - Control card: Internal error
F581, External Periphery - Control card: Reading the ESC-eeprom failed
F582, External Periphery - Control card: Writing the ESC-eeprom failed
F583, External Periphery - Control card: Reading the ESC-eeprom failed
F584, External Periphery - Control card: Reading the ESC-eeprom failed
F585, External Periphery - Control card: Reading the ESC-eeprom failed
F586, External Periphery - Control card: Reading the ESC-eeprom failed
F587, External Periphery - Control card: Checking the ESC-eeprom failed
F588, External Periphery: SPI - Timeout
F589, External Periphery - Control card: Reading the ESC-eeprom failed
F58A, External Periphery - Control card: Writing the ESC-eeprom failed
F58B, External Periphery - Control card: Writing the ESC-eeprom failed
F58C, External Periphery - Control card: Writing the ESC-eeprom failed
F58D, External Periphery - Control card: Writing the ESC-eeprom failed
F590, External Periphery - Control card: ADC - Initialization failed
F591, External Periphery - Initialization failed
F600, Calibrate commutation offset error.
F601, Calibrate commutation offset error.
F602, Calibrate commutation offset error.
F603, Calibrate commutation offset error.
F604, Current calibration error.
F605, Current calibration error.
F606, Current calibration error.
F607, Current calibration error.
F608, Current calibration error.
F609, Current calibration error.
F60A, Current calibration error.
F60B, Current calibration error.
F60C, Current calibration error.
F60D, Calibrate commutation offset error.
F60E, Calibrate commutation offset error.
F610, Current calibration error.
F611, Current calibration error.
F612, Current calibration error.
F613, Pos. or neg. direction was disabled during command function P-0-0160
F614, Torque, force or current limitation during command function P-0-0160
F615, Inadmissible current deviation during command function P-0-0160
F616, Limited range of motion during command function P-0-0160
F700, Feedback "general": Initialization
F701, Feedback "general": Initialization - parameter channel
F702, Feedback "1": Position invalid.
F703, Feedback "general": Feedback error
F704, Feedback "general": Overvoltage - supply voltage
F705, Feedback "general": Undervoltage - Supply voltage
F706, Feedback "general": Internal error.
F707, Feedback "general": Lost feedback
F708, Feedback "general": Found different feedback in the digital name plate.
F709, Feedback "2": Position invalid.
F70A, Feedback "1": Error.
F70B, Feedback "2": error.
F70E, Feedback "1": error.
F70F, Feedback "2": error
F712, Feedback "general": Power settings
F713, Feedback "general": process data channel settings
F714, Feedback "general": parameter channel settings
F715, Internal communication: SPI - Front card to Option card
F716, Internal communication: SPI - Front card to Option card
F717, Feedback "general": Initialization failed
F718, Feedback "1": Data invalid (SPI error).
F719, Option card, Feedback "1": error
F71A, Option card, Feedback "2": error
F720, Feedback "general": Initialization failed
F721, Feedback "general": Initialization failed
F722, Feedback "general": Initialization failed
F723, Feedback "general": Initialization failed
F724, Feedback "general": Initialization failed
F725, Feedback "general": Initialization failed
F726, Feedback "general": Save digital name plate failed.
F727, Feedback "general" Save position offset failed.
F728, Feedback "general": Position initialization failed.
F729, Feedback "general": Scan feedback failed.
F72A, Feedback "general": Internal error
F72B, Feedback "general": Internal error
F72C, Feedback "general": Internal error
F72E, Feedback "general": Internal error
F72F, Feedback "general": Internal error
F730, Feedback "general": Internal error
F731, Feedback "general": Initialization failed
F732, Feedback "general": Save digital name plate failed.
F733, Feedback "general" Save position offset failed.
F734, Feedback "general": Position initialization failed.
F735, Feedback "general": Position initialization failed.
F736, Feedback "general": Data transfer failed.
F737, Feedback "general": Data transfer failed.
F738, Feedback "general": Data transfer failed.
F739, Feedback "general": Wrong feedback
F73A, Feedback "general": Resolution has been incorrectly parametrized
F73B, Feedback "general": Resolution has been incorrectly parametrized
F73C, Feedback "general": Resolution per rotation has been incorrectly parametrized
F73D, Feedback "general": Length of the signal period has been incorrectly parametrized
F73E, Feedback "general": Data transfer failed.
F73F, Feedback "general": Feedback id has been incorrectly parametrized
F740, Feedback "general": Initialization failed
F741, Feedback "general": Unknown multi-turn position
F742, Feedback "general": Invalid commutation offset
F743, Feedback"general": No feedback connector chosen
F744, Feedback"general": Wrong feedback connector chosen
F745, Feedback "general": Data transfer failed.
F747, Feedback "general": Parameter invalid.
F748, Feedback"general": Parameter channel - Position invalid
F749, Feedback "general": Parameter invalid.
F74A, Feedback "general": Parameter invalid
F74B, Feedback "general": Save data failed
F74C, Feedback "general": Save data failed
F74D, Feedback "general": Parameter invalid
F74E, Feedback "general": Parameter invalid
F74F, Feedback "general": Position initialization failed
F75F, Feedback "general": Parameter invalid
F760, Feedback"general": Error by cyclic communication over parameter channel
F761, Feedback"general": The drive memory commutation offset couldn't be activated.
F762, Feedback"general": The drive memory commutation offset isn't available for Fb2.
F770, Feedback SSI: Invalid parameter.
F771, Feedback SSI: Single-turn resolution to high.
F772, Feedback SSI: Multi-turn resolution to high.
F780, Feedback "general": Data transfer failed.
F781, Feedback "general": Data transfer failed.
F782, Feedback "general": Initialization failed
F783, Feedback "general": Initialization failed
F784, Feedback "general": Initialization failed
F785, Feedback "general": Initialization failed
F786, Feedback "general": Initialization failed
F787, Feedback "general": Initialization failed
F788, Feedback "general": Encoder error
F789, Feedback "general": Initialization failed
F78A, Feedback "general": Initialization failed
F78B, Feedback "general": Initialization failed
F78C, Feedback "general": Initialization failed
F78D, Feedback "general": Initialization failed
F78E, Feedback "general": Initialization failed
F78F, Feedback "general": Initialization failed
F791, Feedback parameter channel error (EnDat).
F792, Feedback parameter channel error (EnDat).
F793, Feedback parameter channel error (EnDat).
F794, EnDat: Feedback scan invalid.
F795, EnDat: Feedback type with battery operation is not supported.
F7C0, Feedback parameter channel error (BiSS).
F7C1, Feedback parameter channel error (BiSS).
F7C2, Feedback parameter channel error (BiSS).
F7C3, Feedback parameter channel initialization error (BiSS).
F7C4, Feedback parameter channel error (BiSS).
F7C5, Feedback parameter channel initialization error (BiSS).
F7C6, Feedback parameter channel initialization error (BiSS).
F7C7, Feedback parameter channel initialization error (BiSS).
F7C8, Feedback parameter channel initialization error (BiSS).
F7C9, Feedback parameter channel initialization error (BiSS).
F7CA, Feedback parameter channel initialization error (BiSS).
F7CB, Feedback parameter channel initialization error (BiSS).
F7CC, Feedback parameter channel initialization error (BiSS).
F7CD, Feedback parameter channel error (BiSS).
F7CE, Feedback parameter channel error (BiSS).
F7CF, BiSS: Feedback scan invalid.
F7D0, Feedback parameter channel error (BiSS).
F7D1, Feedback parameter channel error (BiSS).
F7D2, Feedback parameter channel error (BiSS).
F7D3, Feedback parameter channel error (BiSS).
F7D4, Feedback parameter channel error (BiSS).
F7D5, Feedback parameter channel error (BiSS).
F7D6, Feedback parameter channel error (BiSS).
F7D7, Feedback parameter channel error (BiSS).
F7D8, Feedback parameter channel error (BiSS).
F800, Feedback parameter channel initialization error (Hiperface): by read manufacturer parameter
F801, Feedback parameter channel initialization error (Hiperface): by read feedback status
F802, Feedback parameter channel initialization error (Hiperface): by read feedback position
F803, Feedback parameter channel initialization error (Hiperface): unknown name plate
F804, Feedback parameter channel initialization error (Hiperface): single-turn resolution over 32bit
F805, Feedback parameter channel initialization error (Hiperface): multi-turn resolution over 12 bit
F806, Feedback parameter channel initialization error (Hiperface): not enough memory
F807, Feedback parameter channel initialization error (Hiperface): "scan feedback" not valid for this command
F808, Feedback parameter channel initialization error (Hiperface): open internal interface
F809, Feedback parameter channel initialization error (Hiperface): internal unknown state
F80A, Feedback parameter channel error (Hiperface): feedback denied command
F80B, Feedback parameter channel initialization error (Hiperface): feedback denied reset command
F80C, Feedback parameter channel error (Hiperface): unable to clear data fields
F80D, Feedback parameter channel error (Hiperface): sci frame error
F80E, Feedback parameter channel initialization error (Hiperface): sci parity error
F80F, Feedback parameter channel initialization error (Hiperface): wrong checksum
F810, Feedback parameter channel initialization error (Hiperface): wrong address
F811, Feedback parameter channel initialization error (Hiperface): number of RX-data to less
F812, Feedback parameter channel initialization error (Hiperface): wrong response
F813, Feedback parameter channel initialization error (Hiperface): sci error
F840, Feedback analog commutation channel initialization error.
F841, Feedback analog commutation channel initialization error.
F842, Feedback analog commutation channel initialization error.
F843, Feedback analog commutation channel initialization error.
F844, Error, feedback parameter channel, can't create object.
F845, Feedback analog initialization error.
F846, Feedback analog commutation part error.
F850, One cable feedback: Link missing
F851, One cable feedback: Initialization failed
F852, One cable feedback: Position error limit exceeded
F853, One cable feedback: Get position - Timeout
F854, One cable feedback: Out of memory
F855, One cable feedback: Parameter error
F856, One cable feedback: Write configuration failed
F857, One cable feedback: Read of the cyclic data failed
F858, One cable feedback: Internal error
F859, One cable feedback: Write system control failed
F85A, One cable feedback: Parameter data access error - Timeout
F85B, One cable feedback: Parameter data access error
F85C, One cable feedback: Internal error
F85D, One cable feedback: Encoder status signals an error
F85E, OCT / HpfDSL: Long message bad answer
F85F, OCT / HpfDSL: Shutdown of the encoder failed
F860, OCT / HpfDSL: File write failed.
F861, OCT / HpfDSL: Invalid serial number.
F862, OCT / HpfDSL: No access to the motor temperature sensor.
F863, OCT / HpfDSL: Invalid edge register value.
F864, OCT / HpfDSL: Read cyclic data, Request error
F865, OCT / HpfDSL: Feedback not found.
F866, OCT / HpfDSL: No electronic data sheet found.
F867, OCT / HpfDSL: The electronic data sheet is invalid.
F868, OCT / HpfDSL: User data file invalid.
F869, OCT / HpfDSL: Position offset file invalid.
F86A, OCT / HpfDSL: Commutation offset file invalid.
F86B, OCT / HpfDSL: Invalid file header.
F86C, OCT / HpfDSL: Invalid file.
F86D, OCT / HpfDSL: Position deviation monitoring: Value too many cycles not zero.
F86E, OCT / HpfDSL: Detailed error info
F86F, OCT / HpfDSL: Initial encoder status error
F870, Feedback "AX572x": Encoder not ready
F872, Feedback "AX572x": Position is invalid
F873, Feedback "AX572x": Position is invalid
F874, Feedback "AX572x": Feedback register invalid
F875, Feedback "AX572x": Unexpected encoder
F876, Feedback "EnDat 2.2": UART-error
F877, Feedback "AX572x": Out of memory
F879, Feedback "AX572x": Supply voltage
F87A, Feedback "AX572x": Power-up of the feedback system failed.
F87C, Feedback "AX572x": Feedback protocol not supported
F87D, Feedback "AX572x": Parameter error
F87E, Feedback "AX572x": Feedback battery error
F87F, Feedback "AX572x": Parameter error in P-0-0357
F880, HTL: Encoder not ready.
F881, HTL: Error flag active.
F882, HTL: Wrong interface.
F883, HTL: Timeout.
F8A0, OCT / HpfDSL: Default state entered.
F8A1, OCT / HpfDSL: Invalid cogging compensation file.
FA00, Feedback process channel error.
FA01, Feedback process data channel initialization error
FA02, Feedback process channel initialization command timeout.
FA03, Feedback process channel initialization command not idle.
FA04, Feedback process channel initialization error.
FA05, Feedback process channel initialization error.
FA06, Feedback process channel initialization error.
FA07, Feedback process channel, unknown feedback type.
FA08, Invalid parameters "P-0-0150 / P-0-0180 -->Process channel-->Data-->Sin / Cos".
FA09, Invalid parameter "P-0-0150 / P-0-0180 -->Para channel-->Linear resolution about digital interface".
FA40, Feedback process channel error (1Vss)
FA41, Feedback process channel error (1Vss)
FA42, Feedback process channel error (1Vss)
FA43, Feedback process channel error (1Vss)
FA44, Feedback process channel error (1Vss)
FA45, Feedback process channel error (1Vss)
FA46, Feedback process channel error (1Vss)
FA47, Feedback process channel error (1Vss)
FA48, Feedback process channel error (1Vss)
FA49, Feedback process channel error (1Vss)
FA4A, Feedback process channel error (1Vss)
FA4B, Feedback process channel error (1Vss)
FA4C, Feedback process channel error. Failed to set the reference voltage.
FA4D, Feedback process channel error. Firmware index not valid.
FA60, Feedback error TTL: System error
FA61, Feedback error TTL: Unknown state
FA62, Feedback error TTL: Quadrature encoder error
FA63, Feedback error TTL: Quadrant initialization error
FA64, Feedback error TTL: Reference voltage error
FA65, Feedback error TTL: Firmware index not supported
FA80, Feedback "Resolver": Got no timer
FA81, Feedback "Resolver": Unknown state
FA82, Feedback "Resolver": Initialization of the sampling instance failed
FA83, Feedback "Resolver": Calibration incorrect
FA84, Feedback "Resolver": Number of poles not supported.
FA85, Feedback "Resolver": Excitation frequency not supported
FA86, Feedback "Resolver": Transformation ratio not supported.
FA87, Feedback "Resolver": Connector not supported.
FA88, Feedback "Resolver": Invalid ADC configuration
FA89, Feedback "Resolver": ADC time out
FA8A, Feedback "Resolver": Hardware does not support a resolver
FA8B, Feedback "Resolver": Amplitude of the resolver output voltage too large
FA8C, Feedback "Resolver": Amplitude of the resolver output voltage too low
FA8D, Feedback "Resolver": Hardware does not support a resolver
FA8E, Feedback "Resolver": Internal error
FA8F, Feedback "Resolver": Feedback gear not supported.
FA90, Feedback "Resolver": Amplitude correction limit exceeded.
FA91, Feedback "Resolver": Use of reserved parameter.
FA92, Feedback "Resolver": Offset out of range.
FA93, Feedback "Resolver": Offset balance failed
FA94, Feedback "Resolver": Invalid cycle time configuration.
FA95, Feedback "Resolver": Internal error
FA96, Feedback "Resolver": Phase Calibration - Amplitude too low
FA97, Feedback "Resolver": Phase Calibration - Amplitude too high
FAB0, Feedback "MES": Unknown state
FAB1, Feedback "MES": Connector not supported.
FAB2, Feedback "MES": Invalid ADC configuration
FAB3, Feedback "MES": ADC time out
FAB4, Feedback "MES": Hardware does not support a MES
FAB5, Feedback "MES": Output voltage too high
FAB6, Feedback "MES": Output voltage too low
FAB7, Feedback "MES": Hardware does not support a MES
FAB8, Feedback "MES": Internal error
FAB9, Feedback "MES": Feedback gear not supported.
FABA, Feedback "MES": Amplitude correction limit exceeded.
FABB, Feedback "MES": Use of reserved parameter.
FABC, Feedback "MES": Invalid cycle time configuration.
FAD0, Feedback "EtherCAT Encoder": Position init value is invalid
FAD1, Feedback "EtherCAT Encoder": Received status signals an error.
FC00, FPGA error
FC01, FPGA error
FC02, FPGA error
FC03, Control voltage error: undervoltage
FC04, Driver unit error: undervoltage
FC05, DSP watchdog error.
FC06, DSP clock error.
FC07, ESC clock error.
FC08, Over-current error
FC09, Dead time error.
FC0A, Lock error.
FC0B, Over-current error motor, short circuit detection (X13 / X23).
FC0C, Safety card activated
FC0D, Shorted coils brake triggered by the FPGA logic.
FC0E, Torque off triggered by the FPGA logic.
FC0F, FPGA logic: Brake chopper error
FC10, FPGA logic: Motor current sum error.
FC11, FPGA logic: Power supply error.
FC12, FPGA logic: U_mains phase error.
FC13, FPGA logic:DC link overvoltage
FC30, Internal error (I2C)
FC31, Internal error (I2C)
FC32, Internal error (I2C)
FC33, Internal error (I2C)
FC34, Internal error (I2C)
FC35, Internal error (I2C)
FC36, Internal error (I2C)
FC37, Internal communication error
FC38, Error reading error stack.
FC39, Error reading operation time.
FC3A, Error reading eeprom.
FC3B, Error reading error stack.
FC3C, Error reading error stack.
FC3D, Error reading operation time.
FC3E, Error reading factory settings.
FC3F, Error reading factory settings.
FC40, Error saving the hardware IDs.
FC41, Error saving the hardware IDs.
FC42, Error saving factory settings.
FC43, Error saving factory settings.
FC44, Error clearing operation time.
FC45, Error clearing error list.
FC46, Error reading operation time.
FC47, Error clearing error stack.
FC48, Internal error (invalid FPGA config)
FC49, Internal error (operation time validation)
FC70, Initialization of the keypad failed.
FC80, Probe unit error.
FC81, Probe unit error.
FC82, Probe unit error.
FC83, Invalid probe unit configuration
FC84, Probe unit configuration: Activate signal configuration error.
FCB0, LCD Display initialization failed.
FCB1, LDC Display error.
FCB2, LDC Display error.
FCB3, LCD-Display: Initialization error
FCB4, LCD-Display: Time out
FCD0, Positive limit switch error.
FCD1, Negative limit switch error.
FCD2, Over speed error.
FCD3, Over speed error.
FCD4, Amplifier overload utilization error.
FCD5, Current limitation: U/F error
FCD6, Monitoring functions: Shorted coil / DC brake error
FCD7, Maximum output frequency limit exceeded.
FCD8, Motor phase connection error.
FCD9, Positive limit switch activated while moving negative
FCDA, Negative limit switch activated while moving positive
FD00, Motor management: Initialization failed
FD01, Motor management: Initialization failed
FD03, Brake management error.
FD04, Periphery voltage missing.
FD05, Motor management error.
FD06, Motor management error.
FD07, Motor over-temperature shut down.
FD08, Motor management: Drive type don't match.
FD09, Motor management: Motor type don't match.
FD0A, Configured channel peak current is greater than the motor peak current.
FD0B, Configured channel peak current is greater than the amplifier channel peak current.
FD0C, Configured channel current is greater than the motor continuous stall current.
FD0D, Configured channel current is greater than the amplifier rated current.
FD0E, Invalid total output current.
FD0F, Motor brake: Current monitoring error.
FD10, Periphery voltage too high.
FD11, Periphery voltage too low.
FD12, Unknown constraint IDN
FD13, Too low dielectric strength of the motor winding.
FD14, Constraint check failed.
FD15, The maximum feedback frequency is too high.
FD16, Unknown feedback system.
FD17, Motor overload shutdown.
FD18, Motor brake current: Measuring error
FD19, A/D-Converter: Peripheral voltage - measuring error
FD1A, A/D-Converter: Motor temperature - measuring error
FD1B, Parameter invalid: Motor continuous stall torque > motor peak torque
FD1C, ASM don't supports usage of P-0-0077
FD1D, Invalid torque characteristic data.
FD1E, Invalid inductance characteristic data.
FD1F, Got no memory.
FD20, Motor management: Invalid motor data.
FD21, Motor management: Voltage error
FD22, Motor management: Current error
FD23, Invalid parameter: Switching frequency of the IGBT module is not supported
FD24, Invalid parameter: Motor continuous stall force > motor peak force
FD25, The possible maximum feedback speed is too high
FD26, The current feedback speed is too high
FD27, The emergency brake function was triggered
FD29, Invalid gain scheduling characteristic data
FD40, Power management: Initialization failed
FD41, Mains supply: U mains too high.
FD42, Mains supply: U mains too low.
FD43, Mains supply: Power down.
FD44, Mains supply: Phase error.
FD45, Continuous power internal brake resistor too low.
FD46, Power management error.
FD47, Power management error.
FD48, Power management error.
FD49, IGBT temperature measuring error.
FD4A, IGBT temperature measuring error.
FD4B, DC link undervoltage.
FD4C, DC link overvoltage
FD4D, Cooling error shut down.
FD4E, Control voltage error
FD4F, DC link overvoltage
FD50, DC link undervoltage
FD51, Power supply phase error.
FD52, Unknown internal brake resistor.
FD53, U_mains power up after mains power failure.
FD54, Unknown nominal device current.
FD55, AX5021: Brake resistor over-temperature shut down
FD56, Error Power Management: Transfer error, unknown channel.
FD57, Error Power Management: Load resistor active and axis enabled
FD58, Error Power Management: Check external DC link connection
FD59, Error Power Management: Wrong external brake resistor found
FD5A, Power Management: Over-current - DC link connection
FD5C, Power Management: Powersupply type is wrong
FD5D, Error Power Management: Load resistor active and axis enabled. Error reaction closed loop ramp
FD5E, Device rated current too high for single phase supply.
FD5F, Charging error.
FD80, System time underflow error.
FD81, Wrong timer pointer.
FD82, Out of timer.
FD83, Invalid identity object type.
FD84, Invalid firmware index.
FD85, Feedback firmware checksum error.
FD86, System timer underflow.
FD87, Error: Out of system timer.
FD88, Found not supported hardware type.
FD89, Safety card type not supported.
FD8A, Option card: Type not supported
FD8B, Option card: Interface Id is not supported.
FD8C, Option card: Channel count is not supported.
FD8D, Invalid identity object
FD8E, Option card: Interface of the FPGA 2 not supported
FDB0, Customer specific function: Initialization failed.
FDC0, Internal command state machine error.
FDC1, Internal command state machine error.
FDC2, Internal command state machine error.
FDC3, Internal command state machine error.
FDD0, Safety card: Unknown hardware type.
FDD1, Safety: internal error, out of memory
FDD2, Safety: internal error, got no timer
FDD3, Safety switch off while the axis was enabled.
FDD4, Configured safety option don't match
FDD5, The basic unit of the drive don't supports a safety option.
FDD6, Safety Option: Not supported firmware index.
FDD7, Safety slot: No safety or dummy card inserted
FDD8, Safety slot: Incompatible safety or dummy card inserted
FDD9, Safety card: safety card activated - internal reaction
FDDA, Safety slot: Wrong safety card AX5805 or AX5806 inserted
FDDB, Safety card: Internal error.
FFFE, Missing implementation!
AX5000 EMC-Manual - Version 1.1
AX5000 Tuning-Guide - Version 1.0
AX2090-MD50 | Motor choke
AX2090-ND50 | Mains choke
AX2090-NF50 | Mains filter
AX2090-BW5x | External brake resistor
AX5021 | Brake module
AX2090-BW65 | External brake resistor IP65
Distributed servo drives
Rotary servomotors
Translatory servomotors
Planetary gears
Transport systems
Compact drive technology
TwinCAT 3
TwinCAT 2
Industry Solutions