Data pool

The data pool is a container for project acquisitions. All acquisitions created for the project are placed in the data pool. Acquisitions that are enabled at the start of a recording are recorded and can be referenced in the interpreter of a channel during both the configuration and the recording in order to display the data of the acquisition.

There are two types of acquisition, the array bar acquisition, which is displayed with a green accent, and other acquisitions, which are displayed with a red accent. The array bar acquisitions can only be referenced in array bar channel interpreters and not in other channel interpreters or trigger set interpreters.

Each project has a data pool that is automatically added during creation.

In order to start a recording there may not be any acquisitions with the same configuration in the data pool. Since several interpreters may point to an acquisition, acquisitions with the same configuration are not necessary.

Acquisition interpreters

Data pool 1:

Acquisition interpreters can reference an acquisition of the data pool and forward the data after manipulation.

The following settings can be made:



Selection of the acquisition used from the data pool.



In this field a value can be entered with which the display value is masked, provided it is not of the type floating point. This means that the value of the channel is ANDed with the binary value of the mask. This helps you, for example, to observe individual bits of a status byte.


A free offset can be added to the function value of the channel in the offset field.


The display value of a channel can be changed with the scale factor.


This property enables the physical unit to be configured individually for the X-acquisition and the Y-acquisition of the channel. This can be done with the aid of the "Unit Wizard", which can be opened using the button on the right in the field. A further option is to define the units beforehand as attributes in the PLC code. These are then read out directly and entered in the Unit field. Detailed information on the units and their configuration options can be taken from the chapter .

Context menu

Data pool 2:

The first two groups contain the functionalities for opening various Windows tools. These include firstly the Target Browser, the Comment Window, the Layer Editor, the Marker Window and finally the Trigger Window.

In the following group, the existing configuration can be reconfigured with just a few clicks.

"Change Ads Symbol..."
If the symbol names have changed in several ADS acquisitions, parts of the name can be exchanged using this function.

"Change Display Name"
The "Change Display Name" function can be used to set the level of detail to be displayed for the names of the channels and acquisitions.

"Change Index Group..."
This function can be used to change the Index Group of all ADS variables. Either an offset can be calculated or a new value can be entered.

In the fourth group, further acquisitions can be added or deleted.

"Remove unused acquisitions"
If acquisitions are not used in the remaining Scope configuration, they can be deleted from the data pool.

"Empty Ads Acquisition"
Add a new and unconfigured Ads Acquisition.

"Load Sequence"
If data for a sequence is already available in a file, this data can be loaded into a sequence using this function.

"New Empty Sequence"
A new sequence can be created using the Curve Creator.

Various standard functionalities can be found in the last two groups.

The selected node can be copied ("Copy"), removed ("Remove"), renamed ("Rename") or inserted below it ("Paste"). The Visual Studio properties window can also be opened for further parameterization ("Properties").