GigE Vision Camera objects

Each GigE Vision Camera object represents a camera within a project. A project can contain several camera objects.

Creating a GigE Vision Camera object

Creating a camera is described in First Steps under Creating a GigE Vision camera. Refer here to the notes on the configuration of network adapters and device tasks.

After creating a camera, the system automatically tries to read the GenAPI file from the camera. This file contains the complete description of the parameter tree of the camera (see GigE Vision). On the basis of this description, the configuration tree is then made available in the Configuration Assistant and the current parameter values are read by the camera.

Selecting a connected camera

To link a camera connected to the target system with a GigE Vision Camera object, the Camera Initialization Assistant can be opened by right-clicking the corresponding camera object and selecting Choose Target Camera. Alternatively, this dialog can also be opened via the Connection Options on the General tab.

GigE Vision Camera objects 1:
GigE Vision Camera objects 2:

Camera Name

Display of the name of the selected camera object.

Camera Ip Address

IP address that is saved in the TcCOM parameters. The entry will be overwritten on selecting a camera and also updated in the module with OK.

Discovery Timeout

The Discovery Timeout describes the time allowed for the response from the camera that was connected to the respective network port.

Unit: milliseconds (ms)

Default: 1000

Set Ip Address for Device

Opens the following Force Ip Address dialog in order to set the IP address and subnet mask of a camera. The specified IP address and subnet mask are saved in the TcCOM parameter CameraIPAddress in the Image Acquisition Object.

Discover Devices

The search procedure is started with Discover Devices.

Results table of the camera connections found

List of the cameras found and display of the following camera information read out:

model name, manufacturer, IP address, subnet mask, MAC address, version, serial number and user identification

GigE Vision Camera objects 3:

MAC Address

MAC address of the selected camera.

Desired Camera Settings

Input of the desired IP address and subnet mask to which the camera is to be set.

Network Adapter Settings

Current IP address and subnet mask of the network adapter with which the camera is connected.

Exporting/importing GigE Vision Camera objects

If you wish to save the configuration of a camera or import it into a project, follow the instructions in the chapter Exporting/importing configurations.