
The General tab provides an overview of the camera object in TwinCAT and the connected camera.

General 1:

General object information

The upper part contains general information about the camera object:

General 2:


Selected name of the object.

Do not assign an object name more than once!

Object Id

32-bit identification number that is automatically assigned and unique within a project.


Object type.


Freely editable field for user notes.


Identification number of the camera modules, which is assigned consecutively. If a camera module is deleted, the number becomes free again and can be assigned to a new camera module.

Status of the camera instance

The middle part contains status information for the camera instance:

General 3:

The following table explains the individual elements:


Displays the connection status to the camera.

Via the button General 4: the display can be updated with Refresh Camera Status. In addition, it is possible to open the dialog for selecting a camera with Choose Target Camera

Possible status:

  • Unknown: The connection to the camera cannot be checked. The camera module may not be in the operating state or creation of the camera module may have been incomplete.
  • Online: The connection to the camera is established.
  • Offline: There is no connection to the camera.
  • Disabled: The camera node is disabled. There is no communication with the camera.
  • Not in Config Mode: The connection status can only be displayed here in TwinCAT Config Mode.
  • Loading: The camera module is initialized.

GenApi Descr.

This indicates whether the GenApi structure (feature tree in the Configuration Assistant) was successfully created. Status options:

  • Available: GenApi structure was successfully created.
  • Not Available: GenApi structure was not created. No features can be displayed.

The button General 5: also allows the following actions:

  • Read GenApi Description from Camera: The GenApi description of the camera is read. At the same time, all features in the configuration tree are reset.
  • Export GenApi Description: The GenApi description of the camera is saved locally.

Param. Values

Status options:

  • Up To Date: All features of the camera have values and are up-to-date (camera online).
  • Complete: All features of the camera have values, but these may be outdated (camera offline).
  • Incomplete: Not all features of the camera have values.

The button General 6: also allows the following actions:

  • Write Local Changes: All local parameter values that deviate from the camera values (marked in orange in the configuration tree), are written to the camera.
  • Revert Local Changes: Any local changes in the feature tree that have not yet been written to the camera will be reset.

Simulation Mode

In simulation mode, images from recorded camera streams can be sent to the PLC instead of a real camera supplying images (see Record/Playback).

If the simulation mode is activated, the Image Acquisition Object is automatically deactivated and the Image Acquisition Simulation Object is activated.

If the simulation mode is deactivated, the Image Acquisition Object is automatically activated and the Image Acquisition Simulation Object is deactivated.

The corresponding object links (see Camera details) will each be adjusted automatically.

Default: disabled.

ADS Communication Module

Required for the recording of a camera stream, see Record/Playback.

This checkbox merely activates or deactivates the Ads Communicator object of the Camera object.

Please note that if Ads Communicator object is activated, images captured by the camera will still be internally referenced for a short while so that they cannot be transformed into displayable images.
For further details see Displayable images.

Default: disabled.

Clear Messages

Use this button to delete the messages written by this camera object.

The button is only active if messages are present.

Camera information

In the lower part, general camera information is displayed as far as it could be read from the camera (e.g. manufacturer and model name of the camera). This information can also be found in the configuration tree.

General 7: