Parameters for position control
In this paragraph the hardware-independent parameters for position controler are described. The hardware-dependent parameters are described in the paragraph 7.
The following parameters are dependent on the set drive type "kenngr.antr_typ". The data are independent of the set axis type "kenngr.achs_typ". They must be allocated for all axis types. |
Further Information
- Proportional factor kv for P-positional control (P-AXIS-00099)
- Control window (P-AXIS-00236)
- Activation of position controller-interfaces
- Settings for leadscrew error compensation
- Settings for backlash compensation
- Settings for temperature compensation
- Settings for following error monitoring
- Tendency Test (P-AXIS-00189)
- Factor for permissible axis velocity (P-AXIS-00407)
- Adaptation of command value of drive to the D/A-converter (P-AXIS-00129/ P-AXIS-00128)
- Path resolution of the measuring system (P-AXIS-00234/ P-AXIS-00233)
- Identific. code for absolute path measurement system (P-AXIS-00014)
- Quantization of the measuring system increments (P-AXIS-00323)
- Traverse distance (P-AXIS-00237)
- Activation of cross compensation (P-AXIS-00047)
- Activation of plane compensation (P-AXIS-00174)
- Settings for dynamic kv-adjustment (getriebe[i].dyn_kv.*)
- Parameter for distance controlled axes (spindle with touch probe)
- Position controller deadband (P-AXIS-00395)