
Instance type

Instance name





State diagram:

GroupStates() 1:

Process description:

  1. A group always remains in the Idle state until a grouping command is issued.
  2. As soon as a grouping command is received, the group in the ConfigMd state starts to configure the internal FB_MdTempGrouping instances according to the grouping.
  3. The ConfigXy and ReadTuningXy states are then loaded file by file from the target system and compared with the set grouping.
  4. Once the grouping has been found on the target system, the system begins to load the stored parameters of this group configuration into the runtime memory.
  5. If no grouping data is found on the target system, the grouping set at the beginning is created and saved as a new configuration with a new ConfigID.
  6. If automatic tuning is activated by FB_TemperatureHmi.Groups(x).DoTune, the group is in tuning mode (within the TuningXy states). If a regrouping is requested in this state, the tuning process is aborted.
GroupStates() 2:

Special case: Grouping by machine data

Loading the machine data for the first time after starting the program is a special case: In the higher-level machine data of the FB_Temperature, the ConfigHash is stored, which identifies the last grouping set on the target system. If the grouping is triggered by this recovery, the read process is repeated until the requested hash value is found in a file. If no file with the searched hash value is found, the previously set grouping is retained.

GroupStates() 3:

Default parameterization

All default parameters should be set in the ParamInit(). At this point, default parameters are parameters that should be used on the target system the first time the software is started.

  • If the default parameters are to be applied from outside, i.e. without inheriting the FB_Temperature class, the FB_Temperature.MachineData.StoreCount can be queried at <> 0. This ensures that the class has not yet started to load the machine data.
  • The Data handling, based on the PlasticBaseApplication concept, ensures that the default parameters are overwritten by the machine data of the target system.


Development environment

Target platform

PLC libraries to include

TwinCAT >= v3.1.4024.54 (recommended)
TwinCAT >= v3.1.4024.42 (required)

PC or CX (x64, x86)

Tc3_PlasticBaseApplication (>= v12.10.2.0)