The class extends the TF8560 FB_MdContainer by the machine data encoding of the TwinCAT 3 Plastic Application. In addition, errors that occur can be evaluated using Boolean values and file storage is simplified.
Name | Type | Access | Initial value | Description |
Aborted | BOOL | Get | FALSE | The error that occurred was caused by an abort |
AllowFolderCreation | BOOL | Get, Set | TRUE | Allows the container to create the folder structure for storing the machine data. |
CrcInvalid | BOOL | Get | FALSE | The error that occurred was caused by an incorrect CRC checksum. |
Created | Get | - | Time of the first creation of a file | |
Details | I_MdBaseContainerDetails | Get | THIS^ | Summarizes the properties of the file details. |
ErrorDetails | I_MdBaseContainerErrors | Get | THIS^ | Summarizes the properties of the error information. |
ErrorId | UDINT | Get | 0 | Error ID of the last occurred error |
FileAccessDenied | BOOL | Get | FALSE | The error that occurred was caused by missing file access rights. |
FileNotfound | BOOL | Get | FALSE | The error that occurred was caused by the absence of the file. |
IgnoreMissmatches | BOOL | Get, Set | FALSE | Forces the container to load a file despite version collision. |
LastStored | Get | - | Time of the last storage process | |
MissmatchBaseApp | BOOL | Get | FALSE | The version conflict that has occurred is in the versions of the TwinCAT Base Application library. |
MissmatchDetected | BOOL | Get | FALSE | The error that occurred was caused by a version conflict. |
MissmatchIdxFormat | BOOL | Get | FALSE | The version of the index coding causes the version conflict that occurred. |
StoreCount | UDINT | Get | 0 | Counts the iterations of file write operations since the file was created. |
UnknownParameter | BOOL | Get | FALSE | The occurred error was caused by an unknown parameter in the file. |
VersionBaseApp | Get | - | Version of the Plastic Base Application library | |
VersionBaseAppLoaded | Get | - | Version of the Plastic Base Application library from the loaded file | |
VersionIdxFormat | I_IdxFormatVersion | Get | - | Index coding version |
CreationDate1 | DATE_AND_TIME | Get | DT#1970-1-1-0:0:0 | Date of the first creation of a file Alternatively: |
StoreDate1 | DATE_AND_TIME | Get | DT#1970-1-1-0:0:0 | Date of the last saving process Alternatively: |
1 obsolete
Name | Description |
AbortLoading() | Cancels the loading process of a file |
AbortSaving() | Cancels the saving process of a file |
AddComponent( | Adds another component to the container. |
[ | Compares the passed versions with the defined version in the source code. |
CreateFilepath( | Creates a new file path based on the container name |
[ | Used by the FB_MdFileInfo class to update the loaded version in the container. |
Machine data
Component | Description | Index range | Number of instances |
File information | 0x0000 Fxxx | 1 |
Type | Description |
I_MdBaseContainer | Standard interface on FB_MdBaseContainer |
I_MdBaseContainerDev | Extended interface with access to the methods marked as "[ |
I_MdBaseContainerDetails | Interface to the properties with file-related information (e.g. CreationDate) |
I_MdBaseContainerErrors | Interface to the properties with error information |
Development environment | Target platform | PLC libraries to include |
TwinCAT >= v3.1.4024.54 (recommended) | PC or CX (x64, x86) | Tc3_PlasticBaseApplication (>= v3.12.7.0) |