Data handling
The concept for the Plastic Application data handling is split into several levels.

Essentially, the Plastic Base Application implements three levels for loading parameters and other data. These levels are executed one after the other during the start-up phase and can partly be executed again after the start.
Standard parameterization (in code)- ParamInit()
After successful execution of the Init() method, the default parameters defined in the code are loaded. Therefore, this level is considered to be the foundation, but can be overwritten by any subsequent instance.
Design-\commissioning-dependent data in a binary file - MachineData (machine data)
Machine data includes data that is set only once during the construction, commissioning or modification of the machine. Since this data can influence the machine behavior, the file is stored in binary format and roughly secured against external manipulation by a CRC checksum. The management of the machine data is completely handled by the PLC, but can be set and/or loaded/saved through the HMI.
The implemented machine data handling is based on the TF8560 utilities. The PLC code part is split into two classes: containers and components.
Containers are integrated into many objects of the Plastic Base Application and serve as a collection object for the data of a file. A class that contains machine data either has its own container or has a component that can be added to a container. The classes with their own container inherit from the class FB_BaseMd and provide an interface to it. In the inheritance structure, multiple components (per inheritance level) are added to the container. This also allows the scope of the machine data to be further expanded in the end application.
Since the indices of the parameters must not be chosen arbitrarily for this purpose, the parameters are stored in the Plastic Base Application according to a defined scheme. This also ensures that the parameters can be prepared outside the controller in a program that will be provided in the future.
Product data / machine data - HMI-Recipe
The parameters to be regularly reset for the variation of the production process are summarized under the recipe data. This includes, for example, the set temperatures of the temperature zones, timings, production speeds, etc... The recipe data is managed collectively by the HMI and can be expanded as required in engineering. For more detailed information on recipe management, please refer to the chapter Recipe management.