
A View is a file with the extension .view and contains the overall structure of the user interface. A project can contain several Views. At the beginning it has to be defined in the engineering which View should be used as Start View to build the HMI. The structure of the user interface is defined by the View selected as Start View.

View 1:

Update capability of the Plastic Application HMI

Editing the Plastic Application HMI can lead to an impairment of the update capability. This may affect the support provided by Beckhoff Automation.


Unless the Portrait.view file is modified, this user interface has a portrait aspect ratio (4:5) with a width of 1024 px and a height of 1280 px. It consists of the following components:

  1. Header:
  2. Favorites area: Contains user-specific favorite buttons for quick navigation of frequently used pages.
  3. Event line: Display of the latest upcoming alarm and a click on it shows the Alarms.content in the main area.
  4. Main area: Display of the selected content.
  5. Slider area: With the help of the ToggleSliderArea, ShowSliderArea and HideSliderArea functions from the Beckhoff.TwinCAT.HMI.Plastic.Functions NuGet package, the slider area can be shown and hidden via the arrow keys, shown by clicking on a tab or hidden for desired contents in the main area (e.g. Scope.content). Clicking on one of the following tabs will display the corresponding content in the slider area:
View 2:

Configurator control

The Configurator control serves as a general control for setting control-wide configurations. The instance of the control only needs to exist and does not require visibility. The following attributes are required for further setting of the HMI:

View 3:

Available from version 12.6.0