

The info page contains the most important machine data. This page is displayed in the slider area with the info tab (2nd tab). The page must be adapted to the specific machine. The variables are assigned to the corresponding machine components with the help of icons. The page contains the following components:

  1. One of the temperatures is outside of the set tolerance
  2. Torque and position of the trolley
  3. Torque and position of the clamp
  4. Torque and position of the blow pin
  5. Blowing time and blowing pressure of the blowing process
  6. Melt temperature, melt pressure, current and turnrate of the main extruder
  7. Current and turnrate of the co-extruder
  8. Index and position of the WTC
  9. Index and position of the PWDS
  10. Index and position of the accumulator (only visible when the accumulator is in use)
Info 1:
Info 2:

Available from version 12.5.1