This function block sets the event priority (see eventPriority) for the corresponding instance of the DALI control device.
With DALI control devices the event priority affects all Input Notification Events that the respective instance of the DALI control device sends. With DALI control devices, the event priority can assume values from E_DALIEventPriority.Low … E_DALIEventPriority.MiddleHigh.
In most cases the reset value should be used.
The function block changes the DTR0 of all connected DALI control devices. |
The function block sends the DALI command SET EVENT PRIORITY twice, as foreseen by the DALI standard for certain DALI commands. |
The function block cannot be used when using the KL6811. |
bStart : BOOL;
nAddress : BYTE;
eAddressType : E_DALIAddressType := E_DALIAddressType.Short;
nInstanceAddress : BYTE := 0;
eInstanceAddressType : E_DALIInstanceAddressType := E_DALIInstanceAddressType.InstanceNumber;
eCommandPriority : E_DALICommandPriority := E_DALICommandPriority.MiddleLow;
eEventPriority : E_DALIEventPriority := E_DALIEventPriority.Middle;
Name | Type | Description |
bStart | BOOL | Execution of the DALI commands is triggered via a positive edge at this input. |
nAddress | BYTE | Address of a DALI control gear or a DALI group. |
eAddressType | Defines whether the input nAddress contains a short address (0…63) or a group address (0…31). The input nAddress has no meaning if a broadcast or a broadcast to unaddressed devices (BroadcastUnaddr) has been selected. | |
nInstanceAddress | BYTE | Instance number within a DALI control device. A DALI control device can support multiple instance numbers. |
eInstanceAddressType | Defines the access mode to the desired instance within the DALI control device. | |
eCommandPriority | Priority (low, middle low, middle, middle high, high) with which the DALI commands are sent. |
The command priorities are supported by the KL6821 from the firmware version BD. |
Name | Type | Description |
eEventPriority | E_DALIEventPriority | Priority (low, middle low, middle, middle high) with which the Input Notification Events are sent from the instance of the DALI control device (see E_DALIEventPriority). |
bError : BOOL;
ipResultMessage : I_TcMessage;
bBusy : BOOL;
Name | Type | Description |
bError | BOOL | This output is switched to TRUE if an error occurs during the execution. Further information about the error can be queried via the variable ipResultMessage. The output is set to FALSE again as soon as bBusy switches to TRUE. |
ipResultMessage | I_TcMessage | Interface pointer (see error evaluation) that can be used to obtain detailed information about the processing of the function block (see runtime messages). The interface pointer is valid after bBusy has changed from TRUE to FALSE. |
bBusy | BOOL | The output is set as soon as execution of the DALI commands has commenced. It remains active until all DALI commands have been processed. |
Name | Type | Access | Initial value | Description |
ipDALICommunication | I_DALICommunication | Get,Set | 0 | Interface Pointer to the communication block (see Transfer of the reference to the communication block). |
Development environment | Required PLC library |
TwinCAT from v3.1.4024.11 | Tc3_DALI from v3.5.0.0 |