Instance variables
Each DALI control device has at least one and a maximum of 32 instances (see variable numberOfInstances). Each instance has a certain number of instance variables (parameters), irrespective of the other instances. These instance variables are used to configure the respective instance in the DALI control device and thus influence its behavior. The values of the instance variables are stored in the respective DALI control device.
Name | Reset value | Scope | Size | Comment |
No change | TRUE, FALSE | 1 bit |
| |
No change | 0…31 | 1 byte | Read only | |
No change | 1…255 | 1 byte | Read only | |
No change | 0…(2N-1) | N bytes (max. 32 bytes) | Read only | |
16#FF_FF_FF | 16#00_00_00…16#FF_FF_FF | 3 bytes | Other values can be defined for individual instance types. Details can be taken from the IEC 62386-3xx standard. | |
E_DALIEventScheme.Instance | E_DALIEventScheme.Instance | 1 byte |
| |
No change | E_DALIEventPriority.Low | 1 byte | Other values can be defined for individual instance types. Details can be taken from the IEC 62386-3xx standard. | |
FALSE | TRUE, FALSE | 1 bit | Read only |
N: resolution
The variable indicates whether sending of events has been enabled for the respective instance.
If the variable is FALSE, the instance does not send any events. This variable has no effect on the DALI commands sent to the instance by other DALI controllers. These will be answered even if instanceActive is FALSE.
The function block FB_DALI103EnableInstance is used to enable the sending of events and the function block FB_DALI103DisableInstance is used to disable the sending of events.
The value of the variable can be read out with the function block FB_DALI103QueryInstanceEnabled.
The variable contains the respective instance type of an instance.
Instance type | IEC 62386- | Application |
0 | 103 | General application and control devices; not defined further |
1-31 | 301-331 | These IEC 62386-3xx parts describe instance types from 301 to 331 |
The instance type (see E_DALIInstanceType) of an instance can be read using the function block FB_DALI103QueryInstanceType.
The variable indicates the resolution of inputValue.
The resolution corresponds to the number of bits through which the input value is mapped.
The function block FB_DALI103QueryResolution can be used to read the resolution.
The variable outputs the input value of an instance.
The number of bits in which the input value is mapped can be queried through the variable resolution.
The input value can be read out with the function block FB_DALI103QueryInputValue.
The event filter enables or disables specific events for each instance. The meanings of the individual bits for the respective instance types can be found here:
Part 301 (push buttons) – Introduction
Part 302 (absolute encoder) - Introduction
Part 303 (occupancy sensors) - Introduction
Part 304 (light sensors) - Introduction
The function block FB_DALI103QueryEventFilter can be used to read the value of the event filter; the function block FB_DALI103SetEventFilter can be used to write to it.
The variable contains the event scheme for the respective instance of a DALI control device.
E_DALIEventScheme | Description |
Instance | Instance addressing with instance type and number. |
Device | Device addressing with short address and instance type. |
DeviceInstance | Device/instance addressing with short address and instance number. |
DeviceGroup | Device group addressing with device group and instance type. |
InstanceGroup | Instance group addressing with instance group and type. |
The event scheme can be read with the function block FB_DALI103QueryEventScheme and written with the function block FB_DALI103SetEventScheme.
Different priorities for sending events can be configured for each instance. The device function blocks use the following values for event priorities:
E_DALIEventPriority | Application |
MiddleHigh |
Middle | Part 301 (push button), Part 302 (absolute encoder), Part 303 (occupancy sensor) |
MiddleLow | Part 304 (light sensors) |
Low |
The value of the event priority can be read with the function block FB_DALI103QueryEventPriority and written with the function block FB_DALI103SetEventPriority.
The variable indicates whether an instance of a control device has detected an error.
In this case, the bit is TRUE.
The variable can be read out with the aid of the function block FB_DALI103QueryInstanceStatus.
The function block FB_DALI103QueryInstanceError provides more detailed information about the present error. The output depends on the manufacturer.