Digital input


Wiring Digital input

  • 3-wire digital sensors must be used.
  • To ensure correct function of the digital input, in addition to the 24 V signal at connection point 1 for DI+ Ch1 or connection point 8 for DI+ Ch2, the corresponding ground connection must also be connected to connection point 9 for DI- Ch1 or connection point 16 for DI- Ch2 (see chapter EL5072 - Connection).
  • The sensor power supply must be connected separately.

The EL5072 has two digital inputs for voltages from 5 VDC to 24 VDC. One digital input per channel can be used as follows

Index 0x80n0:06 "Enable continuous digital input" can be used to parameterize whether the function is executed at every parameterized edge or only once after every activation.

Furthermore, it is possible to disable the digital input.

Set position value via digital input ("Set position on digital input", index 0x70n0:02)

Saving the offset value ("Set Position Offset", index 0x90n0:11

An inductive measuring probe provides an absolute measured value, i.e. the position value does not have to be referenced after a voltage interruption.




Deleting the offset value for both position values


Deleting the offset value for position value of channel 1


Deleting the offset value for position value of channel 2

Digital input 1:

Command entry via the System Manager

If the command input is written via the System Manager, the value must be entered in the "Binary" field (LOWBYTE first). If the command is initiated via the PLC, then this takes place automatically.

Save position value via digital input ("Enable latch on digital input", index 0x70n0:03

Digital input 2:

Parameterization of the digital input

The parameterization of the digital input via the indices 0x80n1:1B “Digital input latch polarity” and 0x80n0:06 “Enable continuous digital input” also applies to the functions “Set position on digital input” index 0x70n0:02 and “Enable latch on digital input” index 0x70n0:03.