Configuration data
Index 8000 FB settings
Index (hex) | Name | Meaning | Data type | Flags | Default |
8000:0 | FB Settings | Observer settings | UINT8 | RO | 0x16 (22dec) |
8000:11 | Device type | Description of the available feedback profiles (incremental encoder and Hall sensor) | UINT32 | RW | 0x00000605 (1541dec) |
8000:14 | Observer bandwidth | Bandwidth of the velocity observer Typical value range: 200 ... 500 Hz | UINT16 | RW | 0x00C8 (200dec) |
8000:15 | Observer feed-forward | Load ratio 100% = load-free 50% = mass moments of inertia of input and output are equal Pre-control for velocity measurement. | UINT8 | RW | 0x00 (0dec) |
8000:16 | Sub-increment bits | Bitwise shift to left from target and actual position and following error | UINT8 | RW | 0x00 (0dec) |
Index 8001 FB Touch probe Settings
Index (hex) | Name | Meaning | Data type | Flags | Default |
8001:0 | FB Touch probe Settings | Maximum subindex | UINT8 | RO | 0x12 (18dec) |
8001:11 | Touch probe 1 source | Position value digital input 1: 1: Touch probe input 1 | INT16 | RW | 0x0001 (1dec) |
8001:12 | Touch probe 2 source | Position value digital input 2: 2: Touch probe input 2 | INT16 | RW | 0x0002 (2dec) |
Index 8008 FB Settings ENC
Index (hex) | Name | Meaning | Data type | Flags | Default |
8008:0 | FB Settings ENC | Maximum subindex | UINT8 | RO | 0x13 (19dec) |
8008:01 | Invert feedback direction | Inversion of the encoder counting direction. Adjusted by the Scan Feedback feature. | BOOLEAN | RW | 0x00 (0dec) |
8008:02 | Enable power supply | Enabling the encoder supply voltage | BOOLEAN | RW | 0x00 (0dec) |
8008:05 | Enable ENC C input | Enabling the C-input of the module for the evaluation of the C-track at the incremental encoder | BOOLEAN | RW | 0x01 (1dec) |
8008:11 | Supply voltage output | Voltage level of encoder supply Typical value range: 2 ... 24 V | UINT32 | RW | 0x00001388 (5000dec) |
8008:12 | Encoder type | Encoder type selection: 0: disabled | UINT16 | RW | 0x0004 (4dec) |
8008:13 | Encoder Increments per Revolution | Resolution of the encoder after 4-fold evaluation | UINT32 | RW | 0x00001000 (4096dec) |
Index 800A FB Settings Hall
Index (hex) | Name | Meaning | Data type | Flags | Default |
800A:0 | FB Settings Hall | Maximum subindex | UINT8 | RO | 0x14 (20dec) |
800A:02 | Enable power supply | Activates voltage supply for the Hall sensor | BOOLEAN | RW | 0x00 (0dec) |
800A:05 | Enable extrapolation | Extrapolation of the measured values of the Hall sensor. This does not improve the physical resolution. | BOOLEAN | RW | 0x00 (0dec) |
800A:11 | Supply voltage output | Voltage level of the supply voltage for the Hall sensor, Typical value range: 2 … 4 V | UINT32 | RW | 0x00001388 (5000dec) |
800A:12 | Phasing | Arrangement of the Hall sensors. Determined by the Scan Feedback function. See chapter Scan Feedback. 0: A-B: 60° / B-C. 60 | UINT8 | RW | 0x01 (1dec) |
800A:13 | Hall commutation adjust | Commutation offset of the Hall sensors in 60° increments. Determined by the Scan Feedback function. See chapter Scan Feedback. 0: 0° (default) | UINT8 | RW | 0x00 (0dec) |
800A:14 | Hall sensor type | Enable or disable the Open Collector Hall sensor inputs 0: disabled | UINT8 | RW | 0x01 (1dec) |
Index 8010 DRV Amplifier Settings
Index (hex) | Name | Meaning | Data type | Flags | Default |
8010:0 | DRV Amplifier Settings | Amplifier settings | UINT8 | RO | 0x64 (100dec) |
8010:01 | Enable TxPDOToggle | Activate or deactivate the TxPDO toggle in bit 10 of the status word | BOOLEAN | RW | 0x00 (0dec) |
8010:02 | Enable input cycle counter | 1: enabled Two-bit counter that is incremented with each process data cycle up to a maximum value of 3, after which it starts again at 0 The low bit is represented in bit 10 and the high bit in bit 14 of the Status word. | BOOLEAN | RW | 0x00 (0dec) |
8010:04 | Repeat find commutation | Repeat the commutation angle determination. (Effective for all FOC operation modes) | BOOLEAN | RW | 0x01 (1dec) |
8010:05 | Enable cogging torque compensation | Enable or disable the cogging torque compensation (for FOC operation modes only). | BOOLEAN | RW | 0x00 (0dec) |
8010:12 | Current loop integral time | Integral component of current controller | UINT16 | RW | 0x000A (10dec) |
8010:13 | Current loop proportional gain | Proportional component of current controller | UINT16 | RW | 0x000A (10dec) |
8010:14 | Velocity loop integral time (current mode) | Integral component of velocity controller (For feedback systems with field-oriented control (FOC). See chapter Configuration of the feedback system) | UINT32 | RW | 0x00000032 (50dec) |
8010:15 | Velocity loop proportional gain (current mode) | Proportional component of velocity controller (For feedback systems with field-oriented control (FOC). See chapter Configuration of the feedback system) | UINT32 | RW | 0x00000014 (20dec) |
8010:17 | Position loop proportional gain | Proportional component of position controller | UINT32 | RW | 0x0000000A (10dec) |
8010:19 | Nominal DC link voltage | Injected DC link voltage | UINT32 | RW | 0x0000BB80 (48000dec) |
8010:1A | Min DC link voltage | Minimum DC link voltage | UINT32 | RW | 0x00001A90 (6800dec) |
8010:1B | Max DC link voltage | Maximum DC link voltage | UINT32 | RW | 0x0000EA60 (60000dec) |
8010:29 | Amplifier I2T warn level | I²T model warning threshold | UINT8 | RW | 0x50 (80dec) |
8010:2A | Amplifier I2T error level | I²T model error threshold | UINT8 | RW | 0x69 (105dec) |
8010:2B | Amplifier Temperature warn level | Warning threshold for overtemperature of the module | UINT16 | RW | 0x0320 (800dec) |
8010:2C | Amplifier Temperature error level | Error threshold for overtemperature of the module | UINT16 | RW | 0x03E8 (1000dec) |
8010:31 | Velocity limitation | Limitation of the velocity setpoint setting | UINT32 | RW | 0x000186A0 (100000dec) |
8010:33 | Stand still window | Standstill window Velocity range for which the axis is considered to be at a standstill. | UINT16 | RW | 0x0000 (0dec) |
Index (hex) | Name | Meaning | Data type | Flags | Default | |
8010:39 | Select info data 1 | Selection "Info data 1" Permitted values: | UINT8 | RW | 0x02 (2dec) | |
2 | DC link voltage (mV) (default) | |||||
4 | PCB temperature - module temperature (0.1 °C) | |||||
7 | I2T Motor | |||||
8 | I2T Amplifier | |||||
10 | Digital inputs Bit0: Digital Input 1 Level | |||||
12 | Phase Voltage U | |||||
13 | Phase Voltage V | |||||
14 | Phase Voltage W | |||||
8010:3A | Select info data 2 | Selection "Info data 2" | UINT8 | RW | 0x04 (4dec) | |
2 | DC link voltage (mV) (default) | |||||
4 | PCB temperature - module temperature (0.1 °C) | |||||
7 | I2T Motor | |||||
8 | I2T Amplifier | |||||
10 | Digital inputs Bit0: Digital Input 1 Level | |||||
12 | Phase Voltage U | |||||
13 | Phase Voltage V | |||||
14 | Phase Voltage W |
Index (hex) | Name | Meaning | Data type | Flags | Default | |
8010:50 | Following error window | Following error monitoring: following error window Unit: reference to increments of the raw position data. Can be scaled in the PLC if necessary. 0xFFFFFFFF (-1dec) = Any other value = Applies in conjunction with index 0x8010:51 "Following error time out." | UINT32 | RW | 0xFFFFFFFF (-1dec) | |
8010:51 | Following error time out | Following error monitoring: timeout If the following error is larger than the following error window for a time that exceeds the timeout, this leads to an error reaction. | UINT16 | RW | 0x0000 (0dec) | |
8010:54 | Feature bits | Reserved | UINT32 | RW | 0x00000000 (0dec) | |
8010:57 | Position loop Velocity feed forward gain | Velocity pre-control of the position controller | UINT8 | RW | 0x64 (100dec) | |
8010:58 | Select info data 3 | Selection "Info data 3" Permitted values: | UINT8 | RW | 0x07 (7dec) | |
2 | DC link voltage (mV) (default) | |||||
4 | PCB temperature - module temperature (0.1 °C) | |||||
7 | I2T Motor | |||||
8 | I2T Amplifier | |||||
10 | Digital inputs Bit0: Digital Input 1 Level | |||||
12 | Phase Voltage U | |||||
13 | Phase Voltage V | |||||
14 | Phase Voltage W | |||||
8010:59 | Error suppression mask | Error suppression mask Bit 0: suppresses detection of a wire break of the motor phases Bit 1: suppresses commutation angle monitoring | UINT32 | RW | 0x00000000 (0dec) | |
8010:5A | Velocitiy loop integral time (voltage mode) | Integral component of velocity controller (For feedback systems with six-step. See controller optimization Sensorless operation and Operation with Hall sensors only) | UINT32 | RW | 0x000001F4 (500dec) | |
8010:5B | Velocity loop proportional gain (voltage mode) | Proportional component of velocity controller (For feedback systems with six-step. See controller optimization Sensorless operation and Operation with Hall sensors only) | UINT32 | RW | 0x00000064 (100dec) | |
8010:5C | Velocity loop voltage feed forward gain (voltage mode) | Velocity pre-control of the velocity controller (For feedback systems with six-step. See controller optimization Sensorless operation and Operation with Hall sensors only) | UINT8 | RW | 0x32 (50dec) | |
8010:5E | Sensorless offset voltage scaling | Configures the voltage output at standstill | UINT16 | RW | 0x0032 (50dec) | |
8010:5F | Sensorless observer bandwidth | Bandwidth of the position/velocity observer in sensorless operation | UINT16 | RW | 0x0064 (100dec) | |
8010:60 | Sensorless max. acceleration | Max. acceleration | UINT32 | RW | 0x0000186A0 (100000dec) | |
8010:61 | Cogging torque compensation | Contains the coefficients of the cogging torque compensation. These are determined by the Cogging Scan function. See chapter Scan Motor Cogging | OCTET-STRING[16] | RW | {0} | |
8010:62 | Position loop deadband window | Deadband window of the position controller [Inc] For position deviations smaller than the defined range, the following applies (provided the target velocity is within the "Stand still window" (see parameter: 0x8010:33)): 0 - 75% position controller switched off 75 - 100% linear transition of the position controller gain | UINT32 | RW | 0x00000000 (0dec) | |
8010:63 | Find commutation time | Defines the time for determining the commutation angle [0.1 s] This process is divided into two phases. In total, it takes twice the time specified here. Required time depends on application | UINT16 | RW | 0x0009 (9dec) | |
8010:64 | Commutation type | Method for determining the commutation angle: 1: FOC with incremental encoder (default) | UINT8 | RW | 0x01 (1dec) |
Index 8011 DRV Motor Settings
Index (hex) | Name | Meaning | Data type | Flags | Default |
8011:0 | DRV Motor Settings | Maximum subindex | UINT8 | RO | 0x31 (49dec) |
8011:11 | Max current | Peak current Limitation by maximum output current of the EJ7411 module. The motor current values are to be specified as peak value. | UINT32 | RW | 0x00001770 (6000dec) |
8011:12 | Rated current | Nominal current of the motor Corresponds to the maximum continuous motor output current. The motor current values are to be specified as peak value. "Target Torque", "Torque actual value" and "Torque limitation" are scaled relative to the "rated current" in per mill | UINT32 | RW | 0x000003E8 (1000dec) |
8011:13 | Motor pole pairs | Number of pole pairs | UINT8 | RW | 0x01 (1dec) |
8011:16 | Torque constant | Torque constant | UINT32 | RW | 0x00000032 (50dec) |
8011:18 | Rotor moment of inertia | Moment of inertia of the motor including mechanics | UINT32 | RW | 0x00000064 (100dec) |
8011:19 | Winding inductance | Winding inductance | UINT16 | RW | 0x0064 (100dec) |
8011:1B | Motor speed limitation | Motor speed limitation | UINT32 | RW | 0x000186A0 (100000dec) |
Index (hex) | Name | Meaning | Data type | Flags | Default |
8011:29 | I2T warn level | I2T motor warning threshold | UINT8 | RW | 0x50 (80dec) |
8011:2A | I2T error level | I2T motor error threshold | UINT8 | RW | 0x69 (105dec) |
8011:2D | Motor thermal time constant | Motor thermal time constant of the winding | UINT16 | RW | 0x0028 (40dec) |
8011:2E | Rated speed | Nominal speed | UINT32 | RW | 0x000003E8 (1000dec) |
8011:2F | Rated voltage | Nominal voltage of the motor | UINT32 | RW | 0x0000B880 (48000dec) |
8011:30 | Winding resistance | Winding resistance phase - phase | UINT32 | RW | 0x000003E8 (1000dec) |
8011:31 | Voltage constant | Voltage constant Specifies the voltage induced by the motor as a generator (counter-electromotive force). | UINT32 | RW | 0x0000B880 (48000dec) |
Index 8012 DRV brake settings
Index (hex) | Name | Meaning | Data type | Flags | Default |
8012:0 | DRV brake settings | Maximum subindex | UINT8 | RO | 0x14 (20dec) |
8012:01 | Manual override (release) | Manual release of the motor holding brake Intended for commissioning purposes. | BOOLEAN | RW | 0x00 (0dec) |
8012:11 | Release delay | Time that the holding brake requires to open (release) after power was applied. | UINT16 | RW | 0x0000 (0dec) |
8012:12 | Application delay | Time that the holding brake requires to close (hold) after the power was switched off. | UINT16 | RW | 0x0000 (0dec) |
8012:13 | Emergency application timeout | Time that the amplifier waits until the speed reaches the standstill window after a stop request. Unit: ms
| UINT16 | RW | 0x0000 (0dec) |
8012:14 | Brake moment of inertia | Motor brake moment of inertia | UINT16 | RW | 0x0000 (0dec) |
The following note refers to the DMC objects 0x6040, 0x7040, 0x8040 and 0x8041.
![]() | INT64 data type for all positions in the drive motion control The data type INT64 is used for all positions in the drive motion control.
Index 8040 DMC Settings
Index (hex) | Name | Meaning | Data type | Flags | Default |
8040:0 | DMC Settings | Settings for Drive Motion Control. | UINT8 | RW | 0x17 (23dec) |
8040:07 | Emergency deceleration | Deceleration for the emergency stop ramp. Indication in milliseconds from nominal motor speed to standstill. | UINT16 | RW | 0x64 (100dec) |
8040:08 | Calibration position | If homing is successful, the "Actual position" is set to this value. Observe the note on the data type! | UINT64 | RW | 0x00 (0dec) |
8040:09 | Calibration velocity (towards plc cam) | Speed for driving on the referencing cams. Is specified in 10,000ths of 0x8011:1B "Motor speed limitation". | UINT16 | RW | 0x64 (100dec) |
8040:0A | Calibration velocity (off plc cam) | Speed to drive down from the referencing cam. Is specified in 10,000ths of 0x8011:1B "Motor speed limitation". | UINT16 | RW | 0x0A (10dec) |
8040:0E | Modulo factor | Modulo factor for modulo travel commands. The default value of 2^32 corresponds to a single-turn revolution and thus e.g. 360°. | UINT64 | RW | 0x100000000 (4294967296dec) |
8040:12 | Block calibration torque limit | Torque limitation for block calibration. The value is specified in 1000ths of 0x8011:12 "Rated current". | UINT16 | RW | 0x64 (100dec) |
8040:13 | Block calibration stop distance | Specifies the distance by which to move out of the block after calibration. Observe the note on the data type! | UINT64 | RW | 0x100000000 (4294967296dec) |
8040:14 | Block calibration lag threshold | Maximum permissible following error during block calibration. Observe the note on the data type! | UINT64 | RW | 0x100000000 (4294967296dec) |
8040:15 | Target position window | General position target window for travel commands for reaching the InTarget state. Observe the note on the data type! The "Target position window" is valid in connection with 0x8040:16 "Target position monitor time". | UINT64 | RW | 0x16C16C1 (23860929dec) |
8040:16 | Target position monitor time | The actual position must be within the position target window 0x8040:15 for the specified time to reach the InTarget state. Unit: ms. | UINT16 | RW | 0x14 (20dec) |
8040:17 | Target position timeout | Specifies the time for the timer to start when the setpoint generator reaches the target position. If the InTarget condition (see 0x8040:15 and 0x8040:16) is not reached within this time,
Unit: ms. | UINT16 | RW | 0x1770 (6000dec) |
Index 8041 DMC Features
Index (hex) | Name | Meaning | Data type | Flags | Default |
8041:0 | DMC Features | Drive Motion Control functions | UINT8 | RW | 0x1B (27dec) |
8041:13 | Invert calibration cam search direction | For the default homing sequence the direction for referencing cam search can be inverted.
| BOOLEAN | RW | 0x00 (0dec) |
8041:14 | Invert sync impulse search direction | For the default homing sequence the direction for sync pulse search can be inverted.
| BOOLEAN | RW | 0x01 (1dec) |
8041:19 | Calibration cam source | Signal source of the referencing cam:
| UINT8 | RW | 0x00 (0dec) |
8041:1A | Calibration cam active level | Signal level of the referencing cam that is evaluated as "active". | UINT8 | RW | 0x00 (0dec) |
8041:1B | Latch source | Signal source of the latch signal:
| UINT8 | RW | 0x00 (0dec) |