Industrial PC
Fieldbus Components
Drive Technology
Servo drive
AX8000 | Multi-axis servo system
AX2090-ND80 | Mains choke
AX8000 | Multi-axis servo system
AX8xxx | Axis module - Object dictionary
Objects of module DeviceMain
Objects of module SafeMotion
Objects of module DeviceDebug
Objects of module AxisMain
Objects of module Interpolator
Objects of module PositionControl
Objects of module VelocityControl
Objects of module VelocityControl2
Objects of module BiquadFilter
Objects of module TorqueControl
Objects of module OCT rotary (Hiperface DSL)
Objects of module EnDat 22 rotary
Objects of module EnDat 22 linear
1A00:x [SL] EnDat 22 linear Inputs
1AE0:x [SL] EnDat 22 linear Dynamic Inputs
32E0:x [SL] EnDat 22: Actual values (linear)
32E1:x [SL] EnDat 22: Encoder info (linear)
32E1:01 Interface
32E1:02 IpCore Ident
32E1:03 Mask 0 [2.1: Word 4]
32E1:04 Mask 1 [2.1: Word 5]
32E1:05 Mask 2 [2.1: Word 6]
32E1:06 Mask 3 [2.1: Word 7]
32E1:07 Version of the EnDat interface [2.1: Word 8]
32E1:08 Memory allocation for parameters of the OEM [2.1: Word 9,10]
32E1:09 Memory allocation for compensation values [2.1: Word 11,12]
32E1:0A Number of clocks for position value [2.1: Word 13]
32E1:0B Encoder type [2.1: Word 14]
32E1:0C Signal period length [2.1: Word 15,16]
32E1:0D EnDat parameter word 17 rotary only [2.1: Word 17]
32E1:0E Increment of reference marks [2.1: Word 18]
32E1:0F Position of the first reference mark [2.1: Word 19]
32E1:10 Measuring step length [2.1: Word 20,21]
32E1:11 Datum shift [2.1: Word 22,23]
32E1:12 ID number 0 [2.1: Word 24]
32E1:13 ID number 1 [2.1: Word 25]
32E1:14 ID number 2 [2.1: Word 26]
32E1:15 Serial number 0 [2.1: Word 27]
32E1:16 Serial number 1 [2.1: Word 28]
32E1:17 Serial number 2 [2.1: Word 29]
32E1:18 Direction of traverse [2.1: Word 30]
32E1:19 Status of commissioning diagnostics [2.1: Word 31]
32E1:1A Maximum mechanically permissible linear velocity [2.1: Word 32]
32E1:1B Accuracy depending on linear velocity range 1 [2.1: Word 33]
32E1:1C Accuracy depending on linear velocity range 2 [2.1: Word 34]
32E1:1D Support of error messages 1 [2.1: Word 35]
32E1:1E Support of warnings [2.1: Word 36]
32E1:1F EnDat command set [2.1: Word 37]
32E1:20 Measuring length [2.1: Word 38]
32E1:21 Max calc time for position value [2.1: Word 39]
32E1:22 EnDat ordering designation [2.1: Word 40]
32E1:23 OEM specific data 0 [2.1: Word 41]
32E1:24 OEM specific data 1 [2.1: Word 42]
32E1:25 OEM specific data 2 [2.1: Word 43]
32E1:26 OEM specific data 3 [2.1: Word 44]
32E1:27 OEM specific data 4 [2.1: Word 45]
32E1:28 OEM specific data 5 [2.1: Word 46]
32E1:29 Checksum [2.1: Word 47]
32E1:2A Status of additional datum 1 [2.2: Word 0]
32E1:2B Status of additional datum 2 [2.2: Word 1]
32E1:2C Status of additional functions [2.2: Word 2]
32E1:2D Acceleration [2.2: Word 3]
32E1:2E Scaling function for temperature [2.2: Word 4]
32E1:2F Diagnostic status [2.2: Word 5]
32E1:30 Support of error message 2 [2.2: Word 6]
32E1:31 Forced sampling status [2.2: Word 7,8]
32E1:32 Measuring step for position value 2 [2.2: Word 9,10]
32E1:33 Accuracy of position value 2 range 1 [2.2: Word 11,12]
32E1:34 Accuracy of position value 2 range 2 [2.2: Word 13,14]
32E1:35 EnDat 22 parameter word 15 rotary only [2.2: Word 15]
32E1:36 Direction of traverse of position value 2 [2.2: Word 16]
32E1:37 Encoder identification 0 [2.2: Word 17]
32E1:38 Encoder identification 1 [2.2: Word 18]
32E1:39 Encoder identification 2 [2.2: Word 19]
32E1:3A Encoder identification 3 [2.2: Word 20]
32E1:3B Support of instructions [2.2: Word 21]
32E1:3C Max permissible encoder temperature [2.2: Word 22]
32E1:3D Max permissible acceleration [2.2: Word 23]
32E1:3E Number of blocks for memory area section 2 [2.2: Word 24]
32E1:3F Max clock frequency [2.2: Word 25]
32E1:40 Number of bits for position comparison [2.2: Word 26]
32E1:41 Scaling factor for resolution [2.2: Word 27]
32E1:42 Measuring step EnDat22 [2.2: Word 28,29]
32E1:43 Max speed for constant code value [2.2: Word 30]
32E1:44 Offset between pos value and pos value 2 0 [2.2: Word 31]
32E1:45 Offset between pos value and pos value 2 1 [2.2: Word 32]
32E1:46 Offset between pos value and pos value 2 2 [2.2: Word 33]
32E1:47 EnDat parameter word 34 rotary only [2.2: Word 34]
32E1:48 Support of operating status error sources [2.2: Word 35]
32E1:49 Safety relevant measuring steps 0 [2.2: Word 36]
32E1:4A Safety relevant measuring steps 1 [2.2: Word 37]
32E1:4B Safety relevant measuring steps 2 [2.2: Word 38]
32E1:4C Non safety relevant subdivision of the relative position 0 [2.2: Word 39]
32E1:4D Non safety relevant subdivision of the relative position 1 [2.2: Word 40]
32E1:4E Non safety relevant subdivision of the absolute position 0 [2.2: Word 41]
32E1:4F Non safety relevant subdivision of the absolute position 1 [2.2: Word 42]
32E1:50 Generation of a warning message through limit position signals [2.2: Word 43]
32E1:51 Support of touch probe statuses [2.2: Word 44]
32E1:52 Timestamp unit of measure [2.2: Word 45]
32E1:53 Referencing of incremental encoders [2.2: Word 46]
32E1:54 Support of IOs [2.2: Word 47]
32E1:55 Assigned [2.2: Word 48]
32E1:56 EnDat2.2 rsvd 0 [2.2: Word 49]
32E1:57 EnDat2.2 rsvd 1 [2.2: Word 50]
32E1:58 EnDat2.2 rsvd 2 [2.2: Word 51]
32E1:59 EnDat2.2 rsvd 3 [2.2: Word 52]
32E1:5A EnDat2.2 rsvd 4 [2.2: Word 53]
32E1:5B EnDat2.2 rsvd 5 [2.2: Word 54]
32E1:5C EnDat2.2 rsvd 6 [2.2: Word 55]
32E1:5D EnDat2.2 rsvd 7 [2.2: Word 56]
32E1:5E EnDat2.2 rsvd 8 [2.2: Word 57]
32E1:5F EnDat2.2 rsvd 9 [2.2: Word 58]
32E1:60 EnDat2.2 rsvd 10 [2.2: Word 59]
32E1:61 EnDat2.2 rsvd 11 [2.2: Word 60]
32E1:62 EnDat2.2 rsvd 12 [2.2: Word 61]
32E1:63 EnDat2.2 rsvd 13 [2.2: Word 62]
32E1:64 Checksum EnDat2.2 [2.2: Word 63]
32E1:65 Operating status word 0 (errors) after power up
32E1:66 Operating status word 1 (warnings) after power up
32E1:67 Operating status word 2 (Write-Protected Status) after power up
32E1:68 Operating status word 3 (Function init) after power up
32E1:69 Operating status error sources after power up (EnDat 2.2)
32E1:6A rsvd
32E1:6B Datum shift 0 [Operating Parameter: Word 0]
32E1:6C Datum shift 1 [Operating Parameter: Word 1]
32E1:6D Datum shift 2 [Operating Parameter: Word 2]
32E1:6E Diagnostics configuration [Operating Parameter: Word 3]
32E1:6F Address assignment [Operating Parameter: Word 4]
32E1:70 Instruction [Operating Parameter: Word 5]
32E1:71 Temperature warning threshold [Operating Parameter: Word 6]
32E1:72 Cycle time 0 [Operating Parameter: Word 7]
32E1:73 Cycle time 1 [Operating Parameter: Word 8]
32E1:74 OpPara rsvd 9 [Operating Parameter: Word 9]
32E1:75 OpPara rsvd 10 [Operating Parameter: Word 10]
32E1:76 OpPara rsvd 11 [Operating Parameter: Word 11]
32E1:77 OpPara rsvd 12 [Operating Parameter: Word 12]
32E1:78 OpPara rsvd 13 [Operating Parameter: Word 13]
32E1:79 OpPara rsvd 14 [Operating Parameter: Word 14]
32E1:7A OpPara rsvd 15 [Operating Parameter: Word 15]
32E1:7B Total calculation and transfer time
32E1:7C Position sample point shift relative to the sync signal
32E2:x [SL] EnDat 22: Encoder status (linear)
32E3:x [SL] Temperature sensors
32E4:x [SL] EnDat 22: Electronic data sheet (linear)
32E5:x [SL] EnDat 22: Position offset data (linear)
32E6:x [SL] EnDat 22: User data (linear)
32E7:x [SL] EnDat 22: Commutation offset data (linear)
32E8:x [SL] EnDat 22: Direct encoder access (linear)
32EA:x [SL] EnDat 22: Save user data (linear)
32EB:x [SL] EnDat 22: Save commutation offset (linear)
32EC:x [SL] EnDat 22: Scan connected encoder (linear)
32EF:x [SL] EnDat 22: Encoder parameter (linear)
Objects of module BiSS-C rotary
Objects of module BiSS-C linear
Objects of module SimulationRotary
Objects of module SyncServoMotor
Objects of module LinearMotor
Objects of module AsynchronousMotor
Objects of module AxisDebug
Objects of module OCT linear (Hiperface DSL)
Objects of module EnDat 3 rotary
Objects of module EnDat 3 linear
AX86x0 | Power supply module - Object dictionary
AX8xxx | Axis module - Diagnostic messages
AX86x0 | Power supply module - Diagnostic messages
AX2090-BW80 | External brake resistor
TE5910 | TC3 Motion Designer - Quick commissioning guide
AX2090-BW65 | External brake resistor IP65
AX8000 | Multi-axis servo system - Function description
AX2090-NF80 | Mains filter
AX8820 | Universal regenerative unit
AX5000 | Digital Compact Servo Drive
Distributed servo drives
Rotary servomotors
Translatory servomotors
Planetary gears
Transport systems
Compact drive technology
TwinCAT 3
TwinCAT 2
Industry Solutions