Objects of module AxisMain
Further Information
- 1600:x AxisMain Outputs
- 16E0:x AxisMain Dynamic Outputs
- 1A00:x AxisMain Inputs
- 1AE0:x AxisMain Dynamic Inputs
- 3000:x AxisMain parameters
- 3001:x AxisMain actual values
- 3002:x AxisMain parameters positive limit switch
- 3003:x AxisMain parameters negative limit switch
- 3004:x AxisMain parameters error manager
- 3005:x AxisMain scaling index
- 3006:x AxisMain command
- 3007:x AxisMain parameters position offset
- 3008:x AxisMain parameters encoder polarity
- 3009:x AxisMain parameters hardware enable
- 300A:x AxisMain demand values
- 300C:x Advanced tuning command
- 300D:x Advanced tuning command parameters
- 301E:x AxisMain error counter
- 301F:x AxisMain info
- 603E:x TxPDO Data invalid
- 603F Error code
- 6040 Controlword
- 6041 Statusword
- 605A Quick stop option code
- 605E Fault reaction option code
- 6060 Modes of operation
- 6061 Modes of operation display
- 6064 Position actual value
- 606C Velocity actual value
- 607B:x Position range limit
- 608F:x Position encoder resolution
- 6091:x Gear ratio
- 6092:x Feed constant
- 6096:x Velocity factor
- 6097:x Acceleration factor
- 60A2:x Jerk factor
- 60B8 Touch probe control
- 60B9 Touch probe status
- 60BA Touch probe 1 positive edge
- 60BB Touch probe 1 negative edge
- 60BC Touch probe 2 positive edge
- 60BD Touch probe 2 negative edge
- 60D0:x Touch probe source
- 60D1 Touch probe time stamp 1 positive edge
- 60D2 Touch probe time stamp 1 negative edge
- 60D3 Touch probe time stamp 2 positive edge
- 60D4 Touch probe time stamp 2 negative edge
- 60D5 Touch probe 1 positive edge counter
- 60D6 Touch probe 1 negative edge counter
- 60D7 Touch probe 2 positive edge counter
- 60D8 Touch probe 2 negative edge counter
- 60D9 Supported functions
- 60DA Function settings
- 60E4:x Additional position actual value
- 60E5:x Additional velocity actual value
- 60E6:x Additional position encoder resolution encoder increments
- 60E8:x Additional gear ratio motor revolutions
- 60E9:x Additional feed constant feed
- 60EB:x Additional position encoder resolution motor revolutions
- 60ED:x Additional gear ratio shaft revolutions
- 60EE:x Additional feed constant driving shaft revolutions
- 60FD Digital inputs
- 6502 Supported drive modes
- 3008:x AxisMain parameters encoder direction
- 300E:x AxisMain parameters fast stop