
NuGet package: Beckhoff.TwinCAT.HMI.Plastic.Controls

Available: since version 12.6.0

The NuGet package Beckhoff.TwinCAT.HMI.Plastic.Controls can be installed in the TwinCAT HMI project via the package management system NuGet.




ArrowMotionGraph control allows the user to configure segments of an axis move.
Positions and velocities for different segments are visualized as arrows on the control.


BlowPressureChart is a special chart type control that can visualize the air blowing process in a blow molding machine.


CamControl is used to visualize and configure an array of cam switches.

Each cam switch is defined by hysteresis and threshold values.


The Configurator control stores user settings for the default input panel that appears when the user enters a new value on controls provided in the Beckhoff.TwinCAT.HMI.Plastic.Controls package.

It also stores measurement unit configuration, supplies functions to access this configuration and perform unit conversion calculations.


The CurveEditor control provides users with the ability to add and manipulate a list of points on their HMI screen.

Then the control can calculate an interpolated curve that passes through each point.


The FavoriteBarControl can be used with the Responsive Navigation Bar control in TwinCAT HMI. The purpose of this control is to allow users to easily set any content as a favorite with creating a shortcut that is always available on the FavoriteBarControl.


InputBox is a control that allows the user to input numerical or Boolean values in the TwinCAT HMI project.


ManualOperation control can be used as on-screen touch buttons for moving an axes manually.


With using the MeasurementUnitSelector control the user can access the unit configuration configured in the Unit_Config.json file and change the display unit settings on the client.


Monitoring control is used to visualize and configure multiple FB_Monitoring objects in the PLC from a single framework control.


PfwSingleTempControl allows the user to easily display and control a temperature zone in TwinCAT HMI.


The ProcessScheduler control will allow the user to visualize and edit weekly schedules that can be used by the PLC to execute any process.


StateIndicator control is showing different states and can be used as an LED indicator


Table control can be used to visualize multiple PLC variables in a paginated table format.


The TimerControl can be used to visualize and configure an FB_Timer symbol.


VariableViewControl can be used as a dashboard to visualize live values from multiple variables on the screen.


UserLoggingViewer show contents of log files generated by Plastic controls and LogUserChanges function in the project.

NuGet package: Beckhoff.TwinCAT.HMI.Plastic.Temperature

Note: Available since version 12.6.0

The NuGet package Beckhoff.TwinCAT.HMI.Plastic.Temperature can be installed in the TwinCAT HMI project via the package management system NuGet.




ZoneConfiguration control is used to visualize and allow users to change different operational parameters of the temperature groups and zones configured in the PLC.


The ZoneImageLayout framework control allows users to present temperature zones over an image background in a layout that mimics the physical arrangement on the machine.


ZoneGrouping control is used to visualize and allow users to change temperature group configuration in the Tc3 Plastic Application project.


PfwTempParameters control is now obsolete, it works with PLC temperature interface from Tc3_PlasticaApplication library version 1.5.


TemperatureScheduler control will allow the user to visualize and edit weekly schedules for enabling temperature groups.