Planar TrackTrail

The MC_PlanarTrackTrail is an object that defines a path of contiguous Planar tracks in a network. In contrast to the individual Planar tracks from which the Planar track trail is built, the Planar track trail has no fixed equivalent in a TCOM object on the MC side, but is declared solely in the PLC, similar to a Planar feedback.

A Planar track trail can be used to define a path of Planar tracks via which a synchronization movement of a Slave Planar Mover with a master axis or with a Master Planar Mover should take place (if this path consists of more than the current Planar track of the Slave Planar Mover).

The Planar-TrackTrail offers methods for adding a Planar track to its end and for emptying its configuration. These methods only modify the Planar-TrackTrail and leave the underlying Planar tracks and the network untouched.

When adding a Planar track, make sure that it connects to the end of the current last Planar track in the Planar-TrackTrail. It is also impossible to add a Planar track more than once.