
You can define the standard settings in the TwinCAT Measurement options. Open the options in Visual Studio via the Options… command in the Scope menu.

Options dialog

Options 1:


General category

Show Chart Timebar/Toolbar

Specifies whether the time bar and toolbar of the Scope chart should be visible in the printing template.

Use Custom Color

TRUE: The following color settings will be applied before the chart is exported for the report. (You can select color combinations that reduce the ink consumption for printing).

Border Background Color

Color for the border of the chart

Chart Background Color

Color for the background of the chart

X-Axis Color

Color for the labeling of the X-axis

X-Axis Color

Color for the grid of the X-axis

Y-Axis Color

Color for the labeling of the Y-axis

Y-Axis Color

Color for the grid of the Y-axis

Export Raw Data to Report

Provides the raw chart data for the report. (Significantly extends the time it takes to generate a report | Only required for creating custom charts).

Options 2:



  • Behaviour: general settings for the behavior of the scope
  • Log to File: settings for saving the events in the file format
  • Log to Visual Studio: settings for displaying events in the Visual Studio Error List
  • Log to Windows Event Viewer: settings for forwarding the events to the Windows Event Viewer
  • The logging level specifies the events to be processed in each case


Standard acquisition data (will be used if empty channels are inserted)

See: Acquisition


Standard channel settings (will be used if empty channels are inserted)

See: YT channel style


Standard chart settings (will be used if new charts are inserted)

See: YT chart properties


Standard Scope settings (will be used if new Scope instances are inserted)

See also: Scope node

Unit Dictionary Editor

The Unit Dictionary is a sort of dictionary for all unit elements. These include base units, transformations and user units. All available unit elements stored in the dictionary can be viewed with the aid of the Unit Dictionary Editor. In addition, there is an option to add new values via the editor.

See: Physical units and Unit Dictionary Editor


Standard axis settings for the X-axis (will be used if new axes are inserted)

See: YT axis properties


Standard axis settings for the Y-axis (will be used if new axes are inserted)

See: YT axis properties