YT channel acquisition interpreter

All acquisition settings belonging to a YT channel can be made here.

Acquisition interpreters

YT channel acquisition interpreter 1:

Acquisition interpreters can reference an acquisition of the data pool and forward the data after manipulation.

The following settings can be made:



Selection of the acquisition used from the data pool.



In this field a value can be entered with which the display value is masked, provided it is not of the type floating point. This means that the value of the channel is ANDed with the binary value of the mask. This helps you, for example, to observe individual bits of a status byte.


A free offset can be added to the function value of the channel in the offset field.


The display value of a channel can be changed with the scale factor.


This property enables the physical unit to be configured individually for the X-acquisition and the Y-acquisition of the channel. This can be done with the aid of the "Unit Wizard", which can be opened using the button on the right in the field. A further option is to define the units beforehand as attributes in the PLC code. These are then read out directly and entered in the Unit field. Detailed information on the units and their configuration options can be taken from the chapter .

YT channel acquisition interpreter 2:

Different properties

The properties of the channels can deviate from the illustration shown here.
Some setting possibilities are visible / editable only for special channels.
Example: The Array Length setting is only visible in the case of array symbols.

To change the settings for several channels at the same time, please refer to the chapter Multiple selection.