Changing common settings at the same time
Multiple selection – changing group-wise
To change the settings of several elements at the same time, mark the elements in the Solution Explorer and edit the settings of all the marked elements in the Properties window. Data that differ between the selected elements are represented as empty fields.
To make multiple selections, keep the [Ctrl] key pressed while selecting the channels. In the case of successive elements, you can select the first element, keep the [Shift] key pressed and then select the last element in order to mark all elements in between.
To select all channels of a scope irrespective of the configuration structure, keep the [Alt] key pressed and double-click on the first channel in the Scope configuration.
All elements of the same type can be selected.

Multiple selection is implemented for:
- Scopes
- Charts
- Axes
- Channels
- Cursor
- Trigger Groups
- Trigger Sets