As master, the PROFIBUS DP, PROFIBUS DPV1, PROFIBUS DPV2, S5-FDL-AGAG communication and the PROFIDRIVE-PKW Interface protocols are supported.
A summary of the PROFIBUS-DP master functions follows:
| The PROFIBUS DP chapter describes the necessary steps for establishing a DP connection (Set_Prm - parameter, Chk_Cfg - configuration) and for the exchange of user data (Data_Exchange). |
| The Synchronization chapter describes how the TwinCAT task is synchronized with the PROFIBUS cycle. |
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| In order to receive the most recent possible inputs when the task cycles are long, a number of DP cycles can be carried out for each task cycle, as described in the chapter on Slave Prioritization/Multiple DP Cycles. |
| The diagnostic facilities are described in this chapter. |
| It is possible for different error reactions to be set in the event of a fault (a slave fails or the task is stopped). |
| Activation of the sync and freeze commands is described in the Sync/Freeze chapter. |
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| The Master redundancy chapter describes the settings required to have a second master with the same configuration configured as a standby master (as from TwinCAT 2.9). |
A summary of the PROFIBUS-DPV1 master functions follows:
| The MSAC_C1 connection is established along with the cyclic connection. The Read, Write and Data_Transport services are supported. |
| The MSAC_C2 connection is established independently of the cyclic connection, and can also be used by a second master (while the first one is communicating with the slave over the cyclic MSAC_C1 connection). The Initiate, Abort, Read, Write and Data_Transport services are supported. |
A summary of the PROFIBUS-DPV2 master functions follows:
| The DPV2 equidistance functionality is described in the PROFIBUS MC chapter. |
S5-FDL-AGAG Communication
S5-FDL-AGAG communication is described in the S5-FDL chapter.
The PROFIDRIVE PKW protocol is implemented in the PROFIBUS master, and can be used by means of acyclic ADS calls.