Calculation of process data
The process data are calculated in up to seven steps between reading of the ADC and the process data output:
Name |
Calculation formula |
not active |
Offset correction |
Filter for averaging over 8 values |
60 Hz mode adaptation |
Calibration active |
| |
AC system offset |
Scaling |
- |
Table 1: Formulas for calculation of process data
The scaling includes the powers of ten selected in the range.
All gain factors should therefore correspond to 1/8 in order to obtain a total factor of 1. The value 8192 (0x2000) results in a total factor of 1.
Name |
Meaning |
CoE Index |
Name |
Meaning |
CoE Index |
Output value of the A/D converter |
| |
YZ |
Measured value after ADC offset correction |
BZ |
Current ADC Zero value | |
BZCal |
ADC Zero at the time of calibration | ||||
YF |
Measured value after averaging |
Y60 |
Measured value after adaptation of the 60 Hz integration time |
BF |
60 Hz offset | |
AF |
60 Hz gain | ||||
YH |
Measured value after manufacturer calibration |
BK |
Manufacturer offset |
0x800F (odd subindices) |
AK |
Manufacturer gain |
0x800F (even subindices) | |||
YA |
Measured value after user calibration |
BA |
User offset |
0x8002 (odd subindices) |
AA |
User gain |
0x8002 (even subindices) | |||
Y |
Measured value after AC system offset |
AC system offset | |
YScale |
Measured value after scaling |
FScal |
End value in 1 bit per 1µV / 1µA |
Table 2: Legend for table 1