Input data
Index 6000 SAI Inputs
To improve linkability of the status bits they are consolidated to form a 16-bit status word in the process data. Click on + to show the individual status bits in TwinCAT (from version 2.11). The Extended Range is only available if a larger measuring range is used. In the 300 V, 1 A and 10 A (DC and AC) measuring ranges the Extended Range option is not available.
Index (hex) |
Name |
Meaning |
Data type |
Flags |
Default |
6000:0 |
SAI Inputs |
Maximum subindex |
RO |
0x11 (17dec) |
6000:01 |
Underrange |
Indicates that the electrical measuring range is undershot (no function in AC mode) |
RO |
0x00 (0dec) |
6000:02 |
Overrange |
Indicates that the electrical measuring range is exceeded |
RO |
0x00 (0dec) |
6000:03 |
Extended range |
The extended measuring range (~10 % of the full-scale value) is used (hysteresis area of the auto-range function) |
RO |
0x00 (0dec) |
6000:04 |
Data invalid |
Invalid process data, e.g. date invalid, e.g. filter latency, start-up |
RO |
0x00 (0dec) |
6000:05 |
Range invalid |
The range selected by the SAI Range outputs or the CoE doesn't exist |
RO |
0x00 (0dec) |
6000:06 |
Autorange disabled |
The Autorange function is not used |
RO |
0x00 (0dec) |
6000:07 |
Error |
Measuring range exceeded, overrange or underrange; the Error LED lights up or conversion error or invalid measuring range |
RO |
0x00 (0dec) |
6000:08 |
Calibration in progress |
The internal offset of the ADC is read. |
RO |
0x00 (0dec) |
6000:0F |
TxPDO State |
Validity of the data of the associated TxPDO (0 = valid, 1 = invalid). |
RO |
0x00 (0dec) |
6000:10 |
TxPDO Toggle |
A new measured value is available (if the toggle bit was changed). |
RO |
0x00 (0dec) |
6000:11 |
Value |
Contains the measured value, scaling see diagram (presentation). |
INT32 |
RO |
0x00000000 (0dec) |
Index 6001 SAI Range
Index (hex) |
Name |
Meaning |
Data type |
Flags |
Default |
6001:0 |
SAI Range |
Maximum subindex |
RO |
0x09 (9dec) |
6001:05 |
Mode |
Contains the selected measurement mode (e.g. DC voltage) |
BIT4 |
RO |
0x00 (0dec) |
6001:09 |
Range |
Contains the selected measuring range (e.g. 10^2) |
INT8 |
RO |
0x00 (0dec) |