
Calibration 1:

Use of the term "calibration

The concept "calibration", which has historical roots at Beckhoff, is used here even if it has nothing to do with the deviation statements of a calibration certificate. Actually, this is a description of the vendor or customer calibration data/adjustment data used by the device during operation in order to maintain the assured measuring accuracy.

User scaling, index 0x8000:01 / 0x8010:01

The user scaling is enabled via index 0x8000:01 / 0x8010:01. Parameterization takes place via the indices.

Vendor calibration, index 0x800F / 0x801F

The vendor calibration is enabled via index 0x8000:0B / 0x8010:0B. Parameterization takes place via the indices

User calibration, index 0x8000:17 / 0x8010:17, 0x8000:18 / 0x8010:18

The user calibration is enabled via index 0x80x0:0A. Parameterization takes place via the indices.

Process data calculation

The terminal records measured values continuously and places the raw values of its A/D converter into the ADC raw value object 0x800E:01 / 0x801E:01 or 0x800E:02 / 0x801E:02. The calculation of the correction with the vendor calibration values takes place after each acquisition of the analog signal. User scaling then follows (optionally):

YH = (XADC - BK) x AK

measured value after vendor calibration (corresponds to YA if index 0x8000:0A / 0x8010:0A inactive)

Y = Y x A x 2 + B A H -16 W

Measured value after the user scaling




Index (hex)


Output value of the A/D converter

800E:01 / 801E:01, 800E:02 / 801E:02


Vendor calibration offset (can only be changed if the object "Producer codeword" 0xF008 is set)

800F:01 / 801F:01, 800F:03 / 801F:03


Vendor calibration gain (can only be changed if the object "Producer codeword" 0xF008 is set)

800F:02 / 801F:02, 800F:04 / 801F:04


User scaling offset (can be enabled via index 0x8000:0A / 0x8010:0A)

8000:17 / 8010:17


User scaling gain (can be enabled via index 0x8000:0A / 0x8010:0A)

8000:18 / 8010:18


Process data for controller
