Further Information
- 0000, No errors
- 2310, Continuous over current (device output side)
- 2380, Peak over current (device output side)
- 23A0, Continuous over current (device output side)
- 3110, Mains over-voltage
- 3130, Phase failure
- 3180, Mains voltage over brake resistor operating voltage
- 3181, Wrong mains type
- 31A0, Mains over-voltage
- 31A1, Mains under-voltage
- 3210, DC link over-voltage
- 3280, Device DC link over-voltage
- 4210, Excess temperature device
- 42A0, Excess temperature device
- 5580, Read failure EEPROM Pcb ID %u
- 5582, Missing ids in EEPROM Pcb ID %u
- 5583, Missing device ids in eeprom
- 5587, Missing factory settings
- 5592, EEPROM Pcb ID %u FirmwareIndex is incompatible to this Firmware
- 55A0, Read failure EEPROM
- 55A1, Missing data EEPROM
- 55D0, Restored Errormessages from persistent memory
- 6010, Software reset (watchdog)
- 6080, Failure config bits
- 6310, Loss of parameters
- 6320, Parameter error
- 6380, Parameter 0x%x/%x with parametrized 0x%x/%x is too low
- 6381, Parameter 0x%x/%x with parametrized 0x%x/%x is too high
- 6382, Value of parameter 0x%x/%x not supported
- 7111, Failure brake chopper
- 7112, Over current brake chopper
- 7180, Brake resistor not found
- 7181, Brake resistor power overload by DC link over-voltage
- 7182, Wrong xml file
- 71A0, Brake resistor overloaded
- 7580, I2C communication failure
- FF01, Error reaction forced: Generative brake order
- FF02, Error reaction forced: Non-generative brake order
- FF03, Error reaction forced: Brake chopper off
- FF07, Error reaction forced: Torque Off order
- FF0B, Error reaction forced: NC handling order
- FF1C, Load resistor overloaded with error reaction brake
- FF1D, Load resistor overloaded with error reaction torque off
- FFA0, Fan malfunction
- FFD0, Debug firmware
- FFD1, Dbg: %s