The function block FB_BA_PIDControlSync is used for parameter synchronization for 2 controllers of type FB_BA_PIDControl. This function block can be used, for example, to calibrate master controllers that are used to generate the supply air setpoints for an air conditioning system.
The following parameters of the FB_BA_PIDControl are synchronized:
- eOpMode
- eActionRm
- fProportionalConstant
- fIntegralConstant
- fDerivativeConstant
- fMaxOutputRm
- fMinOutputRm
- nDampConstant
- fNeutralZone
Error detection
The error messages listed below are detected by the FB_BA_PIDControlSync.
The error messages are output in the TwinCAT 3 development environment in the "Error list" window. This can be activated under the menu item View.
The error texts are output via the property ErrText and the output sErrText.
In addition, the messages are displayed by the enum eErrState.
Error messages
Message text German | Message text English |
'Synchronisation eAction fehlerhaft' | 'Synchronization eAction faulty' |
'Synchronisation nDampConstant fehlerhaft' | 'Synchronization nDampConstant faulty' |
'Synchronisation fDerivativeConstant fehlerhaft' | 'Synchronization fDerivativeConstant faulty' |
'Synchronisation fIntegralConstant fehlerhaft' | 'Synchronization fIntegralConstant faulty' |
'Synchronisation fMaxOutput fehlerhaft' | 'Synchronization fMaxOutput faulty' |
'Synchronisation fMinOutput fehlerhaft' | 'Synchronization fMinOutput faulty' |
'Synchronisation fNeutralZone fehlerhaft' | 'Synchronization fNeutralZone faulty' |
'Synchronisation eOpMode fehlerhaft' | 'Synchronization eOpMode faulty' |
'Synchronisation fProportionalConstant fehlerhaft' | 'Synchronization fProportionalConstant faulty' |
bErr : BOOL;
sErrText : T_MaxString;
eErrState : E_BA_StatePIDControlSync;
PID01 : FB_BA_PIDControl;
PID02 : FB_BA_PIDControl;
Name | Type | Description |
bErr | BOOL | The output indicates when an error has occurred during synchronization. |
sErrText | The variable shows the state of synchronization in text form. | |
eErrState | The enumeration shows the state of the synchronization. |
/ Inputs Outputs
Name | Type | Description |
Loop1 | Reference to controller no. 1 of the parameter adjustment. | |
Loop2 | Reference to controller no. 2 of the parameter adjustment. |
Name | Type | Access | Description |
ErrText | Get | The property ErrText displays the error texts from sErrText. |
Development environment | Required PLC library |
TwinCAT from v3.1.4024.56 | Tc3_BA2 from v5.4.2.0 |