
The Trend control can display multiple trend curves. It allows you to select different trend curves and change the settings of all axes.

Trend 1:


Can be used on any page where a trend is to be displayed. Allows linking to a BaObject of type Trend object or View.

Trend 2:

For more information, see the documentation on Trending.


Multiple trend curves

If the BaObject is a trend object, then only the associated trend curve is displayed. It is not possible to select from different trend curves.

If the BaObject is a View, it is searched for trend objects and existing trend curves are displayed accordingly. It is possible to select from different trend curves if more than two trend objects are found.

Trend 3:

In the listing, the trend curves to be displayed in the chart can be selected via the checkboxes. The adjacent button opens the parameter window of the respective trend object.

Axis parameterization

The settings of a y-axis can be opened by selecting the respective scale values.

Trend 4:
Trend 5:


The menu allows further settings for the trend.

Trend 6:


If Cursor is activated, a cursor is displayed under the x-axis. By default, this function is disabled.

Trend 7:

Data zoom

The zoom can be shown and hidden via the checkbox. By default, the zoom is shown.

Trend 8:


Restores the default settings.


The trend curves can be updated once.

Auto Update

If the checkbox is checked, the trend curves are automatically updated as soon as new trend entries are available.

Displayed objects

Determines the objects to be displayed in the listing.

Trend 9:
  • RefObject: Displays recorded values.
  • Trend: Displays all trend objects that record a value.

Displayed label

Selection of the label to be used in the listing.

Trend 10:


The control inherits from BaseControl and thus has the same attributes. In addition, there are the following attributes.




Symbol for BaObject for using the generic functionalities of TcHmiBa. Links a single object or a complete view (including children) to the control.

Trend 11:

The attribute is not applicable to all controls.