{region 'Supplement-Management'}
bEnableBACnet : BOOL := TRUE;
nEnabledSupplements : INT(0..2) := 1;
{region 'Communication-Management'}
{IF defined (BaDebug)}
nCom_BACnetRM_IOCount : DINT := 100;
nCom_BACnetRM_IOCount : DINT := 0;
{region 'Site service'}
bSiteServer_Enable : BOOL := TRUE;
nSiteServer_BufferSize : UINT := 8192;
nSiteServer_SessionTimeout : TIME := T#15S;
nSiteClient_BufferSize : UINT := 1024;
tSiteClient_ReadTimeout : TIME := T#5S;
{region 'Project settings'}
{region 'General'}
{IF defined (BaDebug)}
eLanguage : E_BA_Language := E_BA_Language.eGerman;
eLanguage : E_BA_Language := E_BA_Language.eEnglish;
bUtf8AutoConvert : BOOL := TRUE;
{region 'DPAD'}
nDPAD_Levels : UINT := 10;
nDPAD_DefIndexDigits : UINT := 2;
{attribute 'TcEncoding':='UTF-8'}
sDPAD_ObjectName_DefSeparator : T_BA_ShortString := '_';
{attribute 'hide'}
eDPAD_ObjectName_ManOvrConcatMode : E_BA_ConcatDPADMode := E_BA_ConcatDPADMode.eNone;
{attribute 'TcEncoding':='UTF-8'}
sDPAD_Description_DefSeparator : T_BA_ShortString := ' - ';
{attribute 'hide'}
eDPAD_Description_ManOvrConcatMode : E_BA_ConcatDPADMode := E_BA_ConcatDPADMode.eNone;
bDPAD_Description_ExplicitIndex : BOOL := TRUE;
{region 'Event'}
{region 'Management'}
eEvtMgmt_AckMode : E_BA_AcknowledgeMode := E_BA_AcknowledgeMode.eSingle
{attribute 'TcEncoding':='UTF-8'}
sEvtMgmt_AckMsgInternal : STRING := 'Built-in acknowledgement.';
{attribute 'TcEncoding':='UTF-8'}
sEvtMgmt_AckMsgRemote : STRING := 'Acknowledged by remote user.';
{attribute 'TcEncoding':='UTF-8'}
sEvtMgmt_AckMsgPLC : STRING := 'Acknowledged by PLC.';
{region 'Alarm-Mode settings'}
aAckFlags_Simple : T_BA_EventTransitions := [ TRUE, TRUE, FALSE ];
aAckFlags_Standard : T_BA_EventTransitions := [ TRUE, TRUE, FALSE ];
aAckFlags_Extended : T_BA_EventTransitions := [ TRUE, TRUE, TRUE ];
aEventEn_Simple : T_BA_EventTransitions := [ TRUE, TRUE, FALSE ];
aEventEn_Standard : T_BA_EventTransitions := [ TRUE, TRUE, FALSE ];
aEventEn_Extended : T_BA_EventTransitions := [ TRUE, TRUE, TRUE ];
nEventHistory_EntryCount : INT := 2048;
nEventTransitionText_Length : DINT := 24;
aEventTransitionText : T_BA_EventTransitionText := [ 'To Offnormal', 'To Fault', 'To Normal' ];
{region 'Event-List'}
nEventList_EntryCount : DINT := 512;
{region 'Parameters'}
{region 'General'}
nInstID_AutoGenerateOffset : UDINT := 100
nStateText_Length : DINT := 40;
nTag_Length : DINT := 8;
aDefReadAccess : ARRAY [E_BA_Parameter.First .. E_BA_Parameter.Last] OF E_BA_Role := [E_BA_Parameter.Count(0)];
aDefWriteAccess : ARRAY [E_BA_Parameter.First .. E_BA_Parameter.Last] OF E_BA_Role := [E_BA_Parameter.Count(0)];
{region 'Multistate'}
nMultistate_StateCount : DINT := 20;
{region 'Local'}
{region 'Hardware'}
fInput_DefResolution : REAL := 0.1;
fInput_DefScaleOffset : REAL := 0;
fOutput_DefResolution : REAL := 0.00305185;
fOutput_DefScaleOffset : REAL := 0;
eInput_DefSensor : E_BA_MeasuringElement := E_BA_MeasuringElement.eNI1000;
{region 'Event config'}
fDefLimitDeadband : REAL := 0.0;
nDefTimeDelay_ToAbnormal : UDINT := 1;
nDefTimeDelayAO_ToAbnormal : UDINT := 1;
nDefTimeDelayBO_ToAbnormal : UDINT := 30;
nDefTimeDelayMO_ToAbnormal : UDINT := 30;
{region 'Value'}
fDefCOVIncrement : REAL := 0.1;
{region 'Plant Control'}
nPlantCtrl_OpModeCount : DINT := 16;
nPlantCtrl_AggregateCount : DINT := 16;
{region 'Sequence Link'}
nSeqLink_RefCount : DINT := 16;
{region 'Sequence'}
nMaxSeqCtrl : USINT := 8
{region 'Collector'}
nCollect_RefCount : DINT := 16;
{region 'Loop'}
nLoop_DefOpMode : E_BA_PIDMode := E_BA_PIDMode.eP1ID;
{region 'Trend'}
nTrend_BufferSize : UDINT := 500;
stTrend_DefStartTime : ST_BA_DateTime := ();
stTrend_DefStopTime : ST_BA_DateTime := ();
bTrend_DefStopOnFull : BOOL := FALSE;
nTrend_DefLogInterval : UDINT := 900;
nTrend_DefNotificationThreshold : UDINT := 50;
eTrend_DefLoggingType : E_BA_LoggingType := E_BA_LoggingType.ePolled;
{region 'Calendar'}
nCal_EntryCount : DINT := 24;
{region 'Scheduler'}
nSched_EntryCount : DINT := 6;
nSched_CalendarCount : DINT := 3;
nSched_ExceptionCount : DINT := 24;
{region 'Simulation'}
nSim_AISen_DefDampConstant : UDINT := 20;
{region 'Publish and Subscribe'}
{region 'Subscribers'}
tSub_ReadTolerance : TIME := T#0S;
bSub_ClearOnReadError : BOOL := FALSE;
tSub_DefReadInterval : TIME := T#30S;
{region 'Groups'}
nGroupCmd_RefCount : DINT := 5;
nGroupDsp_RefCount : DINT := 5;
nGroupVal_RefCount : DINT := 5;
Name | Type | Description |
bSiteServer_Enable | BOOL | Disables / enables the Site Server on the automation station. |
nSiteServer_BufferSize | UINT | Defines the size of the Site Server communication buffer. |
nSiteServer_SessionTimeout | TIME | Defines the maximum duration [s] of a session until it is terminated by the server after inactivity. |
nSiteClient_BufferSize | UINT | Defines the size of the communication buffer from the Site Client. |
tSiteClient_ReadTimeout | TIME | Defines the maximum duration [s] of read requests of the Site Client until they are aborted with a timeout. |
eLanguage | Language used within the PLC, for example to format Current values. | |
bUtf8AutoConvert | BOOL | Automatically applies UTF-8 encoding to strings. |
nDPADLevels | UINT | Sets the maximum number of levels in DPAD. |
nDPAD_DefIndexDigits | UINT | Sets the number of digits for indexing levels in DPAD. |
sDPAD_ObjectName_DefSeparator | Sets the separator for separating object names. | |
eDPAD_ObjectName_ManOvrConcatMode | Default to concatenate strings when an object name has been manually overwritten. | |
sDPAD_Description_DefSeparator | Sets the separator for separating descriptions. | |
eDPAD_Description_ManOvrConcatMode | Default for concatenate strings when a description has been manually overwritten. | |
bDPAD_Description_ExplicitIndex | BOOL | Conditions under which an index should be displayed in the parameter Description.
eEvtMgmt_AckMode | Behavior when acknowledging events. | |
sEvtMgmt_AckMsgInternal | STRING | Text for displaying integrated acknowledgement functions (for internal functions). |
sEvtMgmt_AckMsgRemote | STRING | Text for displaying acknowledgement functions by external access. |
sEvtMgmt_AckMsgPLC | STRING | Text for displaying acknowledgement functions by PLC logic. |
aAckFlags_Simple | Defines the transitions to be confirmed for the "Simple" alarm mode. | |
aAckFlags_Standard | Defines the transitions to be confirmed for the "Standard" alarm mode. | |
aAckFlags_Extended | Defines the transitions to be confirmed for the "Advanced" alarm mode. | |
aEventEn_Simple | Defines transition states to be taken into account for the "Simple" alarm mode. | |
aEventEn_Standard | Defines transition states to be taken into account for the "Standard" alarm mode. | |
aEventEn_Extended | Defines transition states to be taken into account for the "Advanced" alarm mode. | |
nEventHistory_EntryCount | INT | Maximum number of entries in the event history. |
nEventTransitionText_Length | DINT | Maximum number of letters in the event transition parameter. |
aEventTransitionText | Default value for the event transition text. | |
nEventList_EntryCount | DINT | Maximum number of entries displayed in event lists. |
nInstID_AutoGenerateOffset | DINT | Initial value for autogeneration of instance IDs. |
nStateText_Length | DINT | Maximum number of characters in the State Text parameter. |
nTag_Length | DINT | Maximum amount of letters in the Tag parameter. |
aDefReadAccess | Possibility to customize default access rights for read access to parameters. | |
aDefWriteAccess | Possibility to customize default access rights for write access to parameters. | |
nMultistate_StateCount | DINT | Sets the number of states for multi-state values. |
fInput_DefResolution | REAL | Default value for the Resolution parameter of inputs. |
fInput_DefScaleOffset | REAL | Default value for the Offset parameter of inputs. |
fOutput_DefResolution | REAL | Default value for the Resolution parameter of outputs. |
fOutput_DefScaleOffset | REAL | Default value for the Offset parameter of outputs. |
eInput_DefSensor | Selection of the sensor with the special input type FB_BA_AI_IOEx. | |
fDefLimitDeadband | REAL | Default value for the Dead band limit parameter. |
nDefTimeDelay_ToAbnormal | UDINT | Default value for the parameter Time delay of transitions to abnormal states. |
nDefTimeDelayAO_ToAbnormal | UDINT | Default value for the Time Delay parameter of transitions to abnormal states of analog outputs. |
nDefTimeDelayBO_ToAbnormal | UDINT | Default value for the Time Delay parameter of transitions to abnormal states of binary outputs. |
nDefTimeDelayMO_ToAbnormal | UDINT | Default value for the Time Delay parameter of transitions to abnormal states of multi-stage outputs. |
fDefCOVIncrement | REAL | Default value for the COV increment parameter. |
nPlantCtrl_OpModeCount | DINT | Sets the maximum number of plant operation modes of FB_BA_PlantCtrl function blocks. |
nPlantCtrl_AggregateCount | DINT | Sets the maximum number of aggregate references of FB_BA_PlantCtrl function blocks. |
nSeqLink_RefCount | DINT | Maximum number of controller references in a sequence linker. |
nMaxSeqCtrl | USINT | The global parameter specifies the number of sequence controllers. It limits the data and command structure arrSeqLinkData within the structure ST_BA_SeqLink. The value must not be less than 1. |
nCollect_RefCount | DINT | Sets the maximum number of references of FB_BA_Collector function blocks. |
eLoop_DefOpMode | E_BA_PIDMode | Default value for the Operation mode parameter. |
nTrend_BufferSize | UDINT | Number of entries in a trend buffer. |
stTrend_DefStartTime | Default value for the Start time parameter. | |
stTrend_DefStopTime | Default value for the Stop time parameter. | |
bTrend_DefStopOnFull | BOOL | FALSE, Ring buffer; TRUE, Fixed memory that does not store anything when the buffer is full. |
nTrend_DefLogInterval | UDINT | Default value for the Logging interval parameter. |
nTrend_DefNotificationThreshold | UDINT | Default value for the Notification threshold parameter. |
nCal_EntryCount | DINT | Number of entries in a calendar object. |
nSched_EntryCount | DINT | Number of entries on a weekday ('T_BA_SchedWeek') or an exception ('ST_BA_SchedCalendar' / 'ST_BA_SchedException'). |
nSched_CalendarCount | DINT | Number of calendar references ('T_BA_SchedCalendar'). |
nSched_ExceptionCount | DINT | Number of exceptions ('T_BA_SchedExceptionList'). |
nSim_AISen_DefDampConstant | UDINT | Default value for the parameter Damping constant. |
tSub_ReadTolerance | TIME | Default value for the Read tolerance parameter. |
bSub_ClearOnReadError | BOOL | Default value for the Reset on read errors parameter. |
tSub_DefReadInterval | TIME | Default value for the Read interval parameter. |
nGroupCmd_RefCount | DINT | Number of references. |
nGroupDsp_RefCount | DINT | Number of references. |
nGroupVal_RefCount | DINT | Number of references. |