The local NT system time and the date of a TwinCAT system can be set with the function block FB_BA_SetTime (the local NT system time is shown in the taskbar). The system time is specified via the structure tSysTi.
Internally, an instance of the function block NT_SetLocalTime from the TcUtilities library is called in the function block.
The local NT system time can also be synchronized with a reference time with the aid of the SNTP protocol. More information can be found in the Beckhoff Information System under: Beckhoff Information System > Embedded PC > Operating systems > CE > SNTP: Simple Network Time Protocol |
bSet : BOOL;
tNetId : T_AmsNetId;
nTiOut : UDINT;
Name | Type | Description |
bSet | BOOL | Activation of the function block with a rising edge. |
tNetId | This parameter can be used to specify the AmsNetID of the TwinCAT computer, whose local NT system time is to be set. If applicable, an empty string sNetId := ''; can be specified for the local computer. | |
tSysTi | Structure with the new local NT system time. If the time is not available as structure, it is advisable to use the function block FB_BA_CnvtTiSt, which brings the subvariables of date and time in a structure together. | |
nTiOut | UDINT | Indicates the timeout time [s], which must not be exceeded during execution. |
bBusy : BOOL;
bErr : BOOL;
sErrDescr : T_MAXSTRING;
Name | Type | Description |
bBusy | BOOL | If the function block is activated via a rising edge at bSet, this output is set and remains set until feedback occurs. |
bErr | BOOL | This output is set to TRUE, if either the system time to be transferred is incorrect or an ADS error occurs during the transfer. |
sErrDescr | Contains the error description |
Error description |
01: Error: Error range exceeded year |
02: Error: Error range exceeded month |
03: Error: Error range exceeded day of the month |
04: Error: Error range exceeded hour |
05: Error: Error range exceeded minute |
06: Error: Error range exceeded second |
07: Error: Error range exceeded millisecond |
08: Warning: An ADS error occurred while setting the time (NT_SetLocalTime). The ADS error number is stated. |
Time specification limits
The created time structure stSysTi is internally checked for limits (see TIMESTRUCT).
Development environment | Required PLC library |
TwinCAT from v3.1.4024.22 | Tc3_BA2 from v5.2.5.0 |