
The creation of an HMI for a building automation system can be very complex and only parts of an HMI can be reused in different projects. Often the budget available for an HMI is also limited. For this reason, it is worthwhile using an HMI that already generates certain parts generically.

This generic is possible with the TF8040 Building Automation solution. This means the Tc3_XBA library for the PLC and the BaSite-Extension for the HMI.

The goal of TF8040 is for the integrator to develop his system at only one central point - the PLC.

Due to the way in which systems are implemented with TF8040 and the resulting structures, it is possible to derive generic functions for the HMI.

Generic 1:

For more information, see the documentation for Generic HMI.

Project structure

The generic functions within TcHmiBa are based on the project structure, which is established in the PLC by a child/parent relationship. With this structure it is possible to derive a generic navigation through all objects on a controller.

Generic 2:

Further information on the project structure can be found in the documentation.


The events of all linked controllers can be collected and displayed centrally in an event list. This function also results from the engineering in the PLC and does not require any further configuration in the HMI.


In addition, the generic design makes it possible to implement various trend functions without having to configure them separately for the HMI.

Generic 3:

For more information, see the documentation on Trending.