

The BaSiteExtension serves as an interface between a TF8040 PLC (TF8040 Getting Started) and a TcHmi client. The extension makes it possible to offer generic functions that significantly simplify and accelerate the engineering of the HMI.

BaSiteExtension 1:

Links between the PLC and the HMI server are still possible via the ADS extension, even without the extension. In this case the benefits referred to above no longer apply.


To be able to use the generic functionalities in a project, the extension must be installed.


The extension can be configured in TcHmi engineering or via the configuration page of the HMI server.

Configuration from TcHmi engineering:

BaSiteExtension 2:



This time determines how often variables are read (updated) in the interface.

Event setting

These settings influence the behavior of the event history. You can set how many events are saved in the event history and from which number the events are historized.

BaSiteExtension 3:


The extension must be notified of the devices to which the HMI is to connect. The devices can be added or removed via the configuration mask.

BaSiteExtension 4:

Settings required for each device:

  • Determination whether enabled/disabled
  • AmsNetId
  • PLC port

The configuration is activated by clicking on Accept.

Checking the configuration

In the TwinCAT HMI Configuration window, all devices should now be listed under All symbols.

BaSiteExtension 5:
BaSiteExtension 6:

A mapping for the device was also created.

BaSiteExtension 7:

Required mappings

The mapping automatically created for each device with the same name as the device itself is mandatory and must not be renamed or deleted.

Activating the configuration automatically adds a device of the same name and with the same settings in the ADS extension. This device in the ADS extension is also mandatory and must not be renamed or deleted.

User management

User groups

Here, the user groups _Guest_, _Basic_, _Advanced_, _Expert_ and _Internal_ can each be assigned user groups from the HMI.

It can be configured that different user groups receive the same user level.

BaSiteExtension 8:


Device symbols

A dynamic symbol with the same name as the device is created for each device. The structure of the first level of a device symbol is always the same.

BaSiteExtension 9:

The first level contains the top node of the device, where the children are located. These Children are thus the first actual elements in the project structure.


The symbol offers various subsymbols that refer to the current events of all.

BaSiteExtension 10:
  • AcknowledgeableCount: Active events that require an interaction from the user (acknowledge)
  • Count: Number of all events
  • List: The list of events
  • This makes the symbol suitable for a cross-device event list.


The symbol offers various subsymbols that refer to the event history of all devices.

BaSiteExtension 11:
  • Count: Number of all events in the history.
  • List: The list of events in the history.
    This makes the symbol suitable for a cross-device event history.