Changing EtherNet/IP settings

For the setting, the Store Category must be specified in the TwinCAT system configuration. This is entered in the object 8000:2B "Advanced Options" in all EtherNet/IP devices.
If the corresponding bit is set, the IP address from the memory is used. If no value is entered, the bit is ignored, and the parameters of the TwinCAT system are used.

In the following sample bit 8 (0x0100) is set, which means that Store Category 1 is selected, which affects the IP settings (index 0x8000: 21…23).

Changing EtherNet/IP settings 1:

To use Store Category 1 and 2, 0x0300 should be entered in object 8000:2B. Only bits 8 and 9 should be used. All other bits are reserved and must not be used.

ADS function blocks are used for reading or writing the settings from/to the PLC.