ADS-Read command


The AMSNetId can be found under the “EtherNet/IP” tab in the “NetID” field. When you select the option “Info Data Support” it is linked directly.

The advantage of a direct link is that it always retrieves the current AMSNETID, even if controllers are used that use different AMSNETIDs. The AMSNETID of the EtherNet/IP adapter therefore does not have to be read manually.

ADS-Read command 1:

ADS port number

For the function “EtherNet/IP Adapter” set the ADS port number to a fixed value of 0xFFFF.


IDXGRP: 0x1F480
IDXOFFS: 0x8000 for the first slave
IDXOFFS: 0x8010 for the second slave
IDXOFFS: 0x8020 for the third slave

IDXOFFS: 0x8070 for the eights slave
LEN: 256

The data are stored in the data array, as described above -> see Object description.