ADS-Write command


The AMSNetId can be found under the “EtherNet/IP” tab in the “NetID” field. When you select the option “Info Data Support” it is linked directly.

The advantage of a direct link is that it always retrieves the current AMSNETID, even if controllers are used that use different AMSNETIDs. The AMSNETID of the EtherNet/IP adapter therefore does not have to be read manually.

ADS-Write command 1:

ADS port number

For the function “EtherNet/IP Adapter” set the ADS port number to a fixed value of 0xFFFF.


IDXGRP: 0x0001F480
IDXOFFS: 0x00000000

Setting for setting (4 bytes + object size (256 bytes))

Byte Offset 0: 0x45
Byte Offset 1: 0x23
Byte Offset 2: ObjIndex LoByte (e.g. 0x8000 for slave 1 and 0x8010 for slave 2)
Byte Offset 3: ObjIndex HiByte
Byte Offset 4-260: Data of the object (see object description below)

Setting for resetting (4 bytes)

Byte Offset 0: 0x00
Byte Offset 1: 0x00
Byte Offset 2: ObjIndex LoByte (e.g. 0x8000 for slave 1 and 0x8010 for slave 2)
Byte Offset 3: ObjIndex HiByte

ADS-Write command 2:

Accept changes

After setting the properties restart TwinCAT for the TF6280, after which the new settings are applied and valid. The settings remain stored and don't have to be loaded again, unless there are changes.