Axis_Ref_BkPlcMc (from V3.0)
The variables in this structure consolidate the subcomponents of the axis. A variable of this type is transferred to most function blocks of the library. This type therefore corresponds to the AXIS_REF data type of PLCopen.
TYPE Axis_Ref_BkPlcMc:
sAxisName: STRING(83) := 'NoName';
pStAxLogBuffer: POINTER TO ST_TcMcLogBuffer:=0;
pStDeviceInput: POINTER TO ST_TcPlcDeviceInput:=0;
pStDeviceOutput: POINTER TO ST_TcPlcDeviceOutput:=0;
pStAxAuxLabels: POINTER TO ST_TcMcAuxDataLabels:=0;
pStAxAutoParams: POINTER TO ST_TcMcAutoIdent:=0;
pStAxCommandBuf: POINTER TO ST_TcPlcCmdBuffer_BkPlcMc:=0;
nActiveRequest: UDINT := 0;
nNextRequest: UDINT := 1;
bParamsEnable: BOOL:=FALSE;
nState: E_TcMCFbState:=McState_Standstill;
nInitState: INT:=0;
nInitError: DINT:=0;
nInterfaceType: UINT := 16#FFFF;
nDeviceInType: UINT := 16#FFFF;
nDeviceOutType: UINT := 16#FFFF;
nRtDataType: UINT := 16#FFFF;
nParamType: UINT := 16#FFFF;
nLogBufferType: UINT := 16#FFFF;
nAxAutoIdentType: UINT := 16#FFFF;
nCmdBufferType: UINT := 16#FFFF;
nLogLevel: DINT := 0;
nDebugTag: UDINT := 16#00000000;
stAxParams: ST_TcHydAxParam;
stAxRtData: ST_TcHydAxRtData;
Name | Type | Description |
sAxisName | STRING | The text name of the axes. |
pStAxLogBuffer | POINTER TO ST_TcMcLogBuffer | The address of a variable of type ST_TcMcLogBuffer. This variable contains the LogBuffer of the library. |
pStDeviceInput | POINTER TO ST_TcPlcDeviceInput | The address of a variable of type ST_TcPlcDeviceInput. This variable contains all input interfaces of the axis. |
pStDeviceOutput | POINTER TO ST_TcPlcDeviceOutput | The address of a variable of type ST_TcPlcDeviceOutput. This variable contains all output interfaces of the axis. |
pStAxAuxLabels | POINTER TO ST_TcMcAuxDataLabels | The address a variable of type ST_TcMcAuxDataLabels. This variable optionally contains the application parameter IDs in ST_TcHydAxParam:fCustomerData[..]. |
pStAxAutoParams | POINTER TO ST_TcMcAutoIdent | The address a variable of type ST_TcMcAutoIdent. This variable optionally contains the parameters for an MC_AxUtiAutoIdent_BkPlcMc function block. |
pStAxCommandBuf | POINTER TO ST_TcPlcCmdBuffer_BkPlcMc | From V3.0.8 the input BufferMode defined by the PLCopen is available for various function blocks. The functionality that can be controlled with this is currently in preparation. In this context this command buffer was amended. |
nActiveRequest | UDINT | Every function block sets a code here that starts a function on this axis. After this, the function block monitors this variable to see if it is changed by another function block that is taking over control through another function. In this way any function block can tell whether a function that it has started has been interrupted by another function block, and can generate appropriate signals. |
nNextRequest | UDINT | Reserved. Used for generating new values for nActiveRequest. |
bParamsEnable | BOOL | This variable is only TRUE if the parameters have been placed into a valid state by being loaded from the file. Saving the parameters will also assert this signal, because this also ensures consistency between the data in the parameter structure and in the file. The axis is not ready to operate while this variable is not TRUE. At runtime, write accesses to the parameter structure temporarily set this variable to FALSE, after which it is returned to its previous state. |
nState | E_TcMCFbState | The current state of the axis is stored here, encoded in accordance with E_TcMCFbState. |
nInitState | INT | The current state of the initialization. |
nInitError | DINT | Any error code detected during initialization. |
nInterfaceType | UINT | The type code of the currently valid Axis_Ref_BkPlcMc variable type. |
nDeviceInType | UINT | The type code of the currently valid ST_TcPlcDeviceInput variable type. |
nDeviceOutType | UINT | The type code of the currently valid ST_TcPlcDeviceOutput variable type. |
nRtDataType | UINT | The type code of the currently valid ST_TcHydAxRtData variable type. |
nParamType | UINT | The type code of the currently valid ST_TcHydAxParam variable type. |
nLogBufferType | UINT | The type code of the currently valid ST_TcMcLogBuffer variable type. |
nAxAutoIdentType | UINT | The type code of the currently valid ST_TcMcAutoIdent variable type. |
nCmdBufferType | UINT | reserved. The type code of the currently valid command buffer variable type. |
nLogLevel | DINT | The Message Level, from which entries in the logging buffer are to be made. |
nDebugTag | UDINT | Many library blocks enter a debug ID here for the duration of their execution. |
stAxParams | ST_TcHydAxParam | This variable of type ST_TcHydAxParam contains the axis parameters. |
stAxRtData | ST_TcHydAxRtData | This variable of type ST_TcHydAxRtData contains the runtime data of the axis. |
![]() | In order to make the data structures of the library independent of the CPU architecture (I86, Strong ARM), it is necessary to change the order of data or insert placeholders in some places. These placeholders contain a name in the form "bAlign_1"; the number has no purpose. Neither existence, name, type or dimensioning are guaranteed. |