Global constants (from V3.0)
Bit-masks for position cams
These masks are to be used by the application to provide digital movement cams for bActPosCams in ST_TcHydAxRtData.
Constant | Description |
bTcHydActPosCamPos | Summary of bTcHydActPosCamHigh and bTcHydActPosCamUp. |
bTcHydActPosCamHigh | The axis has reached the upper target position. |
bTcHydActPosCamUp | The axis is located close to the upper target position. |
bTcHydActPosCamDown | The axis is located close to the lower target position. |
bTcHydActPosCamLow | The axis has reached the lower target position. |
bTcHydActPosCamNeg | Summary of bTcHydActPosCamLow and bTcHydActPosCamDown. |
Bit-masks for axis status information
These masks are to be used by the application to interrogate status signals in nStateDWord in ST_TcHydAxRtData.
Constant | Description |
dwTcHydNsDwFunctional | Axis is ready for operation. |
dwTcHydNsDwReferenced | Axis has been referenced. |
dwTcHydNsDwSteady | Axis is not active. |
dwTcHydNsDwInTargRng | The axis is located within a distance from the target position specified by fMonPositionRange in ST_TcHydAxParam. |
dwTcHydNsDwInTarget | The axis has been located without interruption since a time specified by fMonTargetFilter within a distance from the target position specified by fMonTargetRange in ST_TcHydAxParam. |
dwTcHydNsDwDontTouchProtected | Reserved. Not supported. |
dwTcHydNsDwStopped | The last movement of the axis was stopped without reaching the specified target position. |
dwTcHydNsDwBusy | The axis is active. |
dwTcHydNsDwMoveUp | The axis is moving in the direction of increasing positions. |
dwTcHydNsDwMoveDown | The axis is moving in the direction of decreasing positions. |
dwTcHydNsDwReferencing | Axis is homing. |
dwTcHydNsDwConstVelo | The axis is moving with constant velocity. |
dwTcHydNsDwExtSetpointActive | The axis is controlled by an MC_AxRtSetExtGenValues_BkPlcMc function block. |
dwTcHydNsDwStartedOver | The axis was started, i.e. the last accepted command took effect while the axis was still in motion. |
dwTcHydNsDwControlActive | Reserved. Not supported. |
dwTcHydNsDwErrState | The axis is in an error state. |
Bit-masks for axis enable information
These masks are to be used by the application to provide enable signals in nDeCtrlDWord in ST_TcHydAxRtData.
Constant | Description |
dwTcHydDcDwCtrlEnable | Controller enable. This enable is a precondition for the output of control value and controller outputs. |
dwTcHydDcDwFdPosEna | Advance movement enable in positive direction. This enable is a precondition for the output of control value and controller outputs in the direction of increasing values of position. |
dwTcHydDcDwCtrlPosEna | Combination of dwTcHydDcDwCtrlEnable and dwTcHydDcDwFdPosEna. |
dwTcHydDcDwFdNegEna | Advance movement enable in negative direction. This enable is a precondition for the output of control value and controller outputs in the direction of decreasing values of position. |
dwTcHydDcDwCtrlNegEna | Combination of dwTcHydDcDwCtrlEnable and dwTcHydDcDwFdNegEna. |
dwTcHydDcDwRefIndex | Referencing cam. |
dwTcHydDcDwAcceptBlockedDrive | Reserved. Not supported. |
dwTcHydDcDwBlockedDriveDetected | Reserved. Not fully supported. |
Error Codes
These constants are to be used for the outputs of ErrorID from function blocks and for nErrorCode in ST_TcHydAxRtData.
Constant | Hexadecimal | Decimal | Description |
dwTcHydAdsErrNoError | 0 | 0 | No error. |
dwTcHydAdsErrUnknownPort | 16#0006 | 6 | ADS port unknown. Possible causes:
dwTcHydAdsErrUnknownTarget | 16#0007 | 7 | Target machine unknown. Possible causes:
dwTcHydAdsErrInvalidIdxGroup | 16#0702 | 1794 | Invalid IndexGroup. Possible causes:
dwTcHydAdsErrInvalidIdxOffset | 16#0703 | 1795 | Invalid IndexOffset. Possible causes:
dwTcHydAdsErrRdWrNotPermitted | 16#0704 | 1796 | Access (write, read) not permitted. Possible causes:
dwTcHydAdsErrInvalidSize | 16#0705 | 1797 | Size (number of bytes) not permitted. Possible causes:
dwTcHydAdsErrIllegalValue | 16#0706 | 1798 | Value not permitted. Possible causes:
dwTcHydAdsErrNotReady | 16#0707 | 1799 | Not ready for operation. Possible causes:
dwTcHydAdsErrBusy | 16#0708 | 1800 | Already active. Possible causes:
dwTcHydAdsErrNoFile | 16#070C | 1804 | Reserved: File is missing / not accessible. |
dwTcHydAdsErrSyntax | 16#070D | 1805 | Syntax in command or file invalid. Possible causes:
dwTcHydAdsErrTimeout | 16#0745 | 1861 | Timeout. Possible causes:
dwTcHydAdsErrNoAmsAddr | 16#0749 | 1865 | AMS/ADS address missing:
dwTcHydErrCdNotCompatible | 16#4040 | 16448 | The axis is incompatible with the required function. Possible causes:
dwTcHydErrCdIllegalOutputNumber | 16#4104 | 16644 | The output number is outside the permitted range. Possible causes:
dwTcHydErrCdNotSupport | 16#4107 | 16647 | Function or command not supported. Possible causes:
dwTcHydErrCdCycleTime | 16#4205 | 16901 | Cycle time (fCycletime in ST_TcHydAxParam) not permitted. Possible causes:
dwTcHydErrCdMissingEnc | 16#4210 | 16912 | There is no connection to an encoder interface (pStDeviceInput and/or pStDeviceOutput in Axis_Ref_BkPlcMc). Possible causes:
dwTcHydErrCdMissingDrive | 16#4212 | 16914 | There is no connection to a drive interface (pStDeviceInput and/or pStDeviceOutput in Axis_Ref_BkPlcMc). Possible causes:
dwTcHydErrCdCannotSynchronize | 16#421A | 16922 | Start distance inadequate when an MC_GearInPos_BkPlcMc() function block is called. Possible causes:
dwTcHydErrCdIllegalGearFactor | 16#421B | 16923 | The parameters of a gear coupling are not permitted. Possible causes:
dwTcHydErrCdSoftEnd | 16#4222 | 16930 | The target position is located on the far side of an active software limit switch, and is therefore not permitted. |
dwTcHydErrCdLowDist | 16#4228 | 16936 | The travel distance is unacceptably small. |
dwTcHydErrCdIllegalStartType | 16#4239 | 16953 | Invalid start type. |
dwTcHydErrCdCommandBufferOverflow | 16#423F | 16959 | Command buffer is full. |
dwTcHydErrCdEncLostCamm | 16#4253 | 16979 | Reserved. Not supported. |
dwTcHydErrCdCtrlEnaLost | 16#4260 | 16992 | Controller enable was withdrawn during the motion. Possible causes:
dwTcHydErrCdEncNoCammFound | 16#429C | 17052 | Reserved. Not supported. |
dwTcHydErrCdEncNoCammEnd | 16#429D | 17053 | Reserved. Not supported. |
dwTcHydErrCdEncNoSyncPulse | 16#429E | 17054 | Reserved. Not supported. |
dwTcHydErrCdAcc | 16#4309 | 17161 | The acceleration is not acceptable. |
dwTcHydErrCdDec | 16#430A | 17162 | The deceleration is not acceptable. |
dwTcHydErrCdJerk | 16#430B | 17163 | The jerk limitation is invalid. |
dwTcHydErrCdPtrPlcMc | 16#4345 | 17221 | No connection to one of the required axis interfaces (pStDeviceInput or pStDeviceOutput in Axis_Ref_BkPlcMc). |
dwTcHydErrCdPtrMcPlc | 16#4346 | 17222 | No connection to one of the required axis interfaces (pStDeviceInput or pStDeviceOutput in Axis_Ref_BkPlcMc). |
dwTcHydErrCdCtrlEna | 16#4356 | 17238 | Movement without controller enable is not permitted. |
dwTcHydErrCdNegFdEna | 16#4357 | 17239 | Movement in the direction of reducing positions without the negative direction advance enable is not permitted. |
dwTcHydErrCdPosFdEna | 16#4358 | 17240 | Movement in the direction of increasing positions without positive direction advance enable is not permitted. |
dwTcHydErrCdSetVelo | 16#4359 | 17241 | The required velocity is not acceptable. |
dwTcHydErrCdPehTimeout | 16#435C | 17244 | The axis does not reach the target window within the specified time. |
dwTcHydErrCdNotMoving | 16#435D | 17245 | The axis is not moving, or not in the correct direction. |
dwTcHydErrCdConsequential | 16#43A0 | 17312 | Consequential error: The axis was put in an error state due to a problem with another axis. |
dwTcHydErrCdEncType | 16#4401 | 17409 | The parameter type is invalid. |
dwTcHydErrCdEncScaling | 16#4406 | 17414 | The increment scaling is not permitted. |
dwTcHydErrCdEncSyncDist | 16#4414 | 17428 | The distance between Latch_Enable and the sync pulse is too small. |
dwTcHydErrCdEncSetActPos | 16#4422 | 17442 | A problem occurred during actual value setting. |
dwTcHydErrCdPtrPlcEncIn | 16#4442 | 17474 | The axis does not have a pointer to an encoder input interface |
dwTcHydErrCdPtrPlcEncOut | 16#4443 | 17475 | The axis does not have a pointer to an encoder output interface. |
dwTcHydErrCdEncUnderrun | 16#4450 | 17488 | Reported by some encoder types: The actual position has passed the lower count limit of the encoder. |
dwTcHydErrCdEncOverrun | 16#4451 | 17489 | Reported by some encoder types: The actual position has passed the upper count limit of the encoder. |
dwTcHydErrCdEncHdwFailed | 16#4464 | 17508 | Drive actuator or encoder report a hardware fault. |
dwTcHydErrCdSsi | 16#4470 | 17520 | An error was detected when operating an SSI encoder. |
dwTcHydErrCdPosLag | 16#4550 | 17744 | The lag error exceeds an active limit. |
dwTcHydErrCdDriveType | 16#4601 | 17921 | The value set in nDrive_Type is not permitted. |
dwTcHydErrCdRefVelo | 16#4605 | 17925 | Reference velocity (fRefVelo in ST_TcHydAxParam) is invalid. |
dwTcHydErrCdStepperStalled | 16#4636 | 17974 | A stall situation was detected. |
dwTcHydErrCdPtrPlcDriveIn | 16#4642 | 17986 | The axis does not have a pointer to a drive input interface. |
dwTcHydErrCdPtrPlcDriveOut | 16#4643 | 17987 | The axis does not have a pointer to a drive output interface. |
dwTcHydErrCdDriveNotReady | 16#4650 | 18000 | Power section not ready for operation. |
dwTcHydErrCdTblEntryCount | 16#4A02 | 18946 | The number of table entries (rows) is not permitted. |
dwTcHydErrCdTblInvalidMasterStep | 16#4A04 | 18948 | The table contains entries with invalid master step size. |
dwTcHydErrCdTblNoInit | 16#4A10 | 18960 | The table is not initialized. |
dwTcHydErrCdTblIllegalIndex | 16#4A13 | 18963 | Table index not permitted. |
dwTcHydErrCdTblLineCount | 16#4A15 | 18965 | The number of table entries is too large. |
dwTcHydErrCdNotStartable | 16#4B01 | 19201 | Axis in a state that does not allow it to start. |
dwTcHydErrCdFuncTimeout | 16#4B07 | 19207 | The function was not reported as complete within the specified time. |
dwTcHydErrCdNotReady | 16#4B09 | 19209 | The axis is not in an operable state. |
dwTcHydErrCdHomingType | 16#4F00 | 20224 | Referencing method (nEnc_HomingType in ST_TcHydAxParam) is not permitted. |
dwTcHydErrCdEncCutOff | 16#4F01 | 20225 | The limit frequency for the actual value acquisition has been exceeded. |
dwTcHydErrCdIllegalDistance | 16#4F02 | 20226 | Distance is invalid: zero or negative. |
dwTcHydErrEncDisconected | 16#4FF0 | 20464 | Encoder hardware is uncoupled. Possible causes:
dwTcHydErrDriveDisconected | 16#4FF1 | 20465 | Drive hardware is uncoupled. Possible causes:
dwTcHydErrDistanceInsufficient | 16#4FF2 | 20466 | The travel path is inadequate. |
dwTcHydErrIllegalAreas | 16#4FF3 | 20467 | Inadmissible effective areas:
dwTcHydErrIncompleteImplementation | 16#4FF4 | 20468 | The axis implementation is incomplete:
Device-specific error codes of function block MC_Power_BkPlcMc
These values appear at the ErrorID output of an MC_Power_BkPlcMc function block, if an error is reported by the external device.
Constant | Hexadecimal | Decimal | Description |
dwTcHydErrCdAX2000MainPwrTmOut | 16#0001 | 1 | Only for AX2000: no feedback by the mains contactor (timeout during waiting for ST_TcPlcMcAx2000In.bPowerOk). |
dwTcHydErrCdAX2000MainPwrFault | 16#0002 | 2 | Only for AX2000: negative edge on feedback from mains contactor (ST_TcPlcMcAx2000In.bPowerOk). |
dwTcHydErrCdAX2000PwrStageTmOut | 16#0003 | 3 | Only for AX2000: no feedback from AX output stage (timeout during waiting for ST_TcPlcMcAx2000In.DriveState[3].6, no Ready). |
dwTcHydErrCdAX2000PwrStageFault | 16#0004 | 4 | Only for AX2000: Negative edge of AX output stage (ST_TcPlcMcAx2000In.DriveState[3].6, no Ready). |
dwTcHydErrCdAX2000ReportsError | 16#0005 | 5 | Only for AX2000: error message from AX device (ST_TcPlcMcAx2000In.DriveState[3].7 or ST_TcPlcMcAx2000In.DriveError<>0). |
dwTcHydErrCdAX2000ErrorI2T | 16#0006 | 6 | Only for AX2000: I2T error message from AX output stage (ST_TcPlcMcAx2000In.DriveState[0].0). |
dwTcHydErrCdAX2000ErrorChopper | 16#0007 | 7 | Only for AX2000: brake resistor of the AX output stage faulty (ST_TcPlcMcAx2000In.DriveState[0].1). |
dwTcHydErrCdAX2000ErrorWatchDog | 16#0008 | 8 | Only for AX2000: watchdog (timeout during communication) of the AX output stage was triggered (ST_TcPlcMcAx2000In.DriveState[0].3). |
dwTcHydErrCdAX2000ErrorPwrLine | 16#0009 | 9 | Only for AX2000: supply error reported by AX output stage (ST_TcPlcMcAx2000In.DriveState[0].4). |
dwTcHydErrCdAX2000ConnectionLost | 16#000A | 10 | Only for AX2000: The connection to the AX device is broken or substantially disrupted (ST_TcPlcMcAx2000In.BoxState<>0). |
dwTcHydErrCdAX2000ConnectionTmOut | 16#000B | 11 | Only for AX2000: The communication with the AX device could not be established (timeout). |
dwTcHydErrCdKL2531OverTemp | 16#0001 | 1 | Only for KL2531/KL2541: The KL2531/KL2541 terminal reports overtemperature alarm. |
dwTcHydErrCdKL2531UnderVoltage | 16#0002 | 2 | Only for KL2531/KL2541: The KL2531/KL2541 terminal reports inadequate supply voltage on the power rail. |
| 16#0003 | 3 | Only for KL2531/KL2541: Reserved. |
dwTcHydErrCdKL2531OpenLoadA | 16#0004 | 4 | Only for KL2531/KL2541: The KL2531/KL2541 terminal reports broken wire on the A-side. |
dwTcHydErrCdKL2531OpenLoadB | 16#0005 | 5 | Only for KL2531/KL2541: The KL2531/KL2541 terminal reports broken wire on the B-side. |
dwTcHydErrCdKL2531OverCurrentA | 16#0006 | 6 | Only for KL2531/KL2541: The KL2531/KL2541 terminal reports overcurrent at output stage A. |
dwTcHydErrCdKL2531OverCurrentB | 16#0007 | 7 | Only for KL2531/KL2541: The KL2531/KL2541 terminal reports overcurrent at output stage B. |
dwTcHydErrCdKL2531NotReady | 16#0008 | 8 | Only for KL2531/KL2541: The terminal reports a output stage problem (enabled, not ready). |
dwTcHydErrCdKL2531ConnectionLost | 16#000A | 10 | Only for KL2531/KL2541: The connection to the terminal is broken or substantially disrupted (ST_TcPlcMcDriveIn.uiBoxState<>0). |
dwTcHydErrCdKL2531ConnectionTmOut | 16#000B | 11 | Only for KL2531/KL2541: The communication with the terminal could not be established (timeout). |
ADS Codes
These constants are accepted by the MC_AxAdsReadDecoder and MC_AxAdsWriteDecoder function blocks.
IndexGroup | IndexOffset | Type | R/W | Description |
16#4000 + axis index | 2 | STRING() | R | Axis name in text form. |
| 4 | UDINT | R | Cycle time in microseconds. |
| 16#10003 | UDINT | R | Encoder type: nEnc_Type from ST_TcHydAxParam. |
| 16#10006 | LREAL | R | Incremental evaluation: fEnc_IncWeighting from ST_TcHydAxParam. |
| 16#30003 | UDINT | R | Drive type: nDrive_Type from ST_TcHydAxParam. |
16#4100 + axis index | 1 | UDINT | R | Error code: nErrorCode from ST_TcHydAxRtData. |
| 16#10002 | LREAL | R | Actual position: fActPos from ST_TcHydAxRtData. |
| 16#10005 | LREAL | R | Actual velocity: fActVelo from ST_TcHydAxRtData. |
16#4200 + axis index | 1 | - | W | Execute axis reset. |
| 16#10 | - | W | Start homing. |
| 16#21 | Structure | W | Start axis movement. |
| 16#FFFF0001 | - | W | Save parameters. |
| 16#FFFF0002 | - | W | Load parameters. |
16#4300 + axis index | 16#81 | UDINT | R | Status double word: nStateDWord from ST_TcHydAxRtData. |
| 16#B1 | UDINT | R | Error code: nErrorCode from ST_TcHydAxRtData. |
16#F000 + axis index | 1 | Structure | R | The ST_TcHydAxRtData variable for the axis. |
| 2 | Structure | R/W | The ST_TcHydAxParam variable for the axis. |
16#800F0000 + axis index |
| R/W | Parameters and actual values of the axis. | |
16#FFFFFFFF | 0 | String() | R | Identification of the server. |
| 1 | UINT | R | Major version of the library. |
| 2 | UINT | R | Minor version of the library. |
| 3 | UINT | R | Release of the library. |
| 4 | UINT | R | Number of axes supported |
Array Dimensions
The following constants used for dimensioning of fields and can be used by the application.
Constant | Description |
ciBkPlcMc_CamSwitchRef_MinIdx | Lower boundary index on an array[] of CAMSWITCH_REF_BkPlcMc, supplied to blocks of type MC_DigitalCamSwitch_BkPlcMc |
ciBkPlcMc_CamSwitchRef_MaxIdx | Upper boundary index on an array[] of CAMSWITCH_REF_BkPlcMc, supplied to blocks of type MC_DigitalCamSwitch_BkPlcMc |
ciBkPlcMc_TrackRef_MinIdx | Lower boundary index on an array[] of TRACK_REF_BkPlcMc, supplied to blocks of type MC_DigitalCamSwitch_BkPlcMc |
ciBkPlcMc_TrackRef_MaxIdx | Upper boundary index on an array[] of TRACK_REF_BkPlcMc, supplied to blocks of type MC_DigitalCamSwitch_BkPlcMc |
Logger Levels
The following constants are used for the specification of the level, from which messages are included in the logger function of the library.
Constant | Description |
dwTcHydLogLevel_None | No logging |
dwTcHydLogLevel_Errors | Only error messages |
dwTcHydLogLevel_Warnings | Error messages and warnings |
dwTcHydLogLevel_Actions | Error messages, warnings and activities |
Logger Sources
The following constants are used to specify the source of messages in the logger function of the library.
Constant | Description |
dwTcHydLogSource_Library | A function block of the hydraulics library |
dwTcHydLogSource_LibExt_2R2V | A function block of the 2R2V library |
dwTcHydLogSource_Application | A function block of the application |
dwTcHydLogSource_ApplicationFramework | A function block of an application platform |
Logger Argument Types
The following constants are used to specify the type of an optional parameter for a message in the logger function of the library.
Constant | Description |
dwTcHydLogArgType_DInt | The message contains a parameter of type DINT. The message text must include a placeholder in the form %d. |
dwTcHydLogArgType_LReal | The message contains a parameter of type LREAL. The message text must include a placeholder in the form %f. |
dwTcHydLogArgType_String | The message contains a parameter of type STRING. The message text must include a placeholder in the form %s. |