NC task

When selecting the entry NC configuration, the two NC tasks can be added by right mouse click, if this has not already been done...

Context menu

NC task 1:

By inserting an NC task, an NC configuration is integrated into the current system configuration and the corresponding initialization commands for the NC server are generated.
Implicitly, in addition to the NC-SEC task (Set ExeCution task ), an NC-SPP task (Set PreParation task) is also generated. The corresponding dialogs appear on the right side. 

"Task" tab

NC task 2:

More information about this tab can be found at: Task Settings.

"Retain" tab

NC task 3:


If selected accordingly, support of retain data (remanent data) is not required by this task.

Store only

The retain data is saved when the system is shut down properly.


The retain data is saved at system shutdown and loaded at system startup.

"Online" tab

More information about this tab can be found at: "Online" tab.

NC process image

NC task 4:

Below the SEC and SPP tasks there is the entry NC-"Taskname" - Process image. When you select it, the process image dialogs are displayed on the right, as well as a list of all linked and unlinked variables of the process image.

NC channel "Axes"

The entry Axes is also created automatically. When selected in the tree view, the general dialog for the object is displayed on the right side. In addition, an online dialog "Axes" with the most important current setpoints and actual values of the axes configured under this channel can be selected here (the system must of course have been started with the current configuration for this).