Task Settings

TwinCAT is a pre-emptive multitasking system. The settings options for this task are explained below. Not all options are available, however, for all tasks.

”Task” tab

The following settings options cannot be activated for every task.

Task Settings 1:


Edits the internal name of the task


Defines the AMS port number of the task. This value must be specified! For some tasks the value is already set (e.g. for PLC tasks).


Causes the TwinCAT System Manager to create the start command for the task so that when restarting TwinCAT the task is automatically started with the specified data.


Defines the Priority of the Task within TwinCAT (you should ensure that priorities are not duplicated). The priority is only relevant when Auto-Start is selected.

Cycle Ticks

Sets the cycle time in ticks (depends upon the pre-set TwinCAT Base Time). of the task. The cycle time is only relevant when Auto-Start is selected.

Warning by exceeding

Causes the TwinCAT to issue a warning when the pre-set task cycle time is exceeded.

Message box

Outputs the warning (above) also as a message box.

I/O at task begin

An I/O cycle is carried out at the beginning of the task.


Allows occasional task-disablement, i.e. the task is ignored when generating the I/O information (e.g. during commissioning). The link information is, however, retained.

Create Symbols

Allows access to variables of the corresponding task via ADS (e.g. from TwinCAT Scope View). Further information is given under: Variable Configuration.

Extern Sync

Is this option activated, this Task will be synchronized with a configured device with Master Sync Interrupt (e.g. a SERCOS card).

”Online” tab

Here you can find information on the Online Display of Task Load.