The template BAC_AC_ColTH_02 is used for control, supply air temperature control and supply air humidity control of a cold water air cooler.
The template BAC_AC_ColTH_02 is a call template.
Within the call template the following subtemplates are called and linked with each other:
- ColTHPID_T: control of the supply air temperature
- ColTHPID_H: control of absolute supply air humidity
- ColTHVlv: control of an analog control valve
Plant diagram 01
Plant diagram 02
Block diagram
rSpColT : REAL;
rSpDehumf : REAL;
udiPltStp : UDINT;
udiOpMod : UDINT;
rSuAT: Measured value of the inlet air temperature
rSpColT: Set value for the inlet air temperature
rSuAX: Calculated value of the absolute inlet air humidity. This value is generated in template BAC_AI_Enthalpy_01.
rSpDehumf: Set value for the absolute inlet air humidity.
udiPltStp: Plant start sequence steps. The plant steps are generated in the system start program BAC_AC_StartTH_01.
udiOpMod: Plant operation mode. The plant operation mode is determined in the mode selection programBAC_AC_OpMod_01.
bDeHum : BOOL;
bDeHum: Dehumidification mode active.
If dehumidification mode is active, energy recovery in heating mode and the preheater are disabled.
Program description
Instance | Type | Task |
ColTHPID_T | Sub template including PID sequence controller for inlet air temperature control. | |
ColTHPID_H | Sub template including PID sequence controller for absolute inlet air humidity control. | |
Vlv | Sub template for controlling an analog valve |
Version history
Version number | Comments |
---|---| | First release |