Method ITcComObject:TcSetObjState

The method TcSetObjState initializes a transition to given state.


HRESULT TcSetObjState(TCOM_STATE state, ITComObjectServer* ipSrv, PTComInitDataHdr pInitData);


state: (type: TCOM_STATE) displays the new state.

ipSrv: (type: ITComObjectServer*) ObjServer that handles the object.

pInitData: (type: PTComInitDataHdr) points to a list of parameters (optional), see macro IMPLEMENT_ITCOMOBJECT_EVALUATE_INITDATA as an example of how the list can be iterated.

Return value

If successful, S_OK ("0") or another positive value will be returned, cf. Return values. Extended messages refer in particular to the column HRESULT in ADS Return Codes.


The method TcSetObjState initializes a transition to given state.