Return values
ITc interfaces methods generally return an HRESULT.
The following return values can be returned in the case of ITc interfaces.
Name | HRESULT |
S_OK | 0x0000 0000 |
S_FALSE | 0x0000 0001 |
E_NOTIMPL | 0x8000 4001 |
E_NOINTERFACE | 0x8000 4002 |
E_POINTER | 0x8000 4003 |
E_ABORT | 0x8000 4004 |
E_FAIL | 0x8000 4005 |
E_ACCESSDENIED | 0x8007 0005 |
E_HANDLE | 0x8007 0006 |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | 0x8007 000E |
E_INVALIDARG | 0x8007 0057 |
In addition, there is a possibility for ADS Return Codes to be returned as HRESULT. These are also available as macros in the SDK, where they are known, for example, as ADS_E_BUSY for the ADS Error Code ADSERR_DEVICE_BUSY.